Faith Like a Farmer

"You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet"

You see a picture of vines, mud, bugs, and dirt.  The farmer sees……. WATERMELONS!!!

What’s the difference?  Well, it depends on who’s point of view that you are looking from.  A casual passerby looks across this field and all he sees are the vines.  If he looks closer he might notice the mud and dirt.  But not the farmer…….

The farmer sees watermelons!  Why?  Because he’s been living out in the field for several weeks.  Preparing the soil, putting in fertilize, planting the watermelon plants by hand, keeping the weeds out, his work goes on and on.  Why does he do it?    Answer…… FAITH!!

The farmer knows that there are many flowers (baby watermelons) out in his field.  The potential is enormous as to how many TONS of watermelons that possibly can be harvested from his field.  There is also a huge possibility that his crop will never materialize because of disease, bad weather, bugs, too much rain, too little rain, etc, etc,.  So why does a farmer take such a big risk on his time and investment?  Answer…… Faith!!

To me what is missing in our society today is the farmer’s faith.  A faith that is lived regardless of life’s conditions.  A faith that better things are to come.  A faith that drives every farmer to battle all the negative things thrown his way.   A faith, hope and belief in waking up each brand new day realizing………… “you aint’ seen nothing yet”!  Don’t you wish you could wake up every day with this attitude?

Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.  Hebrews 11:1

So even if you live in a concrete city, or work inside all day, you can still be a farmer.  Grow your faith.  Read the word, pray, search for the friendship and fellowship of God.   The potential is enormous.  Sadly, there is a huge possibility of negative things coming your way to hinder or even stop you from growing with God.  Well, you got to have faith.

Back to what is missing in our society (and maybe even in your life).  When the farmer encounters bad weather, bad conditions, bad ANYTHING, does he give up?  Nope, because he has faith.  If his crop doesn’t produce a new world record for production does he give up?  Nope, cause he has faith.  And strange as this may sound, if the crop was a total loss, would the farmer quit?  Nope, because he has faith.

A farmer’s faith does not depend on the conditions around him.  It depends on the “condition” inside of him.  Faith from within,……. it’s needed in a farmer’s life.  He lives and breathes everyday knowing that the next day will be another one of those “you ain’t seen nothing yet” days.  This world calls a farmer “backwards”, “naive”, or “simple”.  But with faith like that I call him “NOBLE”!

Mr. Farmer, you keep LIVING your faith while many around you just “talk” it.  I myself will continue to live my faith in my spiritual journey.

I will continue trusting God to help me make right decisions.  I will continue to realize that sometimes even when I make “wrong” decisions, it turns into something right in the long run.  My faith points that out to me.  By faith, I will live this life not in fear, but in great anticipation that even in all the NEGATIVE around me, there is an assurance of things not seen.  There is a POSITIVE force leading me to unknown mysteries.  There is a Lord and Saviour who considers me one of His “watermelons” and has promised to be with me every day of my life.

There is a promise from God that………”you ain’t seen nothing yet”!

See Ya!!   Dan Ainsworth  wilderness preacher  Becoming “alive” because of faith!

I Never Told Him Goodbye

I never told him goodbye.  Even when we were there as he drew his final breath.

My Daddy was a special man.  He and I had a special relationship.  He trained me well, whether it was the chores on the farm, or how to enjoy life, he gave me a lot of his insight and wisdom.  Most of the time I learned just by being with him.  There are many days I can remember riding with him in his beat up Chevy truck. Whether it was riding through the farm, (and opening all those gates) or a quick trip to town, my Dad and I would always have a good conversation about pretty much any and everything.

He loved life, sharing God’s love, and family.  That’s what he was all about.  He had a way with animals.  He could sense when the cow was sick, or when the chickens were hungry.  He knew how to grow some outstanding hay.  He knew when to cut the hay and when it was cured enough to harvest it.

Goodwater Baptist Church was a HUGE part of his and my Mother’s life.  All the people there were his extended family.  I truly didn’t mind “sharing” my father with them.

My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you?
 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.
 You know the way to the place where I am going. John 14:2-4
I never told my earthly Father goodbye.  We always told each other “so long”.  “So long”, as in  we will be apart for a while, but then we’ll meet each other again.  My Dad is in Heaven.  I will see him again along with other friends and family.  Your friends and family will also be there.  Jesus promised us that.  He promised us that we all will be together WITH HIM!  Those are not just words.  This is how my Father and my family live.  We believe.
I will miss my Daddy.  But only for “so long”.  “So long Daddy.  I’ll see ya again!”
So long to all of you out there.  See Ya!!   Dan Ainsworth wilderness preacher

How I Know God Pulled Me to Colorado

The wilderness preacher's spiritual journey

To get to this most beautiful place you must break through the fence or better yet, head for the open gate!

