Faith Like a Farmer

"You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet"

You see a picture of vines, mud, bugs, and dirt.  The farmer sees……. WATERMELONS!!!

What’s the difference?  Well, it depends on who’s point of view that you are looking from.  A casual passerby looks across this field and all he sees are the vines.  If he looks closer he might notice the mud and dirt.  But not the farmer…….

The farmer sees watermelons!  Why?  Because he’s been living out in the field for several weeks.  Preparing the soil, putting in fertilize, planting the watermelon plants by hand, keeping the weeds out, his work goes on and on.  Why does he do it?    Answer…… FAITH!!

The farmer knows that there are many flowers (baby watermelons) out in his field.  The potential is enormous as to how many TONS of watermelons that possibly can be harvested from his field.  There is also a huge possibility that his crop will never materialize because of disease, bad weather, bugs, too much rain, too little rain, etc, etc,.  So why does a farmer take such a big risk on his time and investment?  Answer…… Faith!!

To me what is missing in our society today is the farmer’s faith.  A faith that is lived regardless of life’s conditions.  A faith that better things are to come.  A faith that drives every farmer to battle all the negative things thrown his way.   A faith, hope and belief in waking up each brand new day realizing………… “you aint’ seen nothing yet”!  Don’t you wish you could wake up every day with this attitude?

Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.  Hebrews 11:1

So even if you live in a concrete city, or work inside all day, you can still be a farmer.  Grow your faith.  Read the word, pray, search for the friendship and fellowship of God.   The potential is enormous.  Sadly, there is a huge possibility of negative things coming your way to hinder or even stop you from growing with God.  Well, you got to have faith.

Back to what is missing in our society (and maybe even in your life).  When the farmer encounters bad weather, bad conditions, bad ANYTHING, does he give up?  Nope, because he has faith.  If his crop doesn’t produce a new world record for production does he give up?  Nope, cause he has faith.  And strange as this may sound, if the crop was a total loss, would the farmer quit?  Nope, because he has faith.

A farmer’s faith does not depend on the conditions around him.  It depends on the “condition” inside of him.  Faith from within,……. it’s needed in a farmer’s life.  He lives and breathes everyday knowing that the next day will be another one of those “you ain’t seen nothing yet” days.  This world calls a farmer “backwards”, “naive”, or “simple”.  But with faith like that I call him “NOBLE”!

Mr. Farmer, you keep LIVING your faith while many around you just “talk” it.  I myself will continue to live my faith in my spiritual journey.

I will continue trusting God to help me make right decisions.  I will continue to realize that sometimes even when I make “wrong” decisions, it turns into something right in the long run.  My faith points that out to me.  By faith, I will live this life not in fear, but in great anticipation that even in all the NEGATIVE around me, there is an assurance of things not seen.  There is a POSITIVE force leading me to unknown mysteries.  There is a Lord and Saviour who considers me one of His “watermelons” and has promised to be with me every day of my life.

There is a promise from God that………”you ain’t seen nothing yet”!

See Ya!!   Dan Ainsworth  wilderness preacher  Becoming “alive” because of faith!

They Say I’m Supposed to, But No, I Hear The Music!

When and where do you hear music?

This bird stays up ALL night!  I know this because I wake up hearing him with his endless song.

I know that mockingbirds tweet,chirp, and sing day after day, all day long.  But, all night long as well?  Pretty sure he is desperate for a mate.  Or he may just be determined to keep all other male birds away from his territory.  But at 11pm, or 2:30 am, or 4am in the morning he’s calling away.  He has a song in his heart and it doesn’t matter the time, that little bird is belting out his voice to all who can hear.

I’m supposed to be annoyed, I’m supposed to be upset.  According to a lot of articles I’ve read concerning birds singing all night, I’m supposed to be mad because he’s interrupting my sleep.  I’m supposed to be this and that,……… but I’m not, because I hear the music!  What’s irritating to others is a source of music to me!  Go figure!

Definition of supposed—  Expected or obligated actions on your part.  ex. Everyone expects you to act like they would because you’re SUPPOSED to!  You are supposed to act like they do.  Who is “They”? Why am I obligated to “act as they do”.  I can’t. I won’t. Not when I can hear the music.

I recently experienced a time of grief.  With wonderful support from family and friends I might add.  But it was amazing to me how many folks thought I wasn’t grieving like I was “SUPPOSED to” (i.e. grieving like THEY thought I was obligated to be grieving)  But THEY don’t understand.  I heard the music.  I still hear the music.

