You should’ve seen it! A splinter big (and long) as a Q-tip!! Half way in and half way out! It felt that big anyways. Actually a half inch sliver of wood would be more accurate. Funny thing is,…. I didn’t know it was there until…… THE PAIN.
I remember a few days ago, working on some log benches. As my hand slid down the side of the board, I felt the all too common “sting” of a splinter. (You’ve been there, done that right?) Close inspection revealed nothing,…. nada. I couldn’t see anything. It must have stuck in me and then came right back out. Boy was I wrong. How did I know I was wrong? The Pain!
After two days, whatever was in there was needing to come out. Dr. Dan, using my handiest surgical tools, (a fish hook and tweezers) proceeded to filet open the wound, grasp the foreign object, and successfully remove said object (without any whining)! Success!
My son, be attentive to my words; incline your ear to my sayings. Let them not escape from your sight; keep them within your heart. For they are life to those who find them, and healing to all their flesh. Proverbs 4: 20-22
My retired Marine buddy said the other day that pain is “weakness leaving the body”. That got me to thinking. How many times has God allowed pain in our lives, so that we could get rid of some weakness. I wouldn’t say God caused the pain, but just going through our everyday lives and activities, somehow you and I get a “spiritual splinter”. Maybe we grabbed something we shouldn’t have. Maybe something grabbed us! Anyways, you checked around and nothing, nada……….. until THE PAIN.
I hate pain, it brings out the “whiny, whiny” in me. But maybe just maybe, God can and does use our pains to help us see our weaknesses.
The pains in your life whether physical, mental, or spiritual, are there. If that pain is the result of “weaknesses”, then let the ultimate Great Physician remove them. Be attentive to His Word so that you will know when to call on Him for His healing. God’s Word in your life, your heart, your soul,….. It brings life to those who find it.
See Ya! Dan Ainsworth wilderness preacher
A good read tonight.