Growing Your Own Friends (The TomRalph Tree)

Meet two of my friends I’ve met on this journey.  Ralph, the older guy filled with wisdom and God’s love, and Tom the doesn’t look older guy who also is filled with wisdom and God’s love.  Both have been planted in my path by God himself.

I was at a men’s event where I didn’t know a soul there (including my own).  Ralph came up to me and made me feel welcome.  Nothing unusual about that is there?  What was unusual was that he asked a specific question and told me specific things that I had been asking God and expecting only God to give me the  answer.  God was “speaking” to me through some perfect stranger that was soon to become a perfect friend.

Tom came out to the cabin for a few days.  He and Ralph are writing a book about their own spiritual journey.  Many men will relate (Details when the book is published cause I want you my friends to read about their own journeys in this book).  I had never met Tom before.  But as a bunch of us guys were sitting around, I asked him a question that caught him off guard.  Just a simple question it was.  I mean Tom had traveled over a thousand miles to be with Ralph.  They would meet at my cabin to get away and focus on their book.  My question?  Tom, what are you doing here?

A simple question but usually a complicated answer.  Tom couldn’t answer.  Not right off the bat anyways.  I probably came across a little rude in the way I asked this of him.  I mean we had just met, just exchanged pleasantries.  He’s from way up north.  Told me a little about work, family, etc.  And then Boom……. I ask no, what are you really doing here in my cabin down here in little ole Mississippi.

But I felt compelled.  I felt asking to be a “God thing”.  So I asked.  He later explained what and why he was here.  This communication we had established a bond and friendship that will grow.  It will grow like the tree in the picture.

I asked Ralph and Tom to let me take a picture beside a pecan tree that I had just grafted the day before.  This tree is now the Tom/Ralph pecan tree, (or maybe the Ralph/Tom tree).  See, everyday when I hike in the early mornings, I will walk by this tree.  It reminds me of my friends.  I will pray for them when I see this reminder.

I have lots of reminders that I keep to well, remind me of my friendships.  A special knife given to me, a turkey call, a fishing lure, a fishing net, a bird house.  It’s just the way I do things.  I’m basically a loner.  Never have been a BIG social type person.  Put me somewhere in the outdoors with a couple of animals and no people and I’m perfectly happy.  A lot of you reading this now are the same way.  Not my wife Staci!  She’s a social animal.  When I take her to the Jimmy Buffet concert in a few days I’ll be thinking that I’m surrounded by a lot of noisy people.  She’ll be thinking that she’s surrounding by a lot of…..FUN!!!!!   Whoopeeeeee!!!   Everybody sing!!!!!!!!!!

“Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up! Again, if two lie together, they keep warm, but how can one keep warm alone? And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him-a threefold cord is not quickly broken.”  Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

So, maybe at times you are a loner too.  You don’t need a lot of people in your life.  People cause problems anyways right?  Well, that’s true but even the Bible is telling you (and me) that friendships are to make us stronger.  One mistake I made a lot on my journey was this.  I would ask God for something, anything,………. and I would fail to realize He was answering me through the interaction of one of my friends,……. usually one of my “it’s a God thing” friends.

Ralph is 40 miles away, Tom over a thousand.  We don’t see each other that much.  We don’t go to ballgames or play cards.  But,…… and this is important…………. we are connected.  If or When, or Because I need that other part of the rope of friendship,  I know that I can reach out to my fellow brothers.  They are only a phone call away.

In my personal life I’ve met many people on my journey.  But when it’s a “God thing”, it’s a connection that has been “grafted” into my own life and spiritual journey that grows into a lasting friendship.  Even when all alone in the wilderness, I know that there are friends that I’ve met along the way.  Some of my friends were made on a fishin trip.  Some were made with a land deal, on a movie set, a business meeting, or a chance meeting in the middle of nowhere.   Many friends have been made from the travels and writings of this wilderness preacher blog.  I’ve reached out to you, and you’ve reached out to me.  Sounds like a “budding” friendship that can only continue to grow.

Ralph, Tom, Get that book printed.  Let the readers of wilderness preacher be some of the first to get their hands on it.  But more important is that I want to thank you for including me in your spiritual journey.  I’ve seen the “horses” that you have to ride.  You’ve done well Pilgrim!!!!!!!

By the way, take a look at how the Tom/Ralph tree looks after only a couple of weeks.  This tree as well as your own lives Tom and Ralph are producing fruit in the future.




How to Reach Out and Touch God

This windmill reaches out and turns its own direction to an invisible source to receive  power.  Power to move,  to be,  to “come alive”.

