Can You Ask God For a Sign?

I ask God for a sign.  I’m all alone on this one.  I’ve got to make this decision myself. Is this whole idea of building a log home in the mountains of Colorado the right thing to do?   I mean, I’m fixing to sink a lot of time and money into this project. Lord, I’ve felt your pulling and your calling.  But are we both sure this is the right thing to do?  That’s when it happened.

I looked straight up and saw two jets crisscrossing on their separate paths to wherever.  There paths formed a perfect X right above me.(See the picture I took on my phone.)   An X, as in “X marks the spot“.  Did I just receive a sign from the Father concerning my decision?

“Here’s your sign”, signed God.  No, it wasn’t like that.  But I was making a big decision and I wanted confirmation from my Holy Father that this was the right thing to do.  Confirmation, assurance, going forth without a doubt.  We all want to make decisions with the bold assurance that it is totally 110% correct.  What’s the old saying?  “Dang the torpedoes and full steam ahead”.  Press on and no turning back.  But there is that thought process that is always there.  You now the one.  The “Yea, but what ifs” thoughts that can cloud your mind.

So do you ask God for a sign?  Have you asked Him to give you a sign as to  which way you should go, which choice to make?

I’ll admit that I ask God for signs.  Uh oh, some of you are thinking that’s wrong.  We are to live by Faith.  We are to live by what’s not seen. We are not to test God or treat Him as if He answers our every want and need just like WE WANT It to be.

I agree with all that.  But,…….I still ask God for signs.  Do you still think that’s wrong?  Ok, how does this sound to ya?    If I ask for a sign so that I can continue my “justifying my every move” way of living, this would be wrong.  This leads to an empty life.  Things come between me and God.  Something comes between you and God, that’s called sin, right?

But if I watch for signs so that I continue in God’s Will, this leads to the true and real Christian walk with God.

You hunters out there, you look for signs as you trail a deer.  It keeps you on track.

You parents can see signs in your children when they may be having troubles in their life.  It keeps you close to them.

The doctor looks for signs as to what is ailing you.  His ability to see these signs keeps you healthy.

A detective, a card player, a boxer, a stock broker,……watch for signs to know when to make a move.

Drivers all across the country watch for signs to give them direction.  As for traffic signs, we take them for granted.  Don’t even realize they are there,…… until we miss the exit, or go past the turn, or………. get pulled over for speeding (guilty).

“Ask the LORD your God for a sign, whether in the deepest depths or in the highest heights.”  Isaiah 7:11

I ask God for signs.  I’ve also asked that He gives me what it takes to see His signals. I don’t tell, demand, or force this on my Lord.  It’s my way of communicating with Him.  Please understand me on this.  The signs are there.  The Word of God contains a sign.  The prayer you give up to God may be a sign.  A conversation with someone, a “coincidence” at work, a dream, even a bad situation can be a sign.  Your sign could be the daily devotion this morning, a certain song, or even an “X” painted in the sky.

It’s time to go hunting for signs. Not man made, made up signs.  Hunt for God’s direction in your life so you can stay on track.  (I never would have seen the X in the sky if I hadn’t been looking for it)

Not seeing any sign?  Does the hunter give up, or does he look even harder.  Maybe God has given you signs, but He wants you to look closer and be “hungrier” for Him, so that’s why your signs are not easily seen.  Be patient, be willing, be observant.

I ask God for signs.  But my focus is not on seeing the signs, but on Being His child, Being in His Will, and surprise, surprise,…….. BEING what God has created me to be.

See Ya!!   Dan Ainsworth   wilderness preacher, watching for my Father’s signs on this spiritual journey.

You Are A Part of God’s Glory


   The picture shows a log that has been turned upside down so that you can see where I’ve measured,scribed, cut ,carved, sawed, whittled, measured, notched, sanded, shaped, chiseled, and measured some more.  There are also stains on the logs from the blood, sweat, and tears that have been added to this log home.  I’m now close to getting to the top of the nine foot walls of the log home that I’m building.  It’s time to take a break….. and BE THANKFUL!!

 Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. Colossians 3:15

Every log that is part of my home is either crooked, bent, scarred, blemished, …… other words, none of them are perfect.  But, BUT…., after I take hold of them and they get measured, scribed, cut, carved, sawed, whittled, measured, notched, sanded, shaped, chiseled, and measured some more……….. They fit.  They fit perfectly!!!  Just like me and you!!  Seriously, you fit into your own home filled with God’s Love.

Just like this log, I’m betting you had your life turned upside down at some point in time.  Didn’t know why did ya?  Didn’t understand did ya?

