Who holds you accountable?

Who holds you accountable?

Who holds you accountable?

“You have done something wrong“.  When someone tells you that,…….. well, it depends on who that someone is as to whether you become defensive, mad, or at least willing to listen.

When someone calls you out on something that you’ve done wrong, it’s hard to accept.  Especially when you take matters into your own hands, are an independent person able to make his/her own decisions, and basically think that you know all there is to know about the situation.  That would be me,……. and you,….. and people in general.  We are able to justify at the drop of a hat why we are doing what is now being told to us is wrong.

Brett D. is my CPA, my accountant.  He keeps me organized and helps me with paperwork.  He knows all the forms that must be filed.  He completes all the reports needed to back up any and all transactions in my business world.  He’s a cool guy.  I like being around him.  But now he’s gone too far, because he is saying I’m in the wrong.

The short version of our conversation is this.  The numbers don’t add up.  Unless I just want to pay bunches and bunches of extra taxes, (and hurt myself in the process, $$$), then I must admit I’ve made an error and correct it.  When I explain about my new computer and the new program with lots of bells and whistles that does all this neat stuff, he patiently listens.  Then he quietly asks me, “Who types in all the numbers and info?”  I say I do.  He quickly says, “well, there’s your problem.  You my friend, have made a mistake and it’s going to hurt you big time.”

I suddenly feel that awful feeling of someone else telling me I’m wrong.  It’s a kick to the gut.  I’m feeling like that 3 legged cat being jumped on by the dogs.  And, it’s probably true.  I am wrong, and it’s gonna hurt  myself unless I fix it.

Proverbs 27:17 The Message  You use steel to sharpen steel, and one friend sharpens another.

A most difficult situation ever faced as a human is to be told (by another human) that you are wrong.  An even more difficult situation is to be a human who loves another person, who cares for them, who doesn’t want to see them get hurt, and now feels they must tell them, “you are wrong”.  Brett is my friend.  He knows me.  He is in a position where he can see my actions.  He is close enough to me that he and I both know that he holds me accountable.  It’s just that simple.

Iron sharpens iron.  Do you know of someone who can hold you accountable?  Someone who tells you what they see.  No “do it my way”, no “making you feel like dirt”, no “be like me” person.  Do you know someone who genuinely cares about your journey enough that out of love they say, “You’ve done something wrong”?  Iron sharpens iron.

Now that you are thinking about this, Are you someone who genuinely cares about someone else that you could say to them they are wrong.  And do it without being that “know it all”, “my way is better than you’re way”, “make everyone feel stupid”, “holier than thou” person that everyone hates.  It take love and concern given from above as the first step.

When you have developed an “iron sharpens iron” friendship with another Christian, you have taken another step on this Christian journey.

Brett, I’ve found my stupid mistake.  I owe you big time.  I owe you an “iron sharpens iron” friendship!  You da man!

See Ya!   Dan Ainsworth  wilderness preacher

On the same journey, but riding a “different” horse

On the same spiritual journey, but riding a "different" horse

On the same spiritual journey, but riding a “different” horse

I met a new friend while on the movie set.  His name is Jack.  We are both extras working with the movie.  That’s about all we have in common.  You see, he’s tall, very dark, and very, very, handsome.  I’m, well, sort of tall……….  He’s the lead singer in a rock band, and he’s very, very good. He’s done this for years, has a strong following, and he makes a career playing and writing his music.  I ah, well, I play the Indian flute.  But rather than seeing how we were different, the focus from both of us was what we have in common.

As plain as the nose on my face, this is what I saw.  Sure enough, I see what you ladies see in this man.  He’s physically attractive.  He’s got the look.  Guys, He’s got the “it” factor as well.  He leads a rock band, writes music, he’s a man’s man.  I watch as he talks with other guys.  He’s easy going and fun to be around.  Other guys respond to him and his manner.  Guys, you would be envious of this man.  Seeing all of this myself, I also saw his heart.  We shared with each other about our lives, our children, how both of us try to communicate with other people.  He uses a guitar and music to get his message across to others.  I was truly surprised when from his heart he shared his frustration of being unable to “reach” some people with his music.  He gave the example of playing a song and within 15 seconds seeing people on the dance floor stop and begin texting to other people, (on the same floor).  What Jack didn’t know was how I’ve been frustrated myself with how the world today seems to make it harder to truly connect with others.  Sure we’ve got more technology, but we were in agreement that in this modern world it is becoming harder and harder to truly connect with others.  Whether a hard driving energetic singer like Jack, or a wilderness preacher like me,  lots and lots of distractions out there to keep us away from our passions to share with people.

