How to fill ‘er up spiritually

The one thing that keeps our vehicles running, and we act like it’s a hassle to take the time to “fill ‘er up”.

While making a trip to Houston to see my son, I stopped a few times to get gas.  I like to watch people going about their everyday activities.  What was amazing to me was how everyone at the gas stations were in such a hurry.  They obviously needed gas as they were all filling their cars.  But while filling, they also were texting, cleaning out trash, washing their windshields, etc., etc.  I mean let’s be efficient with our time, but c’mon people, have we gotten in that much of a rush?  Hey. Hey. HEY!!!  Lady, I wouldn’t set the gas nozzle on and leave it if I were you.  I guess it’s important that she goes and talks with the guy 3 pumps over.  (Looks more like they were in a heated argument!)

I have fond memories of when I was very young and going to my grandfathers house to get gas.  This was years ago and in a different way of life.  But papaw had a gas pump that you had to hand pump to put gas in the car or tractors.  I got to do this myself.  It made me feel all grown up.  I would crawl up on the tank itself after I put the hose in the car and pump away.  I wouldn’t stop until the gas overflowed!  Filling the car and tractors back in the day was an activity that I truly enjoyed.

Romans 15:13 May the God of hope FILL you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Now, I’m not saying that when you fill your car with gas you should stop doing everything else, stand there, and shout and sing as loud as possible the song “Cause I’m Happy……..”  nope, nada, ney, ney.   I’m saying spiritually that we need to focus on this loving , living, Lord and Saviour that is filling our lives with love and hope.  Take the time to just be with Him.

Has life gotten you in such a rush that when the time comes to be filled with the Spirit, (by the Spirit), that you are too busy doing other things?  Too busy to be filled to overflowing from a Living, Loving God?  You call this a hassle?  Well, you act like it is.

How do we “fill ‘er up” spiritually?  Prayer time is high octane.  A quiet time alone with God is a great way to get you on down the road.  Worship in your church fills “your tank” so that the rest of the week can be traveled through.  Basically, any time spent with God is a time of renewing,  a time that we get to “fill ‘er up“.

Don’t let your “fill me up” time with God become as a hassle to you.  Stay forever young as a child in His presence.  Enjoy filling up until it overflows.  God will put a “tiger in your tank”.  The other activities in your life, especially dealing with trash and heated arguments, can be put on hold.  So “fill ‘er up”.  By the way, God’s paying for it.

See Ya down the road!!    Dan Ainsworth wildernesspreacher




Jesus is a chiropractor

This pain has got to stop.  Even though I hide it well, I’m suffering.  Hey, I’ve done all I know to do, something has got to give.  I need help.

The appointment was set, all paperwork filled out, I’ve checked in and now I’m waiting.  That was quick, now I’m in the Doctor’s office. Didn’t even have time to get more nervous and scared. In walks this young man with a beard.  He speaks to me with a gentle voice. He told me his name. (we’ll call him J.C.) Then he asked me what was the problem.  (Time out) Now he asks that question to complete strangers every day, in and out.  But, without a doubt, he seemed to totally be interested in my life and what was going on.  (Okay), I begin telling him about the pain. I also tell him about the stupid stuff I’ve done over the years to cause damage to my body.  Stupid stuff like all the dares and risks we took in our younger days when we think we are invincible.  (I’m being real here and confessing the stupid stuff, so, you be real and admit you’ve been stupid too). You know, the sports activities, lifting loads too heavy for your back and shoulders, neglect, bad posture habits, on and on.  It’s unreal what we do to our body.

He listens.  Something that seems to be missing in this world.  He listens.  Then he says, ” let’s see what we can do about this”.  He lays his hands on me.  What I will always remember is that he immediately touched the muscles in my neck that were hurting.  He used big words that I didn’t understand.  Said I had a something in my whatever muscle.  There was a “subli something or nother ” in my vertebra.  What I’m trying to say is this.  I didn’t understand what he was saying to his assistant who was writing it down, but I knew that he knew more about what was going on inside of me than I did.

Then he looked inside of me.  In this case he used an x-ray.  Told me exactly what was wrong.  Showed me why I had pain in my life.  Then he said, “we can fix this.”  He didn’t say, you’ve done stupid things, or you’ve waited too long, or anything to make me feel unworthy of seeking his help.  He just calmly said, “I can help”.

So now he asks me to lay on the table face down.  He places one hand on my neck, and brings my arm behind my back.  (time out) Now you guys know me,  My involvement with falconry, with wolves and predators, this position that I am now in, is totally a submissive position.  In the wild, you have a claw on your neck and your wing, leg, or arm is pulled behind your back, you are totally in submission.   Why would I submit to this?  Because I trusted J.C..  I didn’t understand, nor did I really know this guy.   But I trusted him.

What happened next is a blur.  I didn’t know whether to laugh, cry, kick myself for not doing this sooner, or………..  My neck went ccccccrrkkk.  He realigned me.  He began a physical journey that I am now on.  A journey that doesn’t have pain from the past going along with it.

So, my daily devotion for this day was this (and it can’t be a coincidence).  John 8:32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

Why had I not gone to see the chiropractor before this?  Well, I didn’t believe in their ways.  You know, the world says that when you have pain that you need a pill, or shot, or surgery, or well, let’s just do all of them.  Then we’ll cover up the problem with numbing medicines.. Does that sound like your life sometimes??  Also I thought that I could handle this on my own.  After all, who better to run my life than me.  A chiropractor?  All he will do is some touchy feely stuff.  Then he will yank on your head.  People will expect me to say I’m Healed!  And he’ll want to keep seeing me.  Honestly though,  I was just scared of him.

Is your spiritual life filled with pain.  Go see J. C. “the chiropractor”, Jesus Christ.  He’ll listen to you.  He’ll look inside of you, and show that He knows more about what’s going on inside of you than what you know.  When you come to the point that you trust Him, he will realign your life.  Don’t expect to understand, or know what words to use.  Just Trust!!  And by the way, J.C.(Jesus Christ), will want to continue to see you.  It’s a good thing.

I thank God for J.C.

See Ya! Dan Ainsworth  wilderness preacher