Celebrate! One year’s journey and counting

join in this spiritual journey  wildernesspreacher.com

Join in this spiritual journey.     wildernesspreacher.com

Let’s Celebrate! wildernesspreacher has been blogging over a year (4 months of that with the beard!). Some of you have been on this journey from day one.  Many of you, well, you just joined in this month.  Welcome to all.  Lots of highlights from the past year.  Take time if you will to click on the favorites(scroll down and to the right), to see what people have enjoyed the most.  Take the time each week to continue to get refreshed on this, your spiritual journey as well.

Your friendship is important to me.  We may only be sharing a story over coffee, or having a brief time of devotion or prayer together.  Sharing is what this blog is all about.  When you my friends read this and you get a refreshing thought, that’s when you yourself need to share with others on their journeys.

Proverbs 27:9 New International Version (NIV)  Perfume and incense bring joy to the heart, and the pleasantness of a friend springs from their heartfelt advice.

The goal of this wilderness preacher is not to tell you what to do.  (You got enough people in your life doing that.)  My goal is to tell you not what to do, but what to BE!  So like the scripture says, here is my friend to friend advice.  It’s truly from the heart.  Be what God has created you to be.  Do you not know fully what He has created you to be?  That is the beauty, the mystery, the challenge, and yes sometimes the disappointment that you will face every day on your spiritual journey.  The disappointment?  Realizing that you must use your eyes and not God’s eyes just yet to see and understand.  The challenge? Facing each and every day what this world throws at you to make you stumble.  The mystery?  Realizing that this awesome Living and Loving God wants to have a deepening relationship with little ole you.  The beauty?  Realizing that no matter what you do, or how you look, (even a beard), or how many times you fail, or how many times you @**# up…….realizing that God has created you to be His child.  God has created you to be in a loving relationship with Him.  What else my friend has God created you to BE?

See Ya!!

Saddle up and lets travel together

Saddle up and lets travel spiritually together




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3 thoughts on “Celebrate! One year’s journey and counting

  1. Congratulations on your year Dan! Love your blog. Seems like I always find something here that helps me be a better me.

    Steve Wade

  2. God has blessed you with the gift of special words. Keep using them for Him and blessings will continue. Just how old are you trying to look with that beard?

  3. Thank you for your time and wisdom. If we ever meet I know we will be the best of friends .
    God bless you.
    Laurel,Ms Matt Purvis