Why do I wear my buckskin coat when I speak or have wildernesspreacher events? It’s to remind me of a very important scripture given to us.
I personally made my buckskin coat from deer skins the way the Native Americans did. It’s called braintanning. The brains of the animal are used to tan the hide, turning it into clothing. Lots of time,labor, and stretching, pulling softening to turn a skin into clothing that will last for years. I’ll share more in a future blog.
Here is the important step for today. You have to “smoke” the buckskin to make it waterproof. You take the skin and actually place it over a fire away from the flame but in the smoke. The longer you leave it in the smoke the darker it becomes. Why smoke? The smoke particles cling to every fiber of the buckskin. This “clinging to every fiber” allows the buckskin to remain soft, even when it gets wet. If the smoke is not in every fiber, then when the coat gets wet, it will become hard as rawhide( you know, like your dog’s chewbones).
Is God in every fiber of your being? If not, then when you “get wet” by what this world throws at you, you will become HARD/have a hardened Heart.
I don’t want to have a hardened heart. How can this be prevented?
Mark 12:30 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.
In other words, Jesus must be in every “fiber of our being” for us to keep from turning hard hearted.
Let your desire for Him to be in every part of your life become the most important step in this journey. You will need His help to do this. Ask Him, see what happens!!
See Ya! Dan wilderenesspreacher.com
What does the world “throw” at you to try to make you hard hearted? Leave a comment