How I KNOW my Mother is in Heaven.

My Mother passed away a few weeks ago. She is now in Heaven. The best way I can explain my KNOWING this is for you to read the following.
I invited some friends over to hang out, spend some time to watch a ball game, talk about fishing, and eat some BBQ. One of my close friends asked if he could invite one of his best friends over. I readily agreed, though I’d never met this friend of a friend.
Turns out, this friend of a friend, (his name is J.C.), was a plumber by trade. As he interacted with all of us guys, he became one of us. I mean, he loved fishing and sharing his stories. He also could eat his share of BBQ and was as big a sports fan as any of us. He’s just a fun guy to be around.
Coming back from my bathroom during a break, he commented the toilet wasn’t working, but that he had fixed it.
I’ll admit, I had been working on that leaking contraption for days. The float or valve thingy must have malfunctioned in some way. I checked. Guess what? There was no sound. No leaky noise, no hissing to interrupt what should be the normal quiet.
I asked J.C. how did he fix it? I’ll never forget his comment. “It’s what I do.”
Jason, who brought us together, told me later. “J.C. is the only plumber I need to KNOW! He can fix anything. If you have a plumbing problem, He’s the only one I recommend. I BELIEVE in him.
Hmmm. You know that old ‘country boy’ saying….. “It ain’t what you know, it’s who you know.”
How does my plumber friend, J.C., relate to your belief in Heaven?
Everything! I try to solve my plumbing problems, but J.C. comes in and fixes them (permanently, I might add). Even if he explained his work, I wouldn’t comprehend his methods. My experiences tell me I KNOW this guy is real.
There are other plumbers out there, but I’ve made my choice! It is J.C.!
I’ve got this friend, Jesus. A friend of this friend introduced him to me. Jesus didn’t just come in and try to “fix everything” in my life. Nope. He wanted to be in my life, even when I was fishing. He KNOWS about Heaven because He’s been there. There are many scriptures written about Heaven and how Jesus is there preparing it for my Mother. And me! And you!
It’s a choice, clear and simple. Jesus wants to just ‘hang out’, be a part of your life.
It’s a choice for you. Jesus could explain all the ins and outs of Heaven, still you and I wouldn’t understand how He does it.
It’s a simple choice for you to make. J.C. is my plumber. I believe in him. I know he can do what he says. That’s my personal experience, so let me know. I’ll introduce you.
Here’s another choice that is yours and yours alone. Jesus is my Savior and my friend. I BELIEVE in Him. I KNOW he can do what he says. That’s from my personal experience, so let me know. I’ll introduce you.
See Ya! Dan Ainsworth wilderness preacher I KNOW what I know, ya know?