Why There’s a Turkey on Airport Road

What’s the story behind this hedgebush being pruned every year into a “Turkey”?  A couple of years ago, I was cleaning the fencerows at the end of my driveway of weeds and brush.  There were a couple of bushes that had grown underneath the fence.  The cows had munched on them giving them an odd shape and appearance.  I’m cleaning up the fencerows of all this undergrowth and these two bushes stick out.  I know that they are just ordinary bushes, but I see the shape of an elk and a turkey.  I’m betting that I am the only one at the time that sees anything in these bushes because every one else that drives by on airport road is probably too busy to see anything but maybe two scraggly, weedy bushes.  Shoot, anybody speeding down Airport road probably doesn’t even give a thought to what’s under the fence, much less to what I see.

So, instead of killing these bushes, I decided to be a little creative.  I prune and cut limbs, branches, and twigs to the shapes that you see here.  Honestly, I do this because I enjoy being creative.  I see something in this bush, which makes me want to bring it out even more.  Will my creativity be accepted and highly thought of?  Will my pruning efforts be considered works of art?   Showing others what I see in the ordinary…… is this considered a noble effort?  I don’t really know that answer.  Are my  bushes that resemble an elk and turkey perfect? Well, I do know the answer to that. It’s a big NO.  Hey friends, if it was perfect, then no one would believe that I did it! 😉  That is not my motivation.  I’m motivated more by what I feel on the “inside” to somehow be shown to the “outside”.

Last year two ladies stopped by the house.  I was in the front yard working on the lawnmower, (so Staci could mow the yard).  They wanted to know if I am the one that “grows” the animals at the end of my drive. ” Yep, that’s me,” I replied.  The lady then goes into how every time she drives by on airport road she gets a feeling of calmness and peace by slowing down to see the elk and turkey.  She thanked me over and over for doing this.  It brings a small amount of “calmness” and “peace” (those are the precise words she used) to her travels every morning she drives by.  I thanked her for sharing her thoughts.  She must have really meant it, by  taking time from her work and day to come tell me how this affected her.

When she left, I walked up to the road staring at the bushes for a while.  I was looking for that calmness and peace she was talking about.  I found it.  I also sensed God’s presence.

1 Thessalonians 5:10-12New International Version (NIV) 11 Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.

You see, in some small way, my whittling on these simple bushes brings a satisfaction to my inner most soul.  Why?  Because I see something in the ordinary that compels me to bring it out into the open.  It is a most spiritual thing for me.  It’s a most personal thing for me.  It’s between me and God.  If others slow down as they drive along Airport Road and are encouraged by what I’m doing, then my giving Glory and Honor to God is also helping and building others up.  Being blessed by being blessed.

It’s the same process going on with the wilderness preacher blog.  I share what I see.  Usually it’s in the most ordinary of things.  Why do this?  It brings a satisfaction to my soul.  It’s a most spiritual and personal thing for me, between me and God.  If you are encouraged by what you read on the wilderness preacher as you travel your spiritual journey, then my giving Glory to God is also helping and building you up.

Consider me as your guide.  A friend (Hey Gary!) shared the other day that every good movie, song, or story  has this classic setup.  A hero is living his life, meets a guide who shows him/her something that can happen in his/her life.  The hero faces a challenge (is he up to it?).  There is a consequence if he doesn’t, but a reward if he does.  The story is if and how the hero lives out his life.  Example Star Wars movies, pretty much any western movie, all Hallmark channel movies,  etc, etc

Here’s what I’m trying to prune and carve from this.  Let me be your guide.  You be the Hero.  Live your life facing the classic setup and challenge of facing the monster inside of your head that asks “do you have what it takes?”  Realize that there are consequences if you choose not to do certain things, but also realize there is a reward in choosing to do and BE certain things.  Sound complicated.  It is.  It’s called life.  But that’s why I recommend taking one step at a time.  Let’s do this together.  It’s not about me.  I’ll be the guide, but more importantly, you be the Hero.

My pruning a bush into a turkey, my telling a story with scripture each week as the wilderness preacher helps as your guide to bring you another step closer on your own spiritual journey.  I accept this position as the guide because it’s what God has created me to be.

You, living your everyday life with all it’s decisions and challenges.  You are the Hero of your very own life.  Will you accept this position?  You are writing your own story of your own life.  It’s what God has created you to be.  What in your next chapter?  Stay in touch.  I’m curious how all you heroes are going to face the next challenge.  And don’t forget……… I got your back!

1 Thessalonians 5:10-12New International Version (NIV) 11 Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.



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