Do you feel you’re stuck in the mud?

I’ve walked through this so much that now it’s become a rut…… and now I’m stuck.  How did this happen?

Well, in this particular instance I’m walking the edge of a pond to get to where the fish are.  That’s a good thing.  Striving to do good (catch fish) has caused me to make this same move time after time.  What was once wet but solid ground, now has turned soft.  After a few more trips it’s turned into a rut………. and now I’m stuck.  Worse than that, my foot didn’t move when my brain said move, causing me to FALL into the mud. Landing on both elbows with a thud, mud splashes onto my shirt, face, and glasses.  I even bit my tongue. Definitely not a good time for a selfie. 🙁

I thought I was prepared.  Hey, I even had on hip boots because I knew about the mud.  But, big ole heavy hip boots aren’t the best thing to have on when you are fixin’ to faceplant in the mud your trying to stay out of.  I couldn’t help but laugh at myself.  Stupid me for not seeing that my walking was causing this stupid mud to grow and get worse.  I’m creating a rut myself that will cause me to get stuck in “MY” own rut.  Even though I’m striving to do good(catch fish) I’m blind to what I’m doing to myself.

Did you notice how many times I said me, myself and I?  Let’s face it, we can be our own worst enemy.  Even when we are trying to do good, we get into a rut.  We just can’t see it happening.  We have become blind.

Read this. Grab your Bible or Smartphone with verses.   It’s the story of you and your friends.  Look up  Mark 10: 46 – 52

You see, this blind man was in a rut.  He was…… well, he was blind.  But he knew it.  He also knew Jesus was walking by.  He started hollering and yelling.  And his friends, well, they were blind too, but in a different way.  They told him to “be quiet”.  They were blind to what can happen when someone calls out to Jesus.

But this didn’t stop the blind man.  When you have been in a rut, and have fallen you tend to cry out.  I know I did.  As I was falling all kinds of thoughts were going through my head……. will this hurt?  how stupid can I be? I don’t guess there’s a snake in this water? Did anybody see me?

Those thoughts were going through my head, but “AAAAAAAggghhhhhhhhhoooooooooooo” came out of my mouth.  I now know I should have kept my mouth shut as I face planted into the mud.  At least I didn’t break my fishing pole.

But the blind man cried out for Jesus.

Mark 10: 51-52 “What do you want me to do for you?” Jesus asked him.  The blind man said, “Rabbi, I want to see.”  “Go,” said Jesus, “your faith has healed you.”   Immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus along the road.

The blind man got out of his rut by asking Jesus for help.  You can get out of your rut the same way.  We become blind, even when trying to do good.

Let me give an example of a rut.  How many times do you sing or hear the song, “Amazing Grace”?  Over and over, time after time, right? Maybe next time when you hear that verse, “was blind, but now I see” you’ll realize it’s not always the physically blind that can’t see, it’s also all of us striving to do good.

What to do?  Cry out to Jesus!  What to say?  “Lord help me” works pretty good.  If all you can get out is “AAAAAAAggghhhhhhhhhoooooooooooo”,  He’ll get the message.  Have the faith my friend.


ps check out this blog from The Noble Heart by Gary Barkelow on how to get unstuck.  It’s a good read.

click here

See ya!  Dan Ainsworth  wilderness preacher (who falls in the mud)


Enough to make a preacher cuss!

lost keys

lost keys

You got to be kiddin’ me right?  Now what?

It started when I couldn’t find my keys.  What had started as a beautiful day here in the mountains was quickly turning into DESPAIR!!!

Headed out the door, bags packed, everything in order, all chores done, I’m gone.  The adventure begins.   I said “I’m gone” right?  Where are my  keys?  Twenty minutes of torture later, I’m still looking.  I’ve now got Staci helping me look.  Hey, if I’ve got to suffer, then someone else has to suffer too, right?

