Watching The Horses “Talk”

It’s pretty much official,…. I’m a Colorado Cowboy! For a few hours anyways, as I was transporting these horses from one Christian camp to another camp several hours away but both in Colorado. Yehaw!

But I’ve always enjoyed watching horses talk to each other, and talk with me as well. You didn’t know horses could talk? Well, read on pardner.

Take a good look at the picture. What do you think the three horses are saying? Here’s what I heard. The horse on the far right, (raring up), has been at camp for months. This is his home, his place, his domain. The other horses have just been dropped off. So he’s letting everybody know that “He’s the MAN!” He’s saying that he’s “top dog” and that if any other horse disagrees, then there’s gonna be a fight.

The horse in the middle has just disagreed. Seconds before this picture, he reached across the fence and BIT, I mean took a big bite out of the other horse on his neck. In horse “talk” that means “Hey, there’s a new sheriff in town, and he’s got teeth, and oh yea, that would be me! I’m taking over!”

The smaller horse is just “egging it on” between the other two. He doesn’t stand a chance in the pecking order because of his size. My good guess is he has an alliance with the bigger horse and wants to “stay buddies” with him. Survival of the fittest right?

Horses “talk” or at least communicate with each other,….. and with me as well. (You too if you pay close attention to their body language.)

Years ago, I was at a men’s retreat in Michigan. Before our meetings began I asked the owner if I could go walk in his back pasture. There had been an early snowfall, about 4 inches and it was really a beautiful site.

As I was just crossing over the fence, one of two horses walked over to me….. and talked. He “talked” like this. He walked over to me, turned and took a few steps away, then turned and looked back at me. (This is “horse talk” for “Hey, follow me”. He wants me to follow him so I did. We walked a short distance across the field to a tree. The horse stopped. The horse looked at me, then looked up in the tree, then looked back at me! (This is “horse talk” for “come here, let me show you something”! He wants me to come closer so he can show me something, so I did. I’m standing right next to this horse that I’ve just met, yet we are communicating with each other. Cool!

He then stretches his neck and head as far as he can into this tree,…… and you guessed it, looks back at me. I look where he’s reaching into this tree and suddenly realize what he is truly wanting from me. This tree is some kind of apple tree, the horses have reached up and eaten all the apples that they can reach. But just inches above his reach are dozens of good tasting apples. So what do I do? I pull off 8 apples and set them on the ground. He immediately begins enjoying his dessert. (don’t think he ever “told” me thank ya tho 😉 )

I holler and whistle at the other horse and say “Hey Horse, you want an apple?” That’s human talk for “Hey Horse, you want an apple”! The other horse comes a trotting over and enjoys himself a sweet snack as well.

When I get back to the owners house, he asks what I’ve been doing. Without thinking about how it would sound, I told him that I’ve been talking to his horses and they had been talking to me.

Do you ever get “that look” from someone. You know, the look they give you when they are trying to decide just how “crazy” of a person you are? Well, he gave me that look,……. with both eyes!

I then explained. “Look, I was walking in your pasture when your horse came up to me and “told” me to follow him,…. follow him to the tree,…… reach up and pick him some of the apples that he couldn’t reach.

Silence…….. He then said, “My horse told you to give him those apples huh?”

My response was, “Well, he didn’t speak in English, but yes with his body language he “talked” with me,……… and he got his apples.

I won’t ever forget what the owner said. In utter amazement he said, “I’ve owned that horse for fifteen years and he hasn’t ever “told” me anything”.

Friends, you don’t have to be the Horse Whisperer to “talk” with horses. You just have to pay attention. Two entirely different creatures, yet they are able to communicate.

Kinda like you and our Heavenly Father. That’s definitely two different creatures right there. One’s an all powerful omnipotent Being, and the other is well, little ole you. But what an amazing event this is to be able to communicate with our God. How do we communicate with Him? Lots of ways. Maybe it’s through prayer, or a song, or a scripture. Maybe it’s just by walking across a pasture, or your living room.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5,6

Maybe it’s just by paying attention. He may be wanting us to follow Him so He can show us something. Something better than an apple. Think about following Him. It makes a lot of “horse sense”!

See Ya! Dan Ainsworth wilderness preacher part time Cowboy

When Garbage Leads To “Stinkin’ Thinkin'”

Oh Boy! That’s a lot of garbage! It’s right in front of my Christmas decorations I’m in the process of putting up. Why so much garbage?

Everyday life brings with it the garbage. Milk jug, plastic bags, food wrappers, food scraps, junk mail, cardboard, more paper from the mail, a pair of worn out socks,…… it goes on and on and on! What’s worse,……. I didn’t get the trash out in time last week so now it’s piling up from my being late and careless.

Our garbage is picked up every Thursday morning. Sometimes they don’t drive their big garbage truck by till after noon. But today they decided to come early. I mean it must have been at sunrise early. I got the garbage out at a normal time. For me it was a normal time, but the trash guys had already come and gone. I realized this later when I went to town and saw EVERYBODY’S garbage picked up but mine. Now What?

Well, guess I’ll have to keep up with it till next Thursday. Yep, keep up with the old garbage and at the same time, the new everyday regular garbage keeps coming. It’s stacking up….. overflowing,….. TAKING OVER!!!!!!!

Psalm 51: 10 -12 Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.  Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me.  Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit.

