Faith Like a Farmer

"You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet"

You see a picture of vines, mud, bugs, and dirt.  The farmer sees……. WATERMELONS!!!

What’s the difference?  Well, it depends on who’s point of view that you are looking from.  A casual passerby looks across this field and all he sees are the vines.  If he looks closer he might notice the mud and dirt.  But not the farmer…….

The farmer sees watermelons!  Why?  Because he’s been living out in the field for several weeks.  Preparing the soil, putting in fertilize, planting the watermelon plants by hand, keeping the weeds out, his work goes on and on.  Why does he do it?    Answer…… FAITH!!

The farmer knows that there are many flowers (baby watermelons) out in his field.  The potential is enormous as to how many TONS of watermelons that possibly can be harvested from his field.  There is also a huge possibility that his crop will never materialize because of disease, bad weather, bugs, too much rain, too little rain, etc, etc,.  So why does a farmer take such a big risk on his time and investment?  Answer…… Faith!!

To me what is missing in our society today is the farmer’s faith.  A faith that is lived regardless of life’s conditions.  A faith that better things are to come.  A faith that drives every farmer to battle all the negative things thrown his way.   A faith, hope and belief in waking up each brand new day realizing………… “you aint’ seen nothing yet”!  Don’t you wish you could wake up every day with this attitude?

Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.  Hebrews 11:1

So even if you live in a concrete city, or work inside all day, you can still be a farmer.  Grow your faith.  Read the word, pray, search for the friendship and fellowship of God.   The potential is enormous.  Sadly, there is a huge possibility of negative things coming your way to hinder or even stop you from growing with God.  Well, you got to have faith.

Back to what is missing in our society (and maybe even in your life).  When the farmer encounters bad weather, bad conditions, bad ANYTHING, does he give up?  Nope, because he has faith.  If his crop doesn’t produce a new world record for production does he give up?  Nope, cause he has faith.  And strange as this may sound, if the crop was a total loss, would the farmer quit?  Nope, because he has faith.

A farmer’s faith does not depend on the conditions around him.  It depends on the “condition” inside of him.  Faith from within,……. it’s needed in a farmer’s life.  He lives and breathes everyday knowing that the next day will be another one of those “you ain’t seen nothing yet” days.  This world calls a farmer “backwards”, “naive”, or “simple”.  But with faith like that I call him “NOBLE”!

Mr. Farmer, you keep LIVING your faith while many around you just “talk” it.  I myself will continue to live my faith in my spiritual journey.

I will continue trusting God to help me make right decisions.  I will continue to realize that sometimes even when I make “wrong” decisions, it turns into something right in the long run.  My faith points that out to me.  By faith, I will live this life not in fear, but in great anticipation that even in all the NEGATIVE around me, there is an assurance of things not seen.  There is a POSITIVE force leading me to unknown mysteries.  There is a Lord and Saviour who considers me one of His “watermelons” and has promised to be with me every day of my life.

There is a promise from God that………”you ain’t seen nothing yet”!

See Ya!!   Dan Ainsworth  wilderness preacher  Becoming “alive” because of faith!

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