She realizes my frustration when I bark at her question.  You know the question she asked……. “Where did YOU put them?”  If I knew that, then I wouldn’t have to be looking for them. Duh!!!  Tension has suddenly built between the two of us.  “Check in your bags you packed” was her reply before she stomped out of the room.  She’s usually right, so I stomped over and unpacked my bags.  No keys, but I realized that I also forgot to pack my wallet.  Now to find my wallet,…….. and keys.

My loving wife who I’ve agitated returns with my wallet. “Found this, but no keys.”  I can’t say thanks because the dad gum keys are all that my brain can concentrate on at the moment.  Oh yea, I said I had everything in order.  While looking for my keys, I ran across some paperwork that had not been mailed.  Deadline is today.  Now I’ve got to drop by the post office!

The phone rings.  One of those chores I was to do, well, I had not done.  I’ll take care of it on my way to town.  The guy on the phone probably wondered why I was so short with him.  It was because the keys were all that was on my mind.

This is silly!  My day is ruined because of small unimportant things in my life that have caused me to turn sour and negative.  Not only that, but my actions (and reactions) have caused others to be hurt and bothered by my inability to handle what life is currently throwing at me.

Inside of my own head and hearing all my thoughts is not a good place to be right now.  You’ve been there!   These thoughts are clouding any and all rational thinking. “It’s your fault, Anybody should know where their keys are, but not you………..Why me, Why now…….Can’t I ever catch a break……I’ve got it bad.   I’ve got a case of “Stinkin’ Thinkin”.  It’s enough to make this preacher cuss!  @#**%

Found them.  They had fallen off the countertop under the cabinets.  I bet someone knocked them off.  I need someone to blame to put my mind at rest.  The glare that Staci is giving me from across the room tells me it wouldn’t be a smart move to blame her.  Besides, my coffee mug is the one sitting above where the keys fell.  Well, back to where I was twenty minutes ago.  Bags packed, everything in order, all chores done….. I’m gone…….. to the post office and that final chore……    and then I say it.  And you yourself have said it.   “@#$%, why bother.  My day is ruined”.

Welcome to the local chapter of the “Stinkin’ Thinkin’ “, everyday happening, anonymous Men’s and Ladies’ group.  Pull up a chair.  It’s a crowded organization.  You’ll fit right in.  I know, I know, there are lots of people out there with bigger problems than me, but my situation today, right now, is changing my way of thinking.  It’s causing me to bark at loved ones, strike out at others, be negative.   And don’t tell me “It’s no big deal”.  Don’t say “get over it”, cause there’s not a bridge big enough to calm and redirect this brain of mine.  I lost my keys!  It might as well be the end of the world.  It’s enough to make any and every preacher cuss. Including you!

All you need to say is simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything beyond this comes from the evil one. Matthew 5:37
I don’t think God really is that concerned with those four letter curse words that we let slip out when things go bad.  His concern is more about us becoming bad when things go bad.  I don’t know anyone who is immune to the small things in life causing them to lose control.  But friend, do we have control of anything in this life?  I can control not losing my keys from now on by placing them on the key ring (no matter what) yeah, right.  But what about the traffic, or the weather, or the next time I misplace my wallet.  It’s enough to make a preacher……wait…… realize how “stinkin’ thinkin’ ” comes from the evil one.  And it’s inside my and your head.  It’s a powerful weapon that is used against each of us. Each and everyday.  Hmmm….. now that I am aware of this.  How do I battle against it?
But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.  2 Corinthians 4:7-8
Realizing that the “evil one” can get inside my head is a little bit unnerving.  But realizing that God’s all surpassing power is also inside of me and you (the jars of clay) is a treasure that I truly treasure.  I’m gonna always be losing my keys, or my wallet.  I’m gonna always  be facing small problems that become huge in my mind.  I’m gonna always be having things go bad each and every day.  The question for me and you is this……….. Am I going to go bad with it?    Take care.
See Ya!   Dan Ainsworth wilderness preacher