The Bird Bath

Now That's Being A Church Right There!!

The birds have made a bird bath out of the puddle in the streets!  Now that’s being a church right there!

It finally rained here in drought strickened Colorado a couple of Sundays ago.  Just enough to wet the ground…… and just enough to form a few puddles in the road.  Whoa, and boy did the dirty birds take advantage of it.

Not the best picture, (I didn’t want to get too close and spoil their fun), but you can see these dirty birds were celebrating their new found water source.

I’m calling these birds “dirty birds” for a reason.  They are English sparrows.  They are a pest.  Their other name should be “flying rats”.  Pigeons get the blame for all their dirty deeds.  Poopin on sidewalks, on cars, on……ME!!!  Look at any Wal-Mart Entrance, and in the big letters on the wall above you as you walk in, there will be a nest.  And when you walk under it……..splat!!

Hey, I like birds.  But English sparrows are different.  The live in towns and cities where they expect a “free ride” from the trash us humans leave around.  And to top it off, they can’t even sing.  Just chirp,chirp, chirp, chatter,chatter, and more chatter.  How wrong is that?

But today, these dirty birds are teaching me a lesson.  Honestly, today maybe God is using these dirty birds to teach me a lesson.  A lesson on living water.

1 John 1:7  If we walk in the Light as He Himself is in the Light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin.

These “dirty birds” were getting cleansed.  They were taking a bath in fresh rain water.  And they were enjoying the moment.  No need to see who was the dirtiest.  No need to see who splashed the best.  Just getting cleansed.  Just taking the time to enjoy the water sent from the Heavens.  Hmmm………. sounds like what church should be.

I bet there are a bunch of “dirty birds” at the church where you attend.  I’m also betting there are a bunch of “dirty birds” at the church where those of you that don’t go –would go– if you did go.  Huh?  What I’m saying is this.  Pick a church, any church, and you’ll see a bunch of “dirty birds”.  Some try to hide it, pretend they aren’t dirty as YOU, or even try to get away with being dirty by saying, “I’m fine, how are you?”

But friend, here’s the wake up call for you.  Look at the picture again.  The birds are tellin’ ya!  It’s not how dirty everybody is, IT’S HOW CLEAN AND REFRESHING THE WATER FROM HEAVEN IS!!

You pick a church and you go to it.  Give it a try!  Rule #1…. Don’t go to see all the “dirt”.  Rule #2… Go to SEE the Living Water!  Spiritually, that’s Jesus Himself.  He’s there!  I’ll be totally honest with you.  He’s everywhere.  But the fellowship of being with other “dirty birds” who are being cleansed is what church is about. (Or should be!!)  You regular church goers, yep talking to you,…… make these new dirty birds feel right at home in your cleansing water puddle with the steeple on it.  It’s not your water, it came from above, remember?    And you dirty birds that don’t participate in any church activities,…… yep, talking to you this time,……here’s a question.  Does it make any sense for the bird to never go to bird bath?  Oh, there’s always reasons, but why wouldn’t the birdy not take a little time out of his day to fellowship in the water puddle with the steeple on it.  The birds taught me this…… When you are focused on the water, the cleansing refreshing water, you lose sight of all else.  Too much joy from being refreshed to worry about any and all dirt from You as well as others.

Come to church.  You’ll see  me there!  I’ll be splashing away in this Life Giving Water!  I know, I know, you can dunk yourself in cleansing water anywhere, anytime, anyplace.  But friend, there’s something special about having a fellowship with fellow believers who are on the same journey as you.  Even for a loner like me……..(and some of you).  The joy, inner peace, being refreshed in my soul is magnified when I’m with other Christians.  Even when we all are the “dirty birds”!

See Ya!   Dan Ainsworth Wilderness Preacher


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