This wild hawk has developed a trusting relationship with me. This bond we have together is because of one thing…… she’s hungry. She has learned that I will feed her, and feed her well!!
These hawks that are used in falconry are true athletes. It’s amazing watching them as they fly. Why doesn’t she just fly away when we are out hunting? That’s the whole point, she can if she wants. She has free will. But she knows that I have food. She knows me well enough now to realize it’s a good thing to hang around this guy. If we don’t jump a squirrel for her to chase and catch, then there’s always the drumstick or piece of meat held in my hand. Here’s how this works.
You come over to my house. I say to you, ” If you will run to my mailbox (several hundred yards), I will give you a good ole hamburger and fries.” But you’ve just eaten and maybe you’re a little bit lazy and full. Since you are NOT HUNGRY, you are not gonna do it. That’s fine, no problem. We will just wait till tomorrow. Now, you ARE HUNGRY! I say “If you will run to my mailbox, I will give you a steak and bake potato.” Bam!! You’ve gone!! And I keep my word every time. You now have a nourishing good meal. ENJOY!
That’s how I train my hawks. I don’t starve them, that would be bad. These flying athletes have to be in top shape to do and BE what they are. A weak starving hawk would not survive very long it’s sad to say.
But a strong hungry hawk,…….. now that’s a sight to behold. The passion these birds exhibit. The skills they possess. It’s so hard to describe once you’ve seen them up close…… and held them in your hand.
How do I know when they are hungry? I weigh them. Yep, it’s how falconers have done it for centuries. This red tail hawk with a wingspan of four feet weighs between two and three pounds! Remember, they are designed for flight. Their bones are hollow, their feathers light. Most people guess “Dakota” weighs 8 to 10 pounds just by looking at her. She looks that big, but her actual weight is two pounds and five ounces. Her targeted flying weight is two pounds and four ounces.
What do I mean her flying weight? It’s what she weighs when she is the most focused on ME. I weigh her every time I fly her. I’ve learned that if she is heavier than 2lb 4 oz, she acts lazy. She won’t fly to my glove as quickly. Actually she tends to just want to sit in a tree on a perch and look around. She may even have thoughts of flying away. In a day or two when she gets hungry again, she might entertain the idea of coming back to me. But that’s time we’ve lost that we could have been together.
If she weighs less than 2lb 4 oz, she acts tired and lethargic. The day I trapped her from the wild she weighed UNDER two pounds. She was on the verge of starving. (Remember, she had the injured talon.) I had to feed her quite a bit to get her energy level up and have her in a healthy condition.
But,…… when her weight is exactly 2 lb 4 oz ….. it’s almost magical. It’s when she comes alive. She is focused on me. She’s focused on my glove and food. She’s focused on my every move. Most importantly, she wants to be with me as we travel seeking game and opportunities to fly.
2 Corinthians 4:18 So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
For this year’s resolution, I’ve asked God to keep me hungry in my relationship with Him. The world thinks I’m missing out,….. that I’m starving. Nope, Nada, far from it. I’m hungry for a Word from God. A strong Christian ……….now that’s a sight to behold. A strong Christian is what I want to be.
“Hearing” a word from God can be received in many ways. A song, a coincidence, through a conversation with another person, everyday life, all are ways that God speaks to us. But careful,……how do I know My Lord and Saviour is speaking to me in a small coincidence? Here’s how.
By staying focused on God. That small “coincidence” must be backed up and confirmed with scripture. A word from God must always line up with the Word of God (The Bible).
Maybe look at it like this. I communicate with “Dak” while we are out flying. How? By voice commands and whistles. But I also communicate (talk) to her by my body language, how I’m moving/walking,…… where my glove is,… even little things like what my fingers are doing. (reaching for a piece of meat). When “Dak” is hungry, she sees each and every little move I make. She is focused. She knows my will and what I’m wanting from her. She goes where I go.
Everything I do and say while out hunting with this hawk is done to keep this trusting relationship strong between us. (That’s the falconry Bible).
So if you are sensing a Word from God in your own life, I am so happy and proud for you. But when you are focused on Christ, it won’t be just one Word. It will combine with the Holy Spirit’s moving in your life. It will combine with the Bible, your everyday activities, your thoughts and prayers,……. your life itself. And you will be “going” where God is going.
Stay hungry my friends!
Dan Ainsworth wilderness preacher, falconer, seeking a word from my Heavenly Father
I don’t comment much but I do appreciate the time and effort you put in to these lessons.
Thank you
Matt Purvis
As always, quite a read. Thank you for your wisdom. Happy New Year!
A beautiful post! Keep the hunger!!
Thanks for sharing the ongoing story of your relationship with Dak, and your heavenly father. You are a strong Christian and are helping me & others to be as well. Thanks Dan! Keep on being YOU! Hope to see you soon, David
What a great analogy, Dan! I’d sure like to see Dak fly and hunt sometime. Wow!
Happy New Year, friend!
So grateful to you for the inspiration and experience of Dakota! Keep on keepin on my friend.