Imagine how our Lord and Saviour must feel.  Where does He fit in all the mix of your life?  Do the distractions in your life rob you of time that could be spent with God.  Isn’t this what our spiritual journeys should be about?  Time between you and God.  The relationship (very personal) between you and Jesus.  Distractions can come from a cell phone with all it’s texting.  Life, (the very gift from God), can also become a distraction, if we allow it to be. Keep God in your life’s journey.

Acts 8:36-38New Life Version (NLV)36 As they went on their way, they came to some water. The man from Ethiopia said, “See! Here is water. What is to stop me from being baptized?” 37 (*Philip said, “If you believe with all your heart, you may.” The man said, “I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.”) 38 He stopped the wagon. Then both Philip and the man from Ethiopia went down into the water and Philip baptized him.

Something else Jack shared with me the next day was this.  He had never been baptized.  He knows what you have to believe.  He knows what baptism represents.  He asked if I baptized people.  I was surprised, startled.  Remember, we are on a movie set.  The only thing around is a horse watering trough.  And it’s empty.  We need some water!!!!!!!

Jack, this is for you my friend.  You name the place and time.  It doesn’t have to be a baptism in the chlorinated, sanitized, compartmentalized, and sometimes impersonalized baptistry  pool of some 1st Church of wherever.  The baptism needs to be in your heart (that’s personal).  Then the water symbol of baptism can be done anywhere.  Pick a spot man.  A mountain lake in Colorado, a local river or stream, the neighbors’ swimming pool.  Just long as it’s deep enough to dunk ya!  Bring your friends.  Bring your family!  Bring your guitars, we will celebrate!  We will party!

If you don’t know that there is a God that loves you and wants to connect with you in spite of all the “distractions”,  then you don’t know Jesus.

If you don’t know that you can say Lord help me and Believe in Him with all your heart, and that He’ll be with you on your very own journey, well………. then you don’t know Jack.

See Ya!

Dan Ainsworth  wilderness preacher


Celebrate! One year’s journey and counting

join in this spiritual journey  wildernesspreacher.com

Join in this spiritual journey.     wildernesspreacher.com

Let’s Celebrate! wildernesspreacher has been blogging over a year (4 months of that with the beard!). Some of you have been on this journey from day one.  Many of you, well, you just joined in this month.  Welcome to all.  Lots of highlights from the past year.  Take time if you will to click on the favorites(scroll down and to the right), to see what people have enjoyed the most.  Take the time each week to continue to get refreshed on this, your spiritual journey as well.

Your friendship is important to me.  We may only be sharing a story over coffee, or having a brief time of devotion or prayer together.  Sharing is what this blog is all about.  When you my friends read this and you get a refreshing thought, that’s when you yourself need to share with others on their journeys.

Proverbs 27:9 New International Version (NIV)  Perfume and incense bring joy to the heart, and the pleasantness of a friend springs from their heartfelt advice.

The goal of this wilderness preacher is not to tell you what to do.  (You got enough people in your life doing that.)  My goal is to tell you not what to do, but what to BE!  So like the scripture says, here is my friend to friend advice.  It’s truly from the heart.  Be what God has created you to be.  Do you not know fully what He has created you to be?  That is the beauty, the mystery, the challenge, and yes sometimes the disappointment that you will face every day on your spiritual journey.  The disappointment?  Realizing that you must use your eyes and not God’s eyes just yet to see and understand.  The challenge? Facing each and every day what this world throws at you to make you stumble.  The mystery?  Realizing that this awesome Living and Loving God wants to have a deepening relationship with little ole you.  The beauty?  Realizing that no matter what you do, or how you look, (even a beard), or how many times you fail, or how many times you @**# up…….realizing that God has created you to be His child.  God has created you to be in a loving relationship with Him.  What else my friend has God created you to BE?

See Ya!!

Saddle up and lets travel together

Saddle up and lets travel spiritually together