Just Another Bump in the Road

I know, it’s just another bump in the road.  When it happens to others, no big deal.  But it’s happening to you and it’s causing a major delay in your life.

I’ve driven my truck now for five years and never had a flat.  Until now.  I’m a few miles from home when I realize I must have hit something in the road.  Also there was a jarring motion as I slowed down.  What made me realize that I was having a flat was when I got out of the truck, I could here the unmistakable sound of air leaking out of my front left tire.  hhhhssssssss.  Uh oh.  I’m a pretty good detective.  I’ve reached the conclusion that I’ve got a flat.  WRONG!!!!!  Keep reading.

Well, a flat, so get to work, fix it.  Solve your own problem and move on.  I know it’s terribly hot.  I’ll get greasy and dirty.  It’s only a few miles from home.  I have a spare and I have a jack.  I will fix my own problem.

The jack for this truck was new to me.  After a short time though, I had taken the flat tire off, pulled the spare from under the truck and put it on and now I’m ready to go.  Let’s continue on my journey right?  WRONG!!!!!  Keep reading.

I’ll admit there was a sense of satisfaction as I let the jack down.  I had completed the act of changing a tire.  Ya always have to be prepared for situations like that.  I did it.  Now back on the road……….  Uh oh, I notice the left rear tire.  It’s now flat as a pancake.  Two flats at the same time!  Do you think I’m going to let this ruin my day.  WRONG!!…… no, you’re right…..keep reading.

I had to do the unthinkable.  I had to do what none of us like to do.  Obviously I did what I could by using the spare on the first flat, but now I’m staring at a second flat tire.  So as painful as it is I do what for some reason I (and you) dread doing.  I call for help.

In this instance I called Staci.  I let her know where I am located, my situation, and my dire need for some assistance.  I’m up a creek without a paddle.  It’s worse, I’m down the road with two flats and one spare.  You do the math.  “I need help”.  There, I said it.

This may seem just a small run of bad luck to you, but it has ruined my day.  I’ve rolled around under the truck, got hot and sweaty.  Never fails that there is an ant bed where I’m working.  Staci wants to know what I did wrong ’cause how else would I get two flats.  Well, that didn’t sit well with me in the frame of mind I was in.  So I barked at her!  When I got to the flat tire fixer guy, he wanted to spend more time talking than fixin’, so I blew a gasket waiting on him as he fixed the tire.  Three hours later, I finally am back on the road again.  All is back to normal……..except for that frame of mind I’m in.

Confession time here for me…….. I have let the monsters of frustration take over.  I have allowed small inconveniences and a bump in the road to take over my frame of mind…… and it’s not good.  Not good for me,  and not good for those around me.  I have become my own worst enemy.

James 1:2-5 Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.

Should I be joyful that I have a flat?  In that case maybe I should go further and have a celebration because I’ve got two flats.  Woohoo,….. double flats, let’s party!!!!!!

No what the scripture is saying to me (and you,  you know how you are when you hit bumps in the road, so chill). ….. What God is telling us is to count it joy when we face our trials.  Count it all joy means to stay away from THAT frame of mind.  As I look back, I’m thankful that Staci took time out to come get me.  I’m glad the tire repair guy can fix my flat.  I’m happy that it’s been five years since I’ve even thought about a flat tire.

I’ll never be joyful about a flat, or any “bump in the road“, and neither will you.  That’s not what the scripture is saying.  But “count it all joy” will keep my mind from getting in the ill and whiney mood.  Count it all joy will not necessarily change my situation, but it can change my mind.  Change my mind from a frustrated pile of mush to a positive faith growing brain allowing my faith to help produce steadfastness.

Funny how we let the small things in our journey “ruin” our day.  Funny how we tend to see the negatives and how we focus on them.  Funny how our own mind can turn from being happy and even joyful to well, being our own worst enemy.  Funny how, well really none of this is funny.  It is a serious step that we must take.  Steadfast (I looked up the definition) means steadily directed, fixed in direction.  What direction is that?  Onward and upward.

Count it all joy that a flat tire, a bad day, a hurt finger, a “whatever you are going through right now”,  can cause you in some small way to grow your faith.  Being in an ill mood can sure put a damper on my and your spiritual growth.  Being in the right frame of mind changes everything, especially how you handle the “bumps”.

See Ya!   Dan Ainsworth wilderness preacher,  part time flat tire fixer guy

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2 thoughts on “Just Another Bump in the Road

  1. Double flats “let’s Party” LOVED THAT! Really laughe out loud by myself.

    You really know how to bring it home. Thanks for being real.
