Every year this family decorates their entire yard with Christmas lights. Every year lots and lots of people drive by to see their lights. So many cars, that now the community where they live have the police directing traffic and the neighborhood streets turned into one way traffic lanes. (I’ve always wondered if there were ever any “Scrooge” neighbors not liking all the traffic chaos outside their homes.)
My, oh, my the cars that were driving by just to get a look at the lights. Staci and I got a call from some good friends of ours (shout out to Stephen and Joy!). They wanted to know if we wanted to ride a ways and see some Christmas decorations. There’s this family that over the years has accumulated a massive Christmas light decoration. They have even won a few national awards. Did we want to go? I pondered over the idea that it would be past my bedtime when we got back. But hey!!….. let’s live a little! Ha! Sure count us in.
The lights were really cool looking. It was fun just to gaze while also listening to the music that was playing. Again, what struck me was the fact that so many, many cars were driving by. So many, many people were caught up in the moment of seeing the lights
You are the light of the world–like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden. Matthew 5:14 NLT
The little baby Jesus was sent into this world to ultimately shine for us……… and through us. So, don’t forget that YOU are part of this Light of the World. God is shining through you. Just like our friends did, you need to invite people to see the Light shining in and through you. So many people nowadays are spiritually sleeping. But you keep inviting them to the “Light of Your Life” light show. They will one day hang out past their “spiritual bedtime” just so they can also admire the lights! It will cause them to “live a little” spiritually.
Dear Jesus, Thank you for coming into this world and also for coming into each of our lives. We love You for that. Help all of us that we can let our lights shine in our everyday lives so others can see. You are the ultimate light. Let the light you give to shine through me be my gift to others………..and in turn let this gift be to You as well. Happy Birthday Jesus. Amen
Dan Ainsworth wilderness preacher
We are blessed to have the Light of Jesus shining brightly in our hearts every day.
Merry Christmas 🎄