I’m putting these boots back on! Five years ago I bought these boots to wear as I walked/ exercised/ got in shape. I was getting into shape to live above the world, (and in the peaks of the Sangre De Cristo Mountains). But,….. I’ve been busy the past two years building our log home. No time for exercise, (cause I been working), no time for the right kinds of food, (honey buns and ‘tater chips are quicker). I can tell I’m not in shape to live life at it’s best. How can I tell?
Mother gave me a to do list. Landscaping, cleaning out the barn, more landscaping, winterizing where her plants grow for the winter, and….. more landscaping. I’ve moved more pine straw with just a pitchfork, than what a 2 mile wide tornado would do! I jumped on it. Gonna whoop these chores. AND I DID!! But , man am I sore. My muscles ache from head to toe. All that lifting, moving, swinging and dancing with the pitchfork……. I think I’m stiff hurting all over. As I write this, my earl lobes even ache. I must be out of shape!
Time to take some action. I call my son Jordan for advice. See, he is a Sports Performance Specialist working with athletes. You need to increase your pitching speed from 89 to 92? He can help. You need to be faster, jump higher, farther etc. He’s your guy. What you have physically, he can take and tweak improvements. It might take extra time, work, and or dedication, but he gets athletes to live at their best. Maybe he can help me.
Our conversations turn into Jordan asking me what my goals are as far as being in shape. Here’s my chance. So I tell him…….. “I want to be that guy that’s always showing off his abs. You know, the guy that is a picture perfect specimen with ripped muscles and no fat whatsoever.”
He doesn’t even laugh, at least not that I can hear him. He begins explaining how a regimen of eating (or I would say, barely eating) proper foods plus extensive cardio training could give me those results. There was no mentioning honey buns so I quickly came back to reality. ” No, honestly, I want to be in shape enough that I can truly live life. I’ll fight the arthritis, aging, weight gain…… all those things we all face. But I want to know that I did what I could do by taking care of my body to fully live my life. I may not look like and have a model’s body on the outside, but on the inside……. I want to give it my best. So get the boots out and let’s exercise!!!
My personal sports performance specialist has now given me a series of exercises that are designed to do just that. Doing these exercise makes me more mobile, agile, and a little quicker on my feet. Might even lose a few pounds because of it. The biggest difference? It’s how I feel about myself. There is more of a positive outlook on everything. Not just how many reps I can do, but that I truly am doing something for myself that truly helps me live life better. Oh I still get those aches and pains, still have to stretch tight muscles, still have to resist honey buns and snickers candy…… but I can feel it on the inside! And it’s a good thing!
I’ve got a question that I’ve asked Jordan and now I’ll ask you. What exercises are there that can help me spiritually to live life at its fullest? Easy answer! Read the Bible, pray, and meditate on God’s Will. Easy enough because we all know these exercises, but are we doing them correctly?
Jordan text me his thoughts on this, and coming from this sports training professional it caused me to think harder on what he said. Here are his words:
“I think a lot of people will pray, or think about things, but then just end up doing what feels right to them. Just like when you are going hard at a workout, you feel like 3 sets might be enough. Is it because 3 sets really is enough or because you got tired at 3.
For both things (physical and spiritual), I think a person needs emotional maturity. If you don’t have it, you will quit when things get hard or be susceptible to only making the decision that makes you “feel” right. You have trouble telling the difference between your emotions and the Holy Spirit’s guidance.”
I catch myself doing just that sometimes. I’ll read a few verses, then think…..that’ll do. I’ll meditate briefly, then think what all needs doing. I’ll pray, but just the basics. Hmmm……… sounds like I did three reps, figured it was good enough, or got tired one. Not much exercise for improvements there huh?
Jesus said,……. “I have come that they may have life, and have it the full.” John 10:10
Jesus has given me and you a life to live. If I can “exercise” to improve my spiritual journey, then by all means I’m ready to “put those exercise boots on”.
Praying and reading the Bible,…….. not just going through the motions, not just 3 reps and call it cause your tired. But exercise your praying and reading to benefit your everyday living.
Spiritual Exercise is not an end all, be all, all by itself. It’s to help you live. It’s to help you live an abundant life.
Focus on letting your praying and Bible reading be exercises. Exercises that pull you closer to God’s Will. Exercises that help you live….. and come ALIVE!! Now give me 5!!!
See Ya! Dan Ainsworth wilderness preacher
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