Put On the Full Armor of God

So, last week’s video was funny……hahahaha, well, it wasn’t that funny. (see last week’s blog of me being chased by bees).  The point made very clear was that I didn’t have all the protection needed against the bees.  I didn’t have the gloves and hat with veil on.  I faced my battle only half prepared.

Ephesians 6:13 (NIV)13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground…….

Read verses 10 – 20.  Little ole you and little ole me are “battling” against evil forces in this world.  Yep, you yourself are in a war with the powers of this dark world.  You are at odds with another student, a co-worker, other people, situations beyond your control.  Maybe you need armor to protect you from people, from traffic, work situations,……from yourself.  How does the “forces of evil destroy you?  Answer, one sting at a time.

Tell me if this hasn’t happened to you.  You wake up excited about a new day.  Let’s see what God’s got in store for my journey today.  Then suddenly it hits.  The first sting, just an annoying occurrence.  It could be bad traffic, a putdown from someone, a difference of opinion.  Then the 2nd and 3rd sting……  getting no show of respect, or worse, no love from these other people (and forces) trying to stop your Spiritual Journey.  It seems like people are ganging up on you.  Finally the final onslaught of vicious attacks and STINGS!!!  You know,  the doubts and especially the FEARS that are placed in your head making you want to quit.  To give up. They come from other people, from the TV, from the weather, from the dad blame car you’re driving.  The day of evil comes against you in any and everything possible. It changes your attitude.  You go from positive to negative.  You turn sour.  You want to kick your dog (and sometimes the people you most care about).  Well, buddy, whether you can realize it, you are fighting with the forces of evil…… and you are losing!!!  Sorry to break the news to ya!

Without full "armor" I couldn't do this.

Without full “armor” I couldn’t do this.

What’s most troubling is how all this dark and evil power can still get inside of our head.  Then you yourself become your worst enemy.  Try wearing the armor of God but forgetting to button up the last button.   Ever had a bee inside of the veil crawling on your lip, then stinging you inside of your nose?  I just did! The pain is tough, but worse is the change in brain activity from “I’ve got this” to now dealing with more bees that sting,(fears, doubts, anxiety, panic).   An unfortunate predicament is to not be fully armored with 6 bees inside of your veil.  You can’t do anything about it because of the hundreds outside looking to get in.  A most unfortunate predicament is to have 6 of those “stingers” inside of the armor God’s given you.  Now what you gonna do?  Can’t get them out because of the hundreds looking to get in.  The forces of evil are massive against little ole you.  That’s why it takes the full protection.  Not just a Bible on your desk, but in your hands.  Not just a churchy visit, but a worship service with fellow Christians and God.  Not just a wandering walk through life, but a journey each day with your Lord and Saviour.  Button up that last button!!!

Funny (like the previous weeks’ video) how we go into spiritual battle only half protected, or with one last button unbuttoned.  Sad how we think that all is fine, (I hate that word), and that we will be able to handle everything.

Maybe this story will help us to realize how serious our spiritual battles are each and every day. Little ole you and me better suit up everyday for every possibility.  How can we best go out into this world against forces of evil.  Prayer…… not just “God is great, God is good, pass the bacon” prayer.  Not some religious “thee’s and thou’s” prayer.  But a most powerful prayer from your very own heart that goes like this. “LORD, HELP ME!

Watch out soldier!  You have now become dangerous!  To God be the Glory!  Let the past wounds heal.  Move on from past defeats.  Little ole you may be in the battle (and battles) of your life!  With God by your side, and wearing His FULL armor, don’t be surprised to see rewards along the journey!  Matter of fact, expect it!   See Ya!




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