Magnify Your Lord

actually feeling like you're right there with God

Pretty picture, that’s for sure!  Now let’s zoom in and magnify what’s seen.

Wow!  When I looked through Jamie’s (my daughter’s) camera, she had the zoom lens on.  The camera magnified the image so that I felt like I was actually there!  So,………if I magnify what I’m focused on, it will become even more clear to me.  Vivid even!  Bam!! There’s a spiritual lesson in this photography lesson if ever I’ve seen one!

What’s so special to me is that I have been on the tops of these mountains.  Now with the help of a zoom lens, I can get (even closer) to these special places.  By magnifying what I’m focusing on, I now see a clearer more meaningful picture.

 O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together.Psalm 34:3

God is already bigger than any mountain.  Magnifying Him doesn’t make Him any bigger.  It just makes me see MORE of Him. (Also makes me see LESS of me.  Also makes me see less of my whiny problems, my shortcomings, my insecurities, and most of all my own doubts)

By magnifying and focusing more on my Lord, I’m not hiding my head in the sand.  Instead I’m lifting my head for guidance, seeking His love to share with others.

Once more……….O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together.Psalm 34:3

He’s My All, My Everything     song by Jack Woodson and Dan A

There’s trouble in this world today, it comes from all around.

We’ve got so many questions, the answers can’t be found.

Well maybe we should turn to God, He’ll help us find our way.

He’ll give us love, He’ll share His joy, and we can proudly say- ay-aaay

He’s my Saviour, Lord and King. He’s my all my everything.  I just want to let the whole world know.  He’s my Saviour Lord and King, He’s my all my everything. Just let Him in your heart.  Give Him control.

Now I got to tell you this one thing, and you better believe it’s true.

If you don’t know my Jesus, then you’re singing with the Blues.

Cause if you don’t have Him my friend, You’re goin’ the wrong way.

But if you know Christ as your Lord, then you can proudly say-ay-aaay!

He’s my Saviour, Lord and King. He’s my all my everything.  I just want to let the whole world know.  He’s my Saviour Lord and King, He’s my all my everything. Just let Him in your heart.  Give Him control.

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound. It saved a wretch like me.

I once was lost, but now I’m found, was blind but now I see.

Those words were written long ago, in an age that’s past away.

But the message that those words contain, grows stronger ever day-ay-aaay!

He’s my Saviour, Lord and King. He’s my all my everything.  I just want to let the whole world know.  He’s my Saviour Lord and King, He’s my all my everything. Just let Him in your heart.  Give Him control.

(If you want a copy of this song recorded with the music, send me an e-mail or message)  See Ya!!  Dan Ainsworth wilderness preacher



They Say I’m Supposed to, But No, I Hear The Music!

When and where do you hear music?

This bird stays up ALL night!  I know this because I wake up hearing him with his endless song.

I know that mockingbirds tweet,chirp, and sing day after day, all day long.  But, all night long as well?  Pretty sure he is desperate for a mate.  Or he may just be determined to keep all other male birds away from his territory.  But at 11pm, or 2:30 am, or 4am in the morning he’s calling away.  He has a song in his heart and it doesn’t matter the time, that little bird is belting out his voice to all who can hear.

I’m supposed to be annoyed, I’m supposed to be upset.  According to a lot of articles I’ve read concerning birds singing all night, I’m supposed to be mad because he’s interrupting my sleep.  I’m supposed to be this and that,……… but I’m not, because I hear the music!  What’s irritating to others is a source of music to me!  Go figure!

Definition of supposed—  Expected or obligated actions on your part.  ex. Everyone expects you to act like they would because you’re SUPPOSED to!  You are supposed to act like they do.  Who is “They”? Why am I obligated to “act as they do”.  I can’t. I won’t. Not when I can hear the music.

I recently experienced a time of grief.  With wonderful support from family and friends I might add.  But it was amazing to me how many folks thought I wasn’t grieving like I was “SUPPOSED to” (i.e. grieving like THEY thought I was obligated to be grieving)  But THEY don’t understand.  I heard the music.  I still hear the music.

There’s within my heart a melody,

Jesus whispers sweet and low,

Fear not I am with you, peace,…. be still,

In all of life’s ebb and flow,………….

I shall wing my flight to worlds unknown,

I shall live with Him on High!”

Those are the words to a great old hymn that has been a favorite of my family for years and years.  It explains the music that I hear.  The music from the Holy Spirit that is inside my head!  (What a blessing for me)

A friend of mine (shout out to Jack!!) and I wrote a couple of songs the other day.  We didn’t write words or add a tune like we were “SUPPOSED TO”.  Instead, we wrote and sang the music that was “what we were hearing in our heads”.

So, whether it’s during a time of grief, or a songwriting session, or listening to a little bird, I’m focusing on the “melody” God has placed in my heart.

Where do you hear the “Music” that God puts in your heart”?  Do you hear it in the birds, nature, the mountains, somewhere in your everyday life?

Do you “hear the music”?  Or do you live each and every day in that “box” of “suppose to do it like “THEY” say”?