There’s within my heart a melody,

Jesus whispers sweet and low,

Fear not I am with you, peace,…. be still,

In all of life’s ebb and flow,………….

I shall wing my flight to worlds unknown,

I shall live with Him on High!”

Those are the words to a great old hymn that has been a favorite of my family for years and years.  It explains the music that I hear.  The music from the Holy Spirit that is inside my head!  (What a blessing for me)

A friend of mine (shout out to Jack!!) and I wrote a couple of songs the other day.  We didn’t write words or add a tune like we were “SUPPOSED TO”.  Instead, we wrote and sang the music that was “what we were hearing in our heads”.

So, whether it’s during a time of grief, or a songwriting session, or listening to a little bird, I’m focusing on the “melody” God has placed in my heart.

Where do you hear the “Music” that God puts in your heart”?  Do you hear it in the birds, nature, the mountains, somewhere in your everyday life?

Do you “hear the music”?  Or do you live each and every day in that “box” of “suppose to do it like “THEY” say”?

I’ve learned a lesson from that always singing mockingbird.  Spend more and more time listening to the “Music” and less and less time in the “box of supposed to’s”.    As a matter of fact, I’m going to try not to even use the word “suppose” when I talk with others.  I know I hear it less and less even when it’s spoken to me.  I can’t hear it……….. not when I’m listening to the “music” in my heart.  Thank You Lord!!

Praise the LORD, for the LORD is good; sing praise to his name, for that is pleasant. Psalm 135:3

See Ya!   Dan Ainsworth wilderness preacher, with a new song in my heart

Ready,…. Set,….. now Wait

Here is the picture of  “Shadow” the red tail hawk I trained for falconry a couple of years ago.  When I’ve completed the log house construction, (in a few months), I’m looking forward to getting back in  my hobby of falconry, which I’ve done for 18 years.

These birds are amazing.  The skills they use to hunt, the abilities they possess for flying, their keen eyesight, all make these birds of prey a creature of beauty to be around and fly. They already know how to hunt, they just have to get use to being around me.  Every bird I’ve used in falconry over the years quickly adjusted to flying to my glove, allowing me to “partner” with them on their hunting adventures. What do I admire most about hawks and birds of prey?  There ability to wait. Huh?

Take a look for yourself.  When do you normally see a hawk or eagle or other bird of prey?  Yep, you see them casually sitting in a tree or on a light pole.  Maybe you see them effortlessly circling high in the sky.  They are waiting.  Waiting on the next opportunity to catch a meal.

They are sitting on go.  The bird is very much prepared for the next move.   I’ve never noticed any of my falconry birds (ten different hawks and owls the past few years) act as if they are anxious, or fretful,………. or worried.  They just wait…….  I wish I could be more like that.

[Confession time] I get in a hurry sometimes.  I get anxious and even worried for what is usually no reason at all.  But I’m ready to go.  Get the show on the road, hit the trail, move it.  But what is truly necessary is for me to WAIT.

Last week we were full steam ahead on the log home moving and construction.  This week,…….. a delay.  Probably the first delay of many to come..  My construction guy in Colorado is building a house currently.  He will have to get finished with it before he starts mine.  There is a problem with the painting of his current project, and it’s pushing everything (including my log home project) back two weeks. (or more).   So, I got to wait.

But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.  Isaiah 40:31

Waiting on the construction of my log home is a good physical example of my also waiting on God in my spiritual journey.  Don’t you sometimes feel like God could be moving at a faster pace in your life?  I mean if you could do this, or have this to happen, then you could go ahead and get this, that, or the other done.  I’ve even had times where I’ve suddenly felt closer to God, and that’s when I wanted to go out and DO something good.  But wait……..

God’s got a much better idea and plan for your life.   Wait on Him.  I’m not saying wait on the couch with a sack of ‘tater chips!!!  I’m saying that you and I need to be like “Shadow” the hawk.  Be prepared, be in tune, be sitting on go!   Opportunities are provided to us by God Himself.  Opportunities to show others His love, opportunities to Be a Christian in everyday activities.  But the most important opportunity is when our Lord and Saviour gives us a chance, or allows something to happen that helps us draw closer to Him.  Many times that involves waiting.

So, wait,…….wait on the Lord,……… then fly my friend, FLY!!!

See Ya!  Dan Ainsworth  wilderness preacher