How to Reach Out and Touch God

This windmill reaches out and turns its own direction to an invisible source to receive  power.  Power to move,  to be,  to “come alive”.

While we were traveling from Colorado back to Mississippi, I caught this picture right at daybreak.  Amazing to me how the windmill was “reaching” towards the sky.  Its blades were higher than the surrounding landscape.  This is necessary so that the windmill can pick up the air currents that are moving around it.  It’s tail points the blades in the direction that the wind is coming from.  This allows the windmill to receive the full force from the wind.  The invisible wind.  The powerful wind.  The wind that is high above the landscape here, but also close enough to give this windmill movement.  To make it come alive.

God did this so that they would seek Him and perhaps reach out for Him and find Him, though He is not far from any one of us. 28 For in Him we live and move and have our being. 29 As some of your own poets have said, ‘We are His offspring’.  Acts 17: 27 -29

Paul is writing in this scripture about why God sent Jesus into this world.  Jesus was sent as a way for us to reach out to Him. To feel the power of God.  How do you reach out and touch God?  Well, by actually reaching out.  You have to be like this windmill.  If you stayed “on the ground” you would be distracted by…….. let’s say……. the dirt.  The wind (power) comes from above.  So try reaching for a higher power than the dirt around you.  Asking God to come into your life (to give you His power) is a big step for reaching God and His presence.

How do you know where God is?  Well, the windmill turns its direction to the invisible power by using its tail.  So, basically what I’m saying is that you need to use your “tail” (your physical body), to turn from your ways, and now constantly let it be turning to God’s way.   How many times have you said to yourself, “well, now I’ve gotten my tail in trouble again.” “My tail is in hot water this time.” “My tail got caught this time.”

Wouldn’t it be better if you could say……….. “my tail  keeps me in touch with God (just like this windmill’s).”  Also when you reach out to God, then turn “your tail” to use God’s power in your life.  This allows you to be in God’s will.  This allows you to have more power in your life than what “dirt” has to offer you. This allows you to actually feel and be in an invisible power.  This reaching out to God and changing your tail’s direction to stay with God…………. you have now  come alive spiritually !!!

Reach out and touch God with a prayer.  Reach Him in an early morning quiet time.  You and this windmill are a lot alike.  Keep your tail out of trouble and start using it to point to God.  Reach out to Jesus, He’s reaching out to you.

See Ya!  Dan Ainsworth  wilderness preacher, “pointing my tail in the right direction”

The Touch of the Master’s Hand

Meet Jim,  a master at the art of fly fishing.  God put this man in my path, literally.  I was driving down a Colorado gravel road and Jim and his wife, June, were walking on the road.  I slowed down my truck, (probably was speeding), and when I recognized him my heart and soul wanted to meet this man.  I’ve known about him. Actually met him once before.  This guy knows how to fish.  I need help, I’ll confess to you.  I need help so bad, that I’m going to give Jim a call.  But I’m nervous.

See, Jim is a master at fly fishing.  He has fished with  guys that have written books about fly fishing .  Jim, himself, could probably write his own books, but honestly I think all his time has been spent fishing rather than writing about it.  Like I said, I’m nervous but I’m taking the plunge.  I ask him will he teach me how to fish.  I’m prepared to hear him say anything.  Anything like, “Well, someday”, or “you’ll have to get back with me”.  I’m even prepared to hear him say, “No, I don’t have time to teach someone like you.”  But he says, “Sure, be glad to.  I can go in the morning”.  Now I’m really nervous.  The Master is going to teach me how to fish.


Does he teach me how to fish?  Well………….first he taught me some knot tying.  I’ve tied knots all my life, but Jim had several knots that he says are the best….  and they were.  I’m all fumble fingers, but I could sense the patience from the Master as he showed me (over and over) how to tie the knots and the flies.  Does he show me how to fish?


Well,……. now we study the “bugs” that are in the creek and under the rocks in the water.  He shows me nymphs, and well, I don’t know the names of all the “bugs and worms and critters” that he is showing me.  I’m hoping that there is not going to be a test on what I’m being taught.  I don’t know the names, but I now know what they look like and I’ve got flies that match what is naturally in this river and lake and that’s what I’ll be using for bait.  I’m fixing to catch fish!!  Bam!!!

But first,…….


Jim shows me how to cast a fly rod.  I’m in heaven!!   Jim is in his Glory!  I’m witnessing a beautiful event.  The rhythm of his cast, the smile on his face, the splendor of the mountains and lake.  This is great……. until he says……… “Here use my rod, now you try it”.  Uh oh, uuhhhh, now it’s more like heck because I’m fixing to royally mess things up.

I’m whippin’ the rod, popping the line, but hey, I’m casting.  Jim has patience as I’ve said.  He also has understanding, a teaching heart, and even more patience with me.  It’s becoming obvious to me now, that Jim has a love for fly fishing.  So much love that he is willing to give of his time to be with me on this fishing adventure.

He has been standing far away, probably so that he won’t get hit by my hook while I’m casting,(or should I say whippin’, flappin’, jerking’,popping his fly rod).  He walks over and says the most unusual thing.  “Listen to the rod“.  Hear the whoosh the line makes as it’s being cast.  Well, knock me down with a feather, (or 8ft 6weight fly rod).  I hear it.  By hearing the “whoosh” sound I’m able to get the “rhythm” of the cast.  It’s almost magical the difference  this has made for me.  I’m “in the zone”, “in the groove”, “back in the saddle”.  I’m ready to catch fish.  Bring it on!!  But wait……..

Has Jim taught me how to fish like I asked of him?  He’s taught me how to tie knots, to see what insects are available, to cast, to read the water, how to move around and in the water to approach fish.  Now he’s teaching me how to fight!  This day had started with a terrible hard blowing wind.  I honestly expected the master to call off today’s fishing adventure because of the difficult wind.  Instead he shows me how to fight……. yes, to fight the wind.  Wind may ruin a lot of fishing days for some folks, but not Jim.  And now not me.  I’ve learned techniques to use to battle this foe.

But seek first his kingdom and righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.  Matthew 6:33 NIV

On our spiritual journey just like this fishing adventure, we must come to the point where we ask the Master for help.  What we sometimes don’t realize is that our Master is helping us live this Christian walk.  But it’s the small things that make the journey.  God’s time with each of us is priceless.  He teaches, (with lots of patience and understanding).  He prepares us for the big adventure of living our lives by showing us day by day, event by event, good times and bad.  He also teaches us and prepares us for the fight.  The fight against evil forces, the fight against my own self lots of times.  Does God teach us how to live?  Did Jim teach me how to fish?  I really can’t pin down the moment I learned how to fish from Jim or for that matter when I learned to live a Christian way of life from my Heavenly Father.  I think in both instances the realization came to me that it wasn’t my learning that was important, but the spending of time with the Master……. Jim in my fishing adventure…….. My Lord and Saviour in my Christian journey.

I’m sure that I should write more concerning this subject.  But I’ve got fish to catch…… and a Christian journey waiting to be explored.  Good luck.  And fight that wind!!!!!

See Ya!  Dan Ainsworth apprentice fly fisherman, apprentice Christian, wilderness preacher


“Learning as I spend time with the Master”