Watching God By Planting Seeds

This acorn that I planted (for the deer) has sprouted and is on its way to becoming a great big mighty oak tree.  It will take time.  It will take patience.  Yes, I planted it, but the miracle is how it takes on a life and begins to grow.  Amazing to me how an acorn, (or grain of corn, or flower seed, or any kind of seed, can sit there dormant and idle.  Until,……., until, the right conditions appear (warmth and moisture), then this “dead” seed takes on a new life and begins to grow.

I’ve decided that’s why I love to garden,……… and plant flowers,…… and plant future trees.  It’s because I get to see them grow.  Through the everyday activities of planting and cultivating these plants, I get to see God’s miracle of life working through these plants.  I plant them, but God grows ’em.

I’ve decided that’s why I love to share as the wilderness preacher.  I plant the seeds in your heart.  There’s the seed of growing a relationship with God.  There’s a seed of living a Christian walk and way of life.  I’ve shown people how to “see” God in everyday outdoor activities.

My favorite kind of spiritual seed to plant?  It’s this.  Knowing that at anytime, anywhere I can say “Lord help me.” And He does, and He will.  It’s according to how He wants me to grow.  I hope you have allowed that “seed” to sprout and grow into a mighty force in your spiritual life.

I planted the seed in your hearts, and Apollos watered it, but it was God who made it grow.  1 Corinthians 3:6

What kind of seeds spiritually have and are you planting?  Where’s your garden?  Is it only in your own heart?  Well, that’s a good place to start, but there are opportunities for you, even you,….especially You to plant also in others.  See it’s no “big thing”.  You and I are only planting seeds.  We share opportunities, plant “ideas”.  Others come along and “water” them.  But the beauty, mystery, and miracle in all this is how God makes it grow.  We get to see His work in others.  We get to experience Him in our own lives.

Go out today and plant some seeds.  Plant them in a flower pot. Plant them in your yard or garden.  As they grow, it will remind you how God makes them grow.  It will also serve as a reminder of how He is inside of your heart and growing you!!

See Ya!  Dan Ainsworth wilderness preacher loving life and the mystery of how God grows us.

What makes a sunrise beautiful?

You’re on a deer stand, in a duck blind.  Maybe you’re taking a long trip, leaving before daylight.  I bet you’ve started your exercising or hiking well before dawn.  No?, well maybe you’ve crawled out of bed searching for your favorite coffee mug.  AND…….. Here comes the sun!

What makes the sunrise beautiful?  We can see it!  The colors, the various hues and blendings of these colors.  The color red, now it’s pinkish, now it’s MAROON!  (proud MS State Bulldog fan  here)  As the sun climbs over the horizon, light begins to shine on us and our surroundings.

Before sunrise, there is fear in what’s out there.  Fear of the dark, fear of the unknown, even fear of what might be.  An “official” sighting of Sasquatch was reported not 5 miles from where I’m sitting right now on my deer stand.  I know, I know there’s no such thing as……….wait….what was that noise?

But as the sun rises to give us a new visit each morning, we begin to see the road better.  Or maybe now we can see the deer.  What was that noise?  Armadillo. (Whew)

We can now see where to put our feet without tripping.  Because of the light, we now lose those fears.


Luke 1:77-79New American Standard Bible (NASB)

With which the Sunrise from on high will visit us,
79 To shine upon those who sit in darkness and the shadow of death,
To guide our feet into the way of peace.”

On this spiritual trip sometimes in darkness, we are afraid to move.  But when the “Sunrise from on High” shines down for us, we now see where to go. We now see there were no “monsters” in the dark.  We now see because of His light in our hearts.  Thank you Lord………. was blind, but now I see.

Big Ole Pile

Big Ole Pile…. That’s me!!    by DanA

In this world, there’s a catch pen, a congregation of cows,

and behind the fence, these cows walk slow but sure.

And gradually over time, and it don’t take that long,

this ground gets covered, with manure.

How the manure piles develop, why they congregate here,

that’s something I aint quite figured out.

Yet it’s reminds me of me, and my very own life.

So here’s what this story is about.


See you got to understand. I was low down and stankin’.

The cleanest name I could be called was manure.

Twasn’t the best of situatons, wasn’t my plan or idea,

I didn’t want this for my life, that’s for sure.

Stuck on that stomped ground, gettin’ crusty on top,

I stared straight into the bright morning light.

And there on the fence, nailed to a fence post,

was this man with his arms stretched out tight.

Jesus Christ I yelled! caused it scared me so,

that’s just something that I shouldn’t see.

Cause remember where I am? Right there, close to the middle,

see right there, yep that big ole pile of…. that’s me.

What I’m seeing can’t be, my eyes must be lyin’,

my heart says its real …. What’s this about?

I didn’t know what to do, didn’t know quite what to say.

Lord Help me!!… was all that came out.

That’s all that it took, cause He reached out, picked me up,

and from there began my new journey.


Cause remember where I am! Right there in His Hands

see right there, that big ole pile, that’s me.

The Son of God grabbed me, and with His perfect touch,

His Spirit molded in me, through and through.

Old things past away, all things became new.

God planted seeds, and watered and things grew!


From a heaping pile of nothing, comes new life and new meaning

Shucks, a song is now placed in my heart.

My Saviour saw fit, to come pick me up,

this organic mess, now has a new start.

His flowers now grow, from His seeds and His water.

From inside, God’s love sprouted out.

All you big piles out there, who’s lives have been changed…

you know what I’m talking about.

I’ve been changed By His love. I really can’t explain it.

You’ll agree ,that it’s still, a mystery.

Didn’t recognize me! Why, here I am, sproutin all of them flowers? DCIM100GOPRO

Thank you Lord! God’s Glory! That’s me!!