While we were traveling from Colorado back to Mississippi, I caught this picture right at daybreak.  Amazing to me how the windmill was “reaching” towards the sky.  Its blades were higher than the surrounding landscape.  This is necessary so that the windmill can pick up the air currents that are moving around it.  It’s tail points the blades in the direction that the wind is coming from.  This allows the windmill to receive the full force from the wind.  The invisible wind.  The powerful wind.  The wind that is high above the landscape here, but also close enough to give this windmill movement.  To make it come alive.

God did this so that they would seek Him and perhaps reach out for Him and find Him, though He is not far from any one of us. 28 For in Him we live and move and have our being. 29 As some of your own poets have said, ‘We are His offspring’.  Acts 17: 27 -29

Paul is writing in this scripture about why God sent Jesus into this world.  Jesus was sent as a way for us to reach out to Him. To feel the power of God.  How do you reach out and touch God?  Well, by actually reaching out.  You have to be like this windmill.  If you stayed “on the ground” you would be distracted by…….. let’s say……. the dirt.  The wind (power) comes from above.  So try reaching for a higher power than the dirt around you.  Asking God to come into your life (to give you His power) is a big step for reaching God and His presence.

How do you know where God is?  Well, the windmill turns its direction to the invisible power by using its tail.  So, basically what I’m saying is that you need to use your “tail” (your physical body), to turn from your ways, and now constantly let it be turning to God’s way.   How many times have you said to yourself, “well, now I’ve gotten my tail in trouble again.” “My tail is in hot water this time.” “My tail got caught this time.”

Wouldn’t it be better if you could say……….. “my tail  keeps me in touch with God (just like this windmill’s).”  Also when you reach out to God, then turn “your tail” to use God’s power in your life.  This allows you to be in God’s will.  This allows you to have more power in your life than what “dirt” has to offer you. This allows you to actually feel and be in an invisible power.  This reaching out to God and changing your tail’s direction to stay with God…………. you have now  come alive spiritually !!!

Reach out and touch God with a prayer.  Reach Him in an early morning quiet time.  You and this windmill are a lot alike.  Keep your tail out of trouble and start using it to point to God.  Reach out to Jesus, He’s reaching out to you.

See Ya!  Dan Ainsworth  wilderness preacher, “pointing my tail in the right direction”

Music for the Soul

What sounds have you heard that instantly go straight from your ears to your heart and soul?  While taking an early morning hike the other day, I noticed it was unusually quiet.  Staci was tagging along on this hike.  She was in it for the exercise.  I was in it for the…… well, the chance to be outdoors.  As we both were walking we realized that it was so quiet, you could hear everything.

See, we got an early start.  We both experienced seeing the sun come up.  We were early enough that the frost was still shiny and glistening on the ground.  As we were taking in the moment of a Mississippi morning, it dawned on me how quiet it was.  Even Staci noticed the quiet.  She noticed it so much that she even stopped talking, which for her is well, uncommon.  😉

When you notice how quiet everything is, that’s when you hear all the sounds.  Listen with me as I recall hearing woodpeckers, a dog barking far way, small sparrows chirping as we walk through the grass.  The bluebirds were doing their mating calls. The sounds of things in the distance are amplified by the cold weather.  I hear a deer snort.  I immediately tell Staci, “Look, there’s a deer ahead in the path!”  I had not even seen it, but I had heard it.  Sure enough as if on cue, two deer stepped out ahead of us and trotted on into the woods.

Let everything that has breath praise the Lord  Psalm 150:6  OK, OK, I know the bird is singing to claim it’s territory.  The dog is barking at an animal.  The coyote is howling at the moon.  My human companion has started talking again.  😉  But even in their everyday activities all these creatures that have breath are giving Glory to God just by BEING!  Praise Him!

“Addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart,” 
Ephesians 5:19 

So, what if only the top three birds were the only ones allowed to sing?  You wouldn’t get to hear a turkey, owl, hawk, crane, or woodpecker.  All these creatures make a beautiful noise in their own way.

What if you only get to hear the top three humans sing.  and just who would that be?  Elvis? Lady Gaga? “Fill in the Blank”?   It probably wouldn’t include me and you on the list.  But what’s stopping you.  When things get quiet enough, (meaning all distractions are put aside),  that’s when your sound can be made and heard.  Sing from the heart.  Make a joyful noise.  You don’t even have to sing one of the top three Praise songs of all time.  It just might be a Tom Petty song like “Runnin’ Down a Dream”.  But you are singing in the shower, or on the way to work and it’s as natural as a bird singing everyday on the trail behind my house.  Do it because you have breath.  Do it because it’s you.  Do it because deep down it’s now for God’s Glory.

See Ya!   Dan Ainsworth  wilderness preacher/ songwriter