About 4 or 5 years ago, I was facing a fence that couldn’t be crossed.  I was fed up with church/religion.  Sick mentally, physically, and spiritually from all the “going thru the motions”, the “I’m fine”, the “play church, it’s good enough for me” crowd.  Sharing with you from a person level here……and hoping it makes sense and that you will relate to it.

No, I wasn’t burnt out, I wanted to be on fire!  I wasn’t sick of people walking around and acting like they are dead, I wanted Me and them to come alive with this Christian way of life.  I wasn’t tired of hearing/talking/reading about Jesus in church, but I wanted more than a history lesson.  I wanted more. I wanted a living, loving, real relationship with my Lord and Saviour.  So I asked God could I have one.  I said a MOST POWERFUL prayer to receive this spiritual awakening.

Here it is.  I said, “Lord, HELP me!”   ……… and HE did!!

Out of the blue, I felt a pulling to go to a “men’s retreat”.  (I know now, God had a hand in all this, but at the time I was just seeking answers.)  The Noble Heart had this calling retreat.  Their goal, “helping you realize the life you are designed to live that brings life to others”.  Being what God created you to be!  That’s what I’m talking about!

So, at the “What’s Your Calling” session we had to gather pictures of things that we had a passion for.  Naturally all mine were outdoor pictures, a few pics of family…………… and a picture of two young girls.  Why did I pick that picture?  Well, it haunted me because from their body language I could tell they didn’t want to be there.  Someone was making them sit for the picture. They were being made to sit, stay, do something that they were not the least bit interested in.  They had cute faces, but that didn’t hide the scowl, nor the fact that they were wanting to be somewhere else.  And this……. it reminded me of ME in my church activities.  (Lightning hasn’t struck yet, so keep reading.)

I was asked a most troubling question at this retreat. (shout out to Jeff) Jeff asked me, “Tell us your story.”  HUH??  “Tell us what God is doing in your life, how you live each day being what God has created you to be.”

I’m fifty something at the time.  I’m an answer man at church.  I can quote scripture, give advice, have a prayer for you, tell you what you may be needing to hear.  But tell MY story.  I’ve never been asked to do this.  I broke down.

I broke down because I realized that for the first time in my spiritual life it’s not what I DO.  It’s what I BE.  I have lived my whole life doing good things, helping others, etc,etc.  But now Jeff, Gary, Sam, Ralph, and the other men are being used by God to help me. Help me to understand. My simple but powerful prayer was being answered.  God was more interested in a relationship with little ole me than the list of “good” things I was doing.

Jeff suggested that I get away.  “Religion”, not the true Christian walk had poisoned me.  I agreed.   So did God.

When hard pressed, I cried to the Lord; he brought me into a spacious place.  The Lord is with me…….  Psalm 118: 5-6 NIV  

Yep, That’s how I know God called me to Colorado.  You can’t get anymore spacious than that.  But what God did and continues to do for me spiritually is this…………….. He left the gate open!!!!   Woo hoo….Yea boy!


Spiritually, I had to come to Colorado so I could concentrate on BEING with God. (not so much on the doing).  I experienced true Christian Love at Horn Creek church camp.  I had a one on one discussion with my Lord and Saviour in an 1800’s era outhouse of all places.  (Best worship service ever for me!)

But most of all, I came ALIVE!!!  I wanted more out of my marriage, my work, my everything.  It wasn’t anything I did, it was all God and His love for me.

So,………. is there a fence between you and a Truly living, loving relationship with Christ?  What’s keeping you back from this abundant life?  It’s a big bad fence, I know, six strands of barbed wire, electric, with razor wire too.  But friend, hear me…….. God knows where the gate is,……and He’s leaving it open for ya!!!  What are you waiting for?

You may not physically be pulled to Colorado like I was, but I’m bettin’ you need God to get you to a most “spacious place”.  That for you could be on the back porch, the woods out back, that favorite tree.  Maybe it’s just beside the coffee pot.  Somewhere where you can feel God’s presence. God’s a lot bigger (and spacious) than we truly let Him BE! Go where you feel His Love, His Will.  It’s where You can just BE!   Then all the doing will fall into place.  And the best part about all that Doing!  It’s all done on the other side of the gate!!!! 

See Ya!!  Dan Ainsworth wilderness preacher, living in a spiritually spacious place!