This blackbird (aka- grackle) catches my eye. He’s sitting next to the gas pump as if he owns the place. As soon as my truck stops, he does his little parade walk over to the front of my truck.
I immediately begin a conversation with him. “Little birdy, what are you doing walkin’ around my truck at this gas station? Shouldn’t you be flying south for the winter”? Luckily for me, all the other gas customers are too busy in their daily hustle, and hurried lives to see me talking to this bird. Well, Staci sees me and does her eye roll thingy. She’s seen me have conversations with birds and animals before. But hey, I’ve seen her roll down the window as we drive by a donkey and yell “Heeehawww”! So there. 😉
This little birdy doesn’t have time for conversation. He’s busy. Busy eating the grasshoppers that are stuck on my front grill! I’ve got it figured out! This blackbird just sits and waits for the vehicles to pull in, then proceeds to dine on the buffet that is before him. That’s a smart bird.
As my truck is fueling up, I get within thee to four feet from the bird. He’s not scared of me. He’s too busy picking my grill clean of whatever bug swarm I’ve driven through. We say our goodbyes, I get back in the truck, watch Staci roll her eyes again at me (and the blackbird) and continue our travels.
Driving away from the gas station, I look back. There goes the blackbird walking over to the next car. He’s jumped up on the car’s grill. Another bug buffet is on tap. I’m thinking,…….. I need to be more like that bird.
In the morning, O LORD, You will hear my voice; In the morning I will order my prayer to You and eagerly watch. Psalm 5:3
Why be more like that bird? Time for me to confess. My prayer conversations to God usually include requests and a few “can I have this” items. It may be some little bitty somethin’ or it may be something big. What’s good is that there IS a conversation with God about my needs and wants and desires and on and on…… What’s bad is I’m beginning to sense is that there is no “eagerly watching……and waiting.”
Kinda like the kid who goes into the candy store with his father. The child says, “Daddy, can I have these jawbreakers”? Before Dad can reply, the child has grabbed a handful of candy. There’s no interaction between son and father. It’s been taken for granted.
Here’s the deal. Maybe all of us should be like this blackbird. He’s used his own smarts to realize there is food at the service station. Then he eagerly watches……and waits. If I use my own smarts to get my spiritual food, I do think that’s good. But when I lose sight that God is my provider and not me,…… well, that’s when it becomes bad. I rob God and myself of that “eagerly watching” that is so important in this living relationship I have with my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
“Lord, I’m sorry when I’ve taken things for granted. Help me with my understanding that watching and waiting are not necessarily bad things. Watching and waiting can and should be times filled with eagerness and anticipation of what You are doing next God. Could You help me to see my times of waiting as times to rely on you. To rely on you with eagerness and excitement. Amen”
See Ya! Dan Ainsworth wilderness preacher
Good message Dan, I love it!
Rely …what a powerful word…thank you!