Take a break. Have a drink. with Verse

drinking water

Let’s Take a Break!  Have a drink!

A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.  Proverbs 11: 25 NIV

When traveling on our journeys, it’s refreshing to take a break.  Stop hiking to rest.  There’s nothing as refreshing as a cup of cool clear mountain creek water.  Still, I filter this water to prevent any unwanted bugs or bacteria.  I’m betting though, that this water (even unfiltered) is probably cleaner than what comes from your faucet!

Back to taking a break……….. mmmmm……mmmm…mm.  That’s some good water!  Hiking can really give you a thirst.

This spiritual journey can really give you a thirst.  Take the time to sloooooow down as you travel.  Let God refresh you with His Word, His Love, and His Presence in your life.  If you journey wide open, never stopping, constantly going and going, you’ll get fatigued.  Those “water breaks” are meant to refresh, restore, renew.  Drink up!

If God has suddenly told you “take a break, have a drink” as you travel WITH Him, then STOP.  Take a break.  Life is not a race …. but indeed a journey.  And while you’re at it, share what God refreshes you with.  If it’s a cold drink of water, let others know you got some to give.  Maybe on this step on your Christian path, He gave an extra cup of love, or patience, or understanding.  While you have stopped, look around.  I bet you see someone who needs that extra cup you were given.  Well, refresh others.  There you go.  Another step in being a Christian.  Ready, Let’s go.

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