Finding Hope in God’s Beauty: A Wilderness Adventure

Seeing the Beauty in Life using God’s Enlightenment

On a cold, dreary, late winter’s day, I’m propelling my kayak towards a remote and hidden spot in the swamp. This area is one of my favorite places for a wilderness adventure because it’s so secluded and quiet. Across the bog and with the water mirroring its image, a pink colorful plant catches my eye.

What is striking to me is the color from these delicate flowers contrasted to the colors defined by the dead. The dead tree, the dead grass, the dead branches and dead limbs. Everywhere on this dull, dreary, overcast day the drab is overwhelmingly painting a gloomy scenario. Yet, planted within this dullness, this plant full of pink flowers is offering a glimmer of hope to draw me away from the humdrum . The hope that no matter the dull and colorless that is seen in this world, my focus can be on beauty. I’m being drawn to this beautiful display as if my eyes are unquestionably focused on the good, not the everyday mundane.

I steer my kayak closer and take a moment to let my senses overflow with this beauty. The locals call this plant a “Wild Azalea”. Have you ever seen one growing in the wild? The fragrance from these flowers is nothing but SWEET! The colors can only be described as vibrant and beautiful.

It makes me come alive just to be experiencing this perfect illustration of seeing beauty in a dull, dreary world.

Here’s my prayer for you and me. That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ the Father of Glory, may give to you a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of Him. I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that you will know what is the hope of His Calling, what are the riches of the Glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the surpassing greatness of His power toward us who believe. Ephesians 1: 17-19

Do you ever feel pulled into the “going through the motions” routine in your everyday life? It can feel so dull, so day to day, so normal, over and over, rinse and repeat. But there’s hope! On our Christian journeys we can know the hope of God’s calling to you. We can share in His riches of Glory! And we experience His power! All we have to do is believe.

How do you believe? Look at it like this. Don’t get “stuck in your kayak” surrounded by doom and gloom. Instead steer your kayak/your life towards that spirit of wisdom and revelation that comes from knowing God. I’ll keep praying for you to find Him. Many of you out there have found Him. I’ll pray for you that everyday you see the beauty that comes from not only knowing about God, but through Jesus Christ you will use your enlightened eyes to see the true beauty He is showing you. (even in a kayak!)

Wings of Eagles

Hundreds of hawks are riding in this thermal. It can carry them sometimes for hundreds of miles. These birds of prey soar in the rising heated air. They don’t have to flap their wings! They fly! They soar! But first, they have to wait.

I took this short video with my son in Houston Texas last week. It was an amazing sight to behold.

The science and biology class is now in session. From the website is this explanation. “Birds use gliding and soaring to save energy while flying. Gliding is when a bird flies without flapping its wings. Birds can glide by using the wind to stay aloft. Soaring is when a bird flies without flapping its wings and gains altitude by using rising air currents. Birds can soar by using thermals, which are columns of warm air that rise from the ground.

Class dismissed.

How can a hawk fly such a long distance as well as stay aloft for great lengths of time? Thermals. Riding the thermals allow these hawks to soar for hours and travel many, many miles. Again understand that they don’t flap their wings. They don’t have to. BUT,………they have to wait!

Thermals are only active during certain times of the day. (Usually mid-morning until late afternoon.) As you drive out and about, look for hawks. You’ll tend to see hawks perched on trees and powerlines during early morning and towards the end of the day. There is no thermal activity then. That’s when they are waiting. During the middle of the day, take a look above you. Odds are you will see a bird riding the thermals of the sky. It may be a vulture, a seagull, a hawk, and yes, even an eagle.

They stretch out their majestic wings. Wings stretched out, feathers lined up in patterns that catch the power and forces of the wind, this bird of prey can travel effortlessly. By waiting on the thermals, they now have the power and the ability to travel on their journey. You and I get to see these magnificent creatures being and doing what God created them to do. They live this way because they know they have to wait.

They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. Isaiah 40:31

So, live your spiritual life like a hawk. Be ready to soar, but also be ready to wait! Wait on upon the Lord.

That doesn’t mean wait by sitting on the couch eating Cheetos! No it means waiting on the Lord for His strength, His power, His direction. Wait like a hawk by looking for the next “thermal.” Oh sure, you can live this life on your own, but you will constantly be “flapping your wings”,…… and growing tired!

Instead, wait upon the Lord. “Go with the flow”, in the “thermals” that He supplies for you. It causes you to focus on His direction and His timing. It causes You to be in “His Will”. It causes you to rise as if on Eagles wings.

How can you find the “thermals” that God provides for you? Leave me your comments. We will continue this adventure on finding God’s thermals for YOU in the next blog.

Until then, listen to the song by Chris Tomlin– I Will Rise

See Ya! Dan Ainsworth wildernesspreacher

Soaring in this life, not because of me but because of my Lord

Following The Way

I’m planning a hike/journey up the side of this mountain. I’ve got to know The Way to be able to get to the top! Not just any ole way, but The Way! I can see from where I am standing that there are many ways to climb up this mountain terrain.

I could go the easy way, but where is it? It might end up being the hard way in the long run. I scan the beautiful side of the mountain for any clues. Pretty sure I see a dangerous way straight up the middle Over to the left is a less rocky way, but more snowdrift. That’s OK ’cause I’ve got snow shoes just for that purpose.

There’s a way with a scenic view (over the rock cliffs). Looks like there’s a way that everyone has gone. How do I know? Tracks…… and lots of them.

That’s a lot of tracks!! What kind? Mainly people, lots of dog tracks, horses? llama?? Whompus cats??? Finding the way you say? Just follow all the other tracks. It’s not that easy and not that obvious. Most of these tracks go about 40 yards up and then double back to the main road in the valley. My destination is to the top. But to get there, I must find The Way.

Part of the fun in this type of adventure is in not knowing what lies ahead. Part of the headache and worry in this type of adventure is in …….. (you guessed it,) not knowing what lies ahead.

Whether I am guiding folks on a hike or out on a solo venture, my eyes are constantly searching for the way.

Any way, the best way, the quickest way, the shortest way, the fill in your own kind of way. Friend, I don’t know about you but when it comes down to it, just give me The Way.

“You don’t need to see the way if you follow the one that is the Way.” — Author Unknown

John 14:6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

So, if I’m to get to the top I don’t have to see the way. I just have to follow the way. How do you follow the way up a mountain? Faith and trust…… I must have faith in my experiences in the wilderness to keep taking one step at a time. I must trust my instincts, my physical abilities, my senses, (including the most valuable sense…… COMMON SENSE) to help me find a way to the top.

How do we get to the top spiritually? I don’t have to see the way,….. I just have to follow The Way/JESUS. That’s too simple to us humans isn’t it? We need faith and trust. We will take a journey putting faith and trust in ourselves. Yet in the spiritual journey, we find it difficult to put faith and trust in Jesus.

When Jesus says that He is the way, he also give us a big extra! What folks call “abundant life”. He adds in truth and life. You don’t know about any of this till you have experienced The Way.

Here’s something more to ponder over. If Jesus is the way, then HE WILL BE WITH YOU no matter what your way is at the moment. Your way may be hard, long, stressful, joyful, sad, confusing, on and on,…….. When Jesus is The Way for you, then you don’t need to see your way. Just follow.

“Lord would you please be with us as we journey. Give us guidance and protection. Keep us focused on You because you are THE WAY!!

See Ya! Dan Ainsworth Wilderness Preacher, part time guide, always looking for an adventure, Following THE WAY!