It’s obvious that the one sunflower plant doesn’t quite fit in with all the others. What’s up with that? I mean, they all are in the same field, same growing conditions, from the same bag of seeds, and yet……… There she is …….. different. I wouldn’t say different in a bad way, but different. I see that plant all by itself out there and it reminds me of ME……, and it reminds me of YOU.
I remember being told that I was different. I talked different. I preached different. What I also remember was that the person telling me this was trying to get me to conform to his ways. He was telling me to be and do like he and they said I should. (Who is he and who is they?) That got me to thinking. (Oh yeah, I was told that I think differently as well,…….go figure!)
But I got to thinking that in this spiritual journey that I am on, do I DO as others tell me? Do I conform, try to “fit in their box”? No, I chose to be and do something that is SO DIFFERENT in today’s world. I didn’t choose to be like someone else. I chose to be ME. The me that God created. The me that follows my Lord and Saviour seeking His will for little ole me.
Don’t get me wrong. I listen to other people’s advice. Other’s experiences can be valuable for me on my own journey. What I’m talking about is listening to others and not listening to my own heart. I’m talking about following others, not following Christ and His teachings. To me, that’s living your life without TRULY living. I chose instead to “come alive”.
By focusing on what God has given me, that’s how I come alive. His grace,His Love, His direction and guidance all help me to be what He has created. And it helps you to come alive as well. But dig deeper my friend.
That passion you have for the outdoors, the desire to help others, the ability to lead, your love of music…….on and on (and so very different for each of us). Maybe your gift from God is the ability to connect with others, or a talent of working with your hands, or painting, or working behind the scenes.
Maybe what God has given to you is being hidden inside of you because you feel that it causes you to be “too different”. UH OH That’s not a good way of thinking right there.
Romans 12:6-8 In his grace, God has given us different gifts for doing certain things well. So if God has given you the ability to prophesy, speak out with as much faith as God has given you. If your gift is serving others, serve them well. If you are a teacher, teach well. If your gift is to encourage others, be encouraging. If it is giving, give generously. If God has given you leadership ability, take the responsibility seriously. And if you have a gift for showing kindness to others, do it gladly.
A better way of thinking is this. God has created me. He made me a unique child of his. I’m different from others (and this whole wide world) because I am ___________ and I look _______, I feel __________ . My passions are _____________ . My God given abilities are _________ (Spend some quiet time with God and the both of you fill in these blanks.)
I certainly wish I could change some things about myself. Let’s see, be better looking, not be afraid of heights, wish I could play a guitar, be better looking, wish I could work my phone, and be better looking. Even with all those changes, I would still be ME!
A very sad thing is there are lots of people who can’t stand themselves. They don’t like who they are.
I have to realize that God created me. I have to live with me! Me is who God created me to Be! Me, myself, and I are the ones on this spiritual journey. I myself, must choose to be Me! (told ya I think differently)
God created me. He’s still working on me. He’s got a hold of my life. He is in control. I come alive by living for Him, and with Him. Boy, that makes me different.
How different are you? Are you like the tall sunflower standing alone in the field? Next week I’ll share what it’s like to be a wolf in a “puppy dog” world.
See Ya! Dan Ainsworth wilderness preacher living fully alive (and that’s different)
Your postings get better all the time! Thanks!
Love it !
Look forward to your “lessons.” Thank you for being you!