I’ve learned a lesson from that always singing mockingbird.  Spend more and more time listening to the “Music” and less and less time in the “box of supposed to’s”.    As a matter of fact, I’m going to try not to even use the word “suppose” when I talk with others.  I know I hear it less and less even when it’s spoken to me.  I can’t hear it……….. not when I’m listening to the “music” in my heart.  Thank You Lord!!

Praise the LORD, for the LORD is good; sing praise to his name, for that is pleasant. Psalm 135:3

See Ya!   Dan Ainsworth wilderness preacher, with a new song in my heart

How I Know God Pulled Me to Colorado

The wilderness preacher's spiritual journey

To get to this most beautiful place you must break through the fence or better yet, head for the open gate!

About 4 or 5 years ago, I was facing a fence that couldn’t be crossed.  I was fed up with church/religion.  Sick mentally, physically, and spiritually from all the “going thru the motions”, the “I’m fine”, the “play church, it’s good enough for me” crowd.  Sharing with you from a person level here……and hoping it makes sense and that you will relate to it.

No, I wasn’t burnt out, I wanted to be on fire!  I wasn’t sick of people walking around and acting like they are dead, I wanted Me and them to come alive with this Christian way of life.  I wasn’t tired of hearing/talking/reading about Jesus in church, but I wanted more than a history lesson.  I wanted more. I wanted a living, loving, real relationship with my Lord and Saviour.  So I asked God could I have one.  I said a MOST POWERFUL prayer to receive this spiritual awakening.

Here it is.  I said, “Lord, HELP me!”   ……… and HE did!!

Out of the blue, I felt a pulling to go to a “men’s retreat”.  (I know now, God had a hand in all this, but at the time I was just seeking answers.)  The Noble Heart had this calling retreat.  Their goal, “helping you realize the life you are designed to live that brings life to others”.  Being what God created you to be!  That’s what I’m talking about!

So, at the “What’s Your Calling” session we had to gather pictures of things that we had a passion for.  Naturally all mine were outdoor pictures, a few pics of family…………… and a picture of two young girls.  Why did I pick that picture?  Well, it haunted me because from their body language I could tell they didn’t want to be there.  Someone was making them sit for the picture. They were being made to sit, stay, do something that they were not the least bit interested in.  They had cute faces, but that didn’t hide the scowl, nor the fact that they were wanting to be somewhere else.  And this……. it reminded me of ME in my church activities.  (Lightning hasn’t struck yet, so keep reading.)

I was asked a most troubling question at this retreat. (shout out to Jeff) Jeff asked me, “Tell us your story.”  HUH??  “Tell us what God is doing in your life, how you live each day being what God has created you to be.”

I’m fifty something at the time.  I’m an answer man at church.  I can quote scripture, give advice, have a prayer for you, tell you what you may be needing to hear.  But tell MY story.  I’ve never been asked to do this.  I broke down.

I broke down because I realized that for the first time in my spiritual life it’s not what I DO.  It’s what I BE.  I have lived my whole life doing good things, helping others, etc,etc.  But now Jeff, Gary, Sam, Ralph, and the other men are being used by God to help me. Help me to understand. My simple but powerful prayer was being answered.  God was more interested in a relationship with little ole me than the list of “good” things I was doing.

Jeff suggested that I get away.  “Religion”, not the true Christian walk had poisoned me.  I agreed.   So did God.

When hard pressed, I cried to the Lord; he brought me into a spacious place.  The Lord is with me…….  Psalm 118: 5-6 NIV  

Yep, That’s how I know God called me to Colorado.  You can’t get anymore spacious than that.  But what God did and continues to do for me spiritually is this…………….. He left the gate open!!!!   Woo hoo….Yea boy!


Spiritually, I had to come to Colorado so I could concentrate on BEING with God. (not so much on the doing).  I experienced true Christian Love at Horn Creek church camp.  I had a one on one discussion with my Lord and Saviour in an 1800’s era outhouse of all places.  (Best worship service ever for me!)

But most of all, I came ALIVE!!!  I wanted more out of my marriage, my work, my everything.  It wasn’t anything I did, it was all God and His love for me.

So,………. is there a fence between you and a Truly living, loving relationship with Christ?  What’s keeping you back from this abundant life?  It’s a big bad fence, I know, six strands of barbed wire, electric, with razor wire too.  But friend, hear me…….. God knows where the gate is,……and He’s leaving it open for ya!!!  What are you waiting for?

You may not physically be pulled to Colorado like I was, but I’m bettin’ you need God to get you to a most “spacious place”.  That for you could be on the back porch, the woods out back, that favorite tree.  Maybe it’s just beside the coffee pot.  Somewhere where you can feel God’s presence. God’s a lot bigger (and spacious) than we truly let Him BE! Go where you feel His Love, His Will.  It’s where You can just BE!   Then all the doing will fall into place.  And the best part about all that Doing!  It’s all done on the other side of the gate!!!! 

See Ya!!  Dan Ainsworth wilderness preacher, living in a spiritually spacious place!