But God got a hold of you.  You may think of your life as just everyday living,…….. work, play, and any everyday activities.  But my friend, what if in God’s Eyes and His Love for you He saw it as time to be with Him.

God’s Love.  God’s Love, there is none better.  In spite of what some churchy religions seems to tell us, you can’t be “gooder” to get more love from God.  And in spite of what the world tries to tell you, you can’t be too “bad” to experience God’s Love.

That one thing right there is what I’m so thankful for this Thanksgiving.  God sent His son Jesus, because of His love, to save you through Him, not condemn you.

Jesus wants a loving relationship.  You can not be too “bad” to receive this love.  You will waste your (and His) time by trying to be good like you want to do it.  Instead, just seek the peace of Christ in your heart.  Let Him be the one who “pulls” you into doing good.  Let Him be the one that “carves out” the bad.  You need to Love on Jesus, cause He wants to Love on you.

Somehow, somewhere, you won’t understand it, and you won’t know just why, but God is gonna turn your life upside down.  He will then measure, scribe, cut, carve, saw, whittle, measure, notch, sand, shape, chisel, and measure some more.  That imperfect person you are will now fit perfectly.  Not because of you, but because of Him.  Because of His Love.

“Lord, I’m thankful that you love me.  Lord, I’m thankful that you take control and with your loving eyes, you measure, scribe, cut, carve,  saw, whittle, measure, notch, sand, shape, chisel, and measure me every day.  Most of all, I’m thankful for the Blood, Sweat, and Tears you have given for my life.  My glory is for you.  To God be the glory.

See Ya!    Dan Ainsworth wilderness preacher, being thankful.



Do Not Conform, But BE Transformed

I’m nervous.  See, I’ve been talking with several builders who I want to help me finish my log home.  I’m doing the log work, I need these expert carpenters to help with the foundation, roof, and all interior work.  One has already declined because he can’t guarantee HIS work because he doesn’t know how good MY work is.  (Can’t blame him…..It’s not everyday that you hear of a Mississippi ‘redneck’ building a log cabin in his barn in Mississippi and then planning on bringing this cabin out to Colorado piece by piece on a truck).

One of the builders has taken an interest.  He’s got lots of questions.  So I send him the set of blueprints, along with the list of questions answered ( how big are the logs, what kind of tree used, how long have they been drying, etc,etc).  And…… he wanted pictures.  So I sent pictures.  Pictures of my carving and cutting the notches.  Pictures of what I’ve done.  (He’ll have to decide if this Mississippi boy is qualified to undertake building a log home….. and decide if he wants to help.)  That’s when I saw the picture of all the waste.

Man, look at all that waste.  A big ole pile of sawdust, shavings, knots, bark ,….. all removed so that my trees can be transformed.  What was once a tree (that I planted 35 yrs ago) has turned into a log.  This log now must be carved and cut using my chainsaw to be transformed even further.  What was once my tree, what was once my logs, are becoming transformed into something even more special……. my home sweet home.

Romans 12:2 NIV Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is– His good, pleasing and perfect will.

This log home is a physical way of me showing how I live my spiritual life.  I take a tree I planted.  This tree is probably more crooked, bent, not so perfect as what you could buy in the wood yard.  But hey, it’s my tree.  Through a lifelong process, (some days it seems like forever),  I’m gradually cutting and carving (TRANSFORMING) this log into part of my house.

God takes an interest in me (and you).  He sends His Son Jesus to show His Love, Mercy, and Forgiveness to me (and you).  He “helps” me with my own life by sometimes carving and cutting what I’m doing and BEING into what HE wants, what HE thinks is best.  (Call it BEING Transformed!!)

Back to my log house.  The log home builder is going to decide if I measure up to him deciding to build this house. (Decisions, decisions, huh?)  Do you think he will choose to help with this project? ( I’m taking a moment as doubts and fears creep into my thoughts. OK times up, get outa here doubts and fears!)

He will choose to help.  Why?????   Because he’s not using not so perfect trees,….. he’s not using logs that have not been cut and carved,……He’s not looking at an amateur log builder,…….., Or a Mississippi ‘redneck’ ,  or whatever you and I could see as an excuse. What will he see?  Will the builder agree to build this project?  And Why??

Yes, the builder will agree to this.  The Builder will see the transformation.  From trees to logs to what I have been seeing all along from day one.  My HOME SWEET HOME.   (BAM!  The sound of my microphone dropping.)     😉

(Picture of what my TRANSFORMED logs will look like!)

log home int

See Ya!!  Dan Ainsworth wilderness preacher,    part time (full time) transformer