This butterfly knows where to go. He can actually see where he needs to go. He can see through this problem stopping his journey. But in no way can he himself actually “go” through his problem and be rid of it. He’s going to have to have help. This butterfly is “trapped”, “confined”, “stuck”. There’s no way out! Ever been there?
I’m putting up new screening on the porch at the log cabin in Mississippi. I’m halfway completed with the project, when this butterfly flies in. He comes in where there is no screening yet and flies to the inside of the section of screening that I’ve just installed. You can see that the situation has made him totally confused.
Now, I don’t know how big a brain a butterfly has, but it’s running on overload at this moment in his journey. He can see the flowers in the yard. He can see where he needs to go. But he can’t “see” how to get out of where he’s trapped. That poor little butterfly brain is thinking, “all I gotta do is fly from this side to the other side”. It’s not going to work little butterfly. You can’t fly through the screen. You can see through it all day long. But, you need help.
The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. Psalm 34:18
I’ll save you little butterfly. He is so fragile,…… but so beautiful. What I do is this. I gently cup my hands around this delicate creature. He’s now inside my grasp. I’ve got him. I feel like I’m saving this butterfly from his own torture. He now won’t have to constantly fly into the screen over and over and over,……. thinking that somehow he’s going to fly free.
Carrying him outside for his release into freedom, I’m thinking. We need orchestra music playing in the background. This is a tremendous moment in this butterfly’s life. He will be ceremoniously lifted into the skies. I’ll open my hands and raise them into the blue sky and he will victoriously fly into the open air. “Freedom !” I yell. Wow! This has really become theatrical and there will probably be a whole movie made from this one scene of freeing the butterfly. 😉 Emotions are running high as I open my hands, the butterfly sees he can leave, and now it’s up to him.
He flaps those beautiful wings of his and he’s up and away. I’m yelling like it’s a football game and he’s breaking away for the touchdown. “Go butterfly Go!” (Hey, nobody’s around to see or hear me.) And he does! He flies away making a big circle (making a victory lap I suppose). He continues flying and flies…………well, flies right back inside the porch to the inside of the screening where he was in the very beginning. Once again he’s stuck.
Sometime you are the butterfly. You get “stuck” in life. Oh, you can see where you should be. Just like that screening, you can even see through your problem. But your problem is hiding an even bigger problem. You are not able to do it on your own. That’s, yep, that’s your real problem. It’s tough for a butterfly to admit that they need help. Your problem is not just a “screen”, but in realizing that you need help along the way.
The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. Psalm 34:18
God will help you and wants to help you. Focus on God’s will, not on the screen. He’ll free you time and time again if that’s what you need. God will wrap His loving hands gently around you. How? There are so many ways God works in our lives. It may be from a song you are hearing. A sunset, a scripture, an interaction with another person. Or maybe a story about a butterfly.
See Ya! Dan Ainsworth wilderness preacher 601-832-8567
This might be my favorite.
Well said…..as usual. Thanks, Dan, for how you share your heart!