Free Bees for Me; Free Honey for You

Free Bees for me. Now, free honey for you!!!  I’ve learned how to set a trap to catch bees that are swarming/(looking for a new home).  That’s a handful of bees right there.  I like the honeybee that did a close up photo bomb in the picture (lower left hand side).

Bees swarm as a way to reproduce and make more colonies.  Lots of troubles out there because the bees are declining because of pesticides, mites, beetles, and really no one knows what’s going on.  So they need all the help they can get.  I’ll help them.  I’ll provide them a brand new bee hive to live in.  In return, they can share a little of their honey for me and you.  DEAL!!

To catch a swarm of wild bees, you put an empty box in a tree usually and bait it with a few drops of lemongrass oil and some old honey comb from another hive..  The bees smell this lure from up to 2 miles away.  The scout bees come over and take a look.  Basically they check out the box, see that it resembles a Holiday Inn and notify the queen bee.  They somehow decide when to swarm, who stays and who goes.  The older queen leaves for the new hive.  Her daughter now takes over the old hive.

When the swarm takes up residence in my swarm trap, I then transfer them to a regular bee hive…….. and we are in the honey business.

So many parallels to these wonderfully made creatures (the bees) and how we should live as Christians.  It’s all about the queen ( and what she wants) in the bee world.  Shouldn’t it be all about God and His Will in our lives?  Hmmm……. could God be the Queen not King?…….just wondering.

I’ve developed a knack for catching these wild bees.  Caught 10 swarms so far this year.  If I were to buy a bee colony (just bees, no wooden hive) it would be around a hundred bucks for each group of bees.  Do the math!  If I catch them…….. it’s free!!!

2 Corinthians 9:6-8New International Version (NIV)Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 8 And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.

These honeybees have produced some wonderful honey.  I want to share.  Private message me on facebook (Dan Ainsworth) with your mailing address.  Or leave a comment with your mailing address here (I’ll not post them to the public).  I’ll send a pound of wildernesspreacher honey to all who have subscribed and ask for it.  No money, no shipping costs, its free.  I just need your mailing address.

My prayer is that we all set a trap (our lives) for the Holy Spirit to come into.  It’s free as well as freeing.  Amazing how so much activity (and honey) can come from this collection of tiny insects working together for the good of all.  Amazing to me how someone living the Christian way of life can experience so many blessings from a loving God.  We reap what we sow, so……. sow what will give Glory and Honor to our Heavenly Lord. Also, BEE what God has created you to BEE!  What’s that?  A wondrously made creature and child of the King (or Queen 😉  )


Don’t forget,  this is my way of saying thanks.  If you are a subscriber then leave a comment with your name and mailing address and you’ve got some fresh honey on the way!

See Ya Dan Ainsworth wildernesspreacher,  part time bee keeper


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One thought on “Free Bees for Me; Free Honey for You

  1. Hi Dan, thanks for the post and the offer for honey! You are a man of many talents. Our family LOVES honey – in fact we use it for sweetener for almost everything – our kids don’t even really know what “syrup” is… I didn’t realize you could “catch” honey bees like that – very interesting. Thanks again, and blessings, Eric