This is what people saw as they walked by on the sandy beaches of the Gulf near Mobile Alabama.

That’s what most people saw. Some crazy guy getting super close to a Blue Heron, just to take a picture. Hmmm…… but this is what I saw………

Same picture right? Well, yes and no. It’s the same picture, but taken from different point of views. Look again.
What they see……

They see some guy sneaking out onto the sand to get within just a few feet of a wild bird. They probably notice me and my awkward stance. They probably are wondering when the bird will fly away,….. or when the bird will ATTACK this guy for getting too close. They may notice the sunset, but my guess is that they are focused on the what ifs….. What if this guy gets too close. What if this guy has to run away from a bird attack. What if his phone doesn’t take good pictures. What if this, what if that.
Look again…

I saw a beautiful sunset in the making. At that moment, I saw this Blue Heron wading and fishing in the shallow water. I wanted the silhouette that this bird had formed to be in the same picture frame as the sunset. That’s why I eased down closer to him. I was in a world all to myself. My focus was on the colors of the sky….. focus was on the bird….. as well as the texture of the waves of the water. I was so focused that I saw a buoy (channel marker) off in the distance. (Got to get that in the shot as well.) My focus was not on me and my awkward pose……. but on a mystery that was right before my very eyes…….. and in front of my phone camera as well. I was “in the Zone”. No, it wasn’t that I was after a great picture. It was more than that. I saw something so beautiful that somehow I wanted to be a part of it. I want in on that sunset. Let me get closer to the bird as well.
Why do I say it’s a mystery? Well, you tell me. What is it about sunsets that cause us to pause? What is it about a big bird wading in the water just a few feet away? What is it about the colors and texture of the water as it makes the waves? This is something that to me, grabs your soul and causes you to be amazed. This picture I’m calling a mystery causes you to ponder, to think, and to smile from deep within. Can’t explain it, so I’ll just be content to call it a mystery.
Open the eyes of their hearts, and let the light of Your truth flood in. Shine Your light on the hope… Reveal to them the glorious riches You are Preparing…… (this is where the song “Open The Eyes of My Heart” comes from) Ephesians 1:18
Accepting Jesus as Your Lord and Saviour means that you become more focused on Him and not on your own “awkward” ways. You start “seeing” with your heart instead of your eyes. God’s truth, His Hope, His Glory begins to be seen instead of the “what ifs”. I probably can’t explain it any better. Then again, it’s a mystery that’s not to be explained as much as it is to be chased. I’m wanting to “see” with my heart. I’m wanting to see using God’s eyes and see things as He sees them. That’s what makes me and you see things in a different way from lots of people.
So chase that beautiful picture of a sunset. Chase after God Himself. Get “in the Zone”. Focus on Him my friend.
Open the eyes of my heart, Lord. Open the eyes of my heart. I want to see You. I want to see You. To see You high and lifted up. Shining in the light of Your glory. Pour out Your power and Love, as we sing Holy, Holy, Holy. Amen
See Ya! Dan Ainsworth wilderness preacher