That’s the entrance to one of my beehives here in Colorado. It’s gotten down to -9 degrees this year and they still survive. It’s just so amazing to me that this colony of bees can survive such harsh bitter cold.
Notice that they made the entrance to their hive even smaller. They take propolis (bee glue), and form a more perfect fitting entrance for their colony. The original hole is too big. It allows too much valuable heat to escape. They constructed a smaller entrance. It still allows them to venture outside on warmer days (50+ degrees). But they seek refuge inside on the cold days. The hive provides them with a warm place to stay. Also it’s a place they can get nourishment……..honey!!!
How do they stay warm? They form a big cluster of bees the size of a basketball and continuously vibrate their wings which gives off heat. The bees on the outside of the cluster,(where it’s coldest), gradually work their way back into the middle of the cluster, (where it’s warmest….around 70 degrees). It’s a continuous journey from outside, to inside, to outside, to inside the cluster with several meals of honey along the way. The queen stays in the middle where it’s warm. Get this…… this spring when it’s time to begin laying eggs, she’ll tell the ‘thermostat committee’ of bees that it needs to be 90 degrees. The bees vibrate their wings and increase the heat for the queen and her eggs. Amazing how all this comes about. Now you’ll just have to trust me on it being 70 to 90 degrees inside that ball of live honeybees……….unless you want to stick your own hand in there!
Their beehive is not just a place to store honey. It’s there refuge. Their place of safety and comfort. It’s home!
Be my rock of refuge,
to which I can always go;
give the command to save me,
for you are my rock and my fortress. Psalm 71:3
I have a place that I can go in times of stress. I go to my Lord and Saviour. I call out to Him in prayer. I sing praises to His name. I search for a quiet place to BE with Him. He gives me nourishment for my soul that’s as sweet as honey. He also “warms” my soul as I travel in and through this “cold world”.
Maybe you’ve been on the outside too long and now it’s time to work your way back into the inside. Back into the warmth of a continuous relationship with God. This Christian journey is not a one time event. It’s a continuous daily walk. Jesus has provided us with a way to experience life to it’s fullest. We live in this world, but spiritually we have Him to provide us with shelter, a place of rest and refuge,………. and spiritually………..HONEY!!!!
Lord, BEE with us as we travel in this world. Help us in our everyday activities. Provide us with opportunities to share your love. Thank You for BEING my refuge and shelter. Thank You for our blessings (honey). Help me and all my friends reading this……… Help us to BEE what you’ve created us to BEE! Amen!
See Ya! Dan Ainsworth wilderness preacher