I experienced an episode of “stinkin’ thinkin'” the other day. You know what I’m talking about. When your head get filled with doubts, problems, pressures, aggravations (I got put on hold for 45 minutes gggrrrrr). Everyday activities brings with them the everyday “garbage ” thoughts that have to be handled. Most of the time you and I can handle them with a “normal” amount of brain usage! But then for whatever reasons, the thought processes that allow us to function in our everyday lives becomes backed up with garbage. Trash, garbage, junk, …….we get overrun and the “stinkin thinkin” takes over. What’s the cure?

Let’s see. A cure for garbage thoughts in my head,……. I got it. any of the following will do: vacation, massage, food, a “take my mind off of it” movie, even a Hallmark movie, more food, and CHOCOLATE!!!

All of the above work for me. Well, maybe not the Hallmark movie that I’ve seen twice already. Seriously, I bet these work for you too. But for only so long, then the garbage “stinkin’ thinkin'” starts piling up again.

The best cure for stinkin’ thinkin’…………. is an everyday walk with God. The garbage that gets into our heads is still an issue, but with God’s help it gets taken out and doesn’t back up and take over. I’m so grateful that our Lord and Saviour is there to walk and talk with me each and everyday. I’m glad that He doesn’t just show up in my life every Thursday morning with His great big “Trash truck”.

Focus on the blessing that God is with you each and every day. Him being with you, that’s a blessing right there. Jesus going where you go. You going where He goes. As everyday life throws garbage at you, have you ever thought about how God reaches around you and grabs that “empty can”, “banana peel”, or “‘tater chip bag”, and says “I’ve got that.”

I’m not trying to make this a trivial and belittling thing about God’s Power and Glory. What I want you to understand is this.

Give your life to God. Give your whole life to God. Surrender everything you have to Him. Yep, everything. Give Him your time, talents, money…….. everything. But ALSO, ….. ALSO,.. give Him your garbage, your trash, junk, and all the”crap” going on in your life.

“Lord will you please help me and my friends here, with our “stinkin’ thinkin’ “. I surrender it all. Like that song You keep placing in my path everyday says, “God you’ve got all my victories, and God you’ve got all my defeats” Thanks for BEING with me each and everyday. I’m wanting this Christmas to be less about the garbage piling up and more,more, more about God, and what You mean to me. Amen.

See Ya! Dan Ainsworth wilderness preacher

Living A Long Life

We celebrated Ethel’s life of 103 1/2 years a few days ago! We celebrated because she is now in heaven! She was my family’s adopted grandmother. We celebrated that as well! Ethel was good at……. BEING Ethel.

BEING Ethel meant that you were good at helping other people. After 103 years I’m sure she had a big influence on lots of folks, and also on lots of different generations. She was a great neighbor to so many friends. She could cook apple fritters, chicken and dumplings, cakes, and on and on.

But BEING Ethel mainly meant being comfortable with who you are. For me personally all those years I saw Ethel BEING Ethel,….. well it was comforting to me. She gave me a sense of relaxation if that makes any sense.

See, Ethel was always easy going, fun to be around. She had a glimmer in her eyes. She was quick with that short quiet laugh of hers. Ethel BEING Ethel was just a joy. Plain and simple she was just fun!

So here’s my question to you. What’s it like? What’s it like you BEING you? I know what it’s like for Dan to BE Dan. What’s it like you being you? Have you found out who you are and who you are supposed to be? Whoa there, not who people think you are supposed to be, but who God created you to be.

Psalm 71:18 Even when I am old and gray, do not forsake me, my God, till I declare your power to the next generation, your mighty acts to all who are to come.

My point is this. When people start BEING the person God created them to BE, then,……. that sense of joy, that inner peace, that “relaxed” feeling as you live your life starts flowing and people around you can sense it.

We are all riding “different horses” on our journeys while here on this Earth. By “different horses”, I mean that some of us are high energy, some easy going, some quiet, some very talkative. All are different. But that’s why it’s important for you to be you.

Ever have those days when you can’t stand yourself. (Makes me wonder what others are thinking of ya those days). You have to put up with “You” each and every day. You living with yourself, every minute of every day. Putting up with all your faults, your shortcomings. Hmmmm, it can get old can’t it!

That’s why I encourage folks to Be what God has created you to Be. Don’t just survive day to day. Live life to the fullest knowing that God’s got your back. He’s got your future as well. God created me as I am for a reason. The main reason was so that He and I can have a personal relationship with each other every day of this life. (and eternally after that!)

I’m “riding the horse” God gave me. Why I never could dunk a basketball or why I never have been able to play a guitar is beyond me. But the other things that God has blessed me within my life, well, that’s what I’m using to BE what God created me to BE!

What about you? Have you found out who you really are? Do you see your God given talents and abilities? They are there I can assure you.Have you asked God to help you in this life? Especially, have you asked God to BE with you as you travel this life. God is extremely good at BEING God. You’ve got to learn to BE yourself. It may take a lifetime to fully understand.

Ethel always seemed to have time to help others. Well she had the time! She had 103 1/2 years. Nope, it wasn’t that. Maybe like Ethel we have to TAKE the time for others.

Being what God created you to be. That’s a goal I’m encouraging you to do. Ethel was good at being Ethel. I loved her for it.

See Ya! Dan Ainsworth wilderness preacher