Wings of Eagles

Hundreds of hawks are riding in this thermal. It can carry them sometimes for hundreds of miles. These birds of prey soar in the rising heated air. They don’t have to flap their wings! They fly! They soar! But first, they have to wait.

I took this short video with my son in Houston Texas last week. It was an amazing sight to behold.

The science and biology class is now in session. From the website is this explanation. “Birds use gliding and soaring to save energy while flying. Gliding is when a bird flies without flapping its wings. Birds can glide by using the wind to stay aloft. Soaring is when a bird flies without flapping its wings and gains altitude by using rising air currents. Birds can soar by using thermals, which are columns of warm air that rise from the ground.

Class dismissed.

How can a hawk fly such a long distance as well as stay aloft for great lengths of time? Thermals. Riding the thermals allow these hawks to soar for hours and travel many, many miles. Again understand that they don’t flap their wings. They don’t have to. BUT,………they have to wait!

Thermals are only active during certain times of the day. (Usually mid-morning until late afternoon.) As you drive out and about, look for hawks. You’ll tend to see hawks perched on trees and powerlines during early morning and towards the end of the day. There is no thermal activity then. That’s when they are waiting. During the middle of the day, take a look above you. Odds are you will see a bird riding the thermals of the sky. It may be a vulture, a seagull, a hawk, and yes, even an eagle.

They stretch out their majestic wings. Wings stretched out, feathers lined up in patterns that catch the power and forces of the wind, this bird of prey can travel effortlessly. By waiting on the thermals, they now have the power and the ability to travel on their journey. You and I get to see these magnificent creatures being and doing what God created them to do. They live this way because they know they have to wait.

They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. Isaiah 40:31

So, live your spiritual life like a hawk. Be ready to soar, but also be ready to wait! Wait on upon the Lord.

That doesn’t mean wait by sitting on the couch eating Cheetos! No it means waiting on the Lord for His strength, His power, His direction. Wait like a hawk by looking for the next “thermal.” Oh sure, you can live this life on your own, but you will constantly be “flapping your wings”,…… and growing tired!

Instead, wait upon the Lord. “Go with the flow”, in the “thermals” that He supplies for you. It causes you to focus on His direction and His timing. It causes You to be in “His Will”. It causes you to rise as if on Eagles wings.

How can you find the “thermals” that God provides for you? Leave me your comments. We will continue this adventure on finding God’s thermals for YOU in the next blog.

Until then, listen to the song by Chris Tomlin– I Will Rise

See Ya! Dan Ainsworth wildernesspreacher

Soaring in this life, not because of me but because of my Lord

We can pray as they soar

I was making a video of a nasty storm when I spotted these 2 birds of prey.  You know, birds like hawks and eagles, etc.  Within minutes, the bottom would be falling out from this storm.  But there they were, soaring through and above the storm.

Iwe pray while they soar

Soaring is when you use the wings God gave you to glide along your journey.  These birds didn’t flap their wings a single time as I watched them.  Instead of using their own power by flapping their wings, they just soared.  God’s power from winds and thermal drafts allow these beautiful creatures to soar.

Seeing these birds reminded me of my dear friend (and her family) who are all having to face a nasty storm in life.  This family has been lifted up in prayer.  God is definitely lifting them higher spiritually.  Higher, so that they will be using the wings of Eagles to navigate through and over this storm.

I wish I had answers to life’s questions.  God, why is this happening?  Why them?  What will happen next?  On and on.  It’s  my weak human nature showing through that makes me crave these answers.  I want to do all the flapping myself.  I can fly under my own power.  I’ve got my own “wings”.

But, somewhere in the journey we begin to trust in God’s power.  We “spread our wings”, not to flap in busyness. But, our wings are now spread so that we can use God’s power and His Glory to “lift” us up and along on our journey.  It’s no more the tireless flapping (which looks busy), but now it’s the reaching out for God and His power (sorta looks like we’re not doing anything).  But a valuable move has been made.  The faith and trust required to depend solely on God can only come from……. well, God himself.

My dear friend and family,  I hurt for you.  We love you so much.  You are being such an inspiration, spiritually, to all of us who are walking around looking skyward.

There you are soaring high up in the sky.  Soaring with the help from an Almighty God.  I’m sure the view is different from on Eagle’s wings you are now soaring with.  All we see from this view below is a nasty storm.  You are living life from day to day, “one day at a time” as you say.  The faith and trust to travel hour by hour, day by day, depending on God alone is nothing short of living the miracle.  What miracle?  Having a living relationship with a living God.  He is there “lifting you up on Eagles wings”.  We lift you up in prayer.  God is lifting you even further, closer to Him.  Soar my friend!  We hurt and fret for you from below.  God is lovingly and powerfully guiding you closer to Him from above. Soar, fly higher my friend.


But they that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles…….  Isaiah 40:31
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