Failure brings Success

Counting all the good things I do makes me a successful Christian right?
I used to think so.   Until the realization that it is God’s Love, Mercy, Grace, and Forgiveness that makes me a “Successful” Christian.
It takes “Failures” in our work, relationships, “religious activities”, even sometimes our health to help us focus on Being a True Christian.

2 Corinthians 12: 9-10 And He has said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness.” Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me. 10 Therefore I am well content with weaknesses, with insults, with distresses, with persecutions, with difficulties, for Christ’s sake; for when I am weak, then I am strong.

So instead of counting all the good things I do, what’s important is what I am being.  The list above in the scripture, (weakness, distress, difficulties, on and on) sounds like failures to the world.  Yet that is when God’s power takes over .  Failures bring a  success.  The success of Christ dwelling in you.

Here is a “Cowboy poem” concerning how success made me a failure, but the failures made me  truly successful.

Failures bring Success by Dan Ainsworth

I sit on a tree stump, a primitive church pew

I just got my butt wet, it was covered with dew

But with pen and paper, I’m compelled to not delay

That I share from within, what my heart’s burstin’ to say

Success has caused failure in my journey to see

The True God I long for, and where’s the True me?


I’m reading a book “A Praying Life” by Paul Miller

It’s no epic or saga, nor comedy, nor thriller

But it’s words have hit home, they’ve cut to the quick

A book of spiritual food, this one does the trick

The author shares in his book, a new plan for success,

It’s authenticity, God’s plan all along.

A big word that is,(I had to find how to spell it),

Pains me deeply to realize, I’ve been wrong.

I thought to be successful in this Christian way of life,

Was to count things I do right and do good.

Just keep up with the number of good words and deeds,

and live like ‘man’ thinks that I should.

But God’s plan is simple, “son, just be authentic”

To me what is said is, “Be real!”

And Lo and behold, through a book and men’s prayers,

God’s direction to me is revealed.


Wow! God wants it real!  Hey! I want it real!!

What a RUSH! To be on the same page!!!

He’s taken success, AND taken my failures,

Authenticity…. we are now to engage!!

His healing of my wounds, “open sores” and afflictions,

have left scars that look really gory.

But these brand new tattoos don’t remind me of pains,

but of God’s healing and my Saviour’s own Glory!!

The words, God has changed, He has them reversed,

my story now has a new part,

Reversed words and meanings now come into play,

God is cleansing and mending my heart.


Failures brought success in my journey to see,

The true God I long for, and the true me I’m to BE!

click here to comment or share.   If you have had failure bring you closer to God, then share this with others.  See Ya!!



Wiley Ainsworth and the Mulberry Tree

Wiley Ainsworth and 130 yr old tree

a short “cowboy poem” by Dan Ainsworth

Well, look’a there. It’s a picture, of Wiley and a tree.

They are both God’s creation.  That’s easy to see.

Wiley’s in his 80’s. The tree’s well over 130!

Made their living from the ground, didn’t mind gettin’ dirty.

This Mulberry tree grew, from a seed in the wild.

Wiley remembers climbing this tree, as a child.

The way they were raised, their roots grew in good soil.

Both earned what they got, from hard work, time, and toil.

They each have provided, to animal and man.

They gave shade and shelter, each lived in God’s plan.

This tree provided food.  Many critters here dined.

Wiley cared for critters also, mainly ‘two legged’ kind.

Providing for others, he gave from the land,

by farming, sharing God’s Love, and living God’s plan.

Neither complains, they go with the flow,

both seeking God’s directions, good examples they do show.

Storms have come through, and taken a toll.

Limbs are now bent, but, stronger is the soul.

Over time this Mulberry tree, has turned brittle and bent

And Wiley says his ‘get up, has done got up and went’.

They are known by their fruit, sweet berries the tree shares,

When folks see Wiley’s smile, they know that he cares!

From what God has grown, they both constantly give.

It’s their nature to share.  In God’s Hands they both live.

So nowadays my Dad, gives us all inspiration,

By just ‘being there’, it shows dedication.

He still spreads his limbs for a wave or handshake.

Cause he’s filled with God’s love.  And that, you can’t mistake.

Why tell you this poem, in this rather unique way?

‘Cause I get to say I love you Daddy,…….. Happy Father’s Day!







Big Ole Pile

Big Ole Pile…. That’s me!!    by DanA

In this world, there’s a catch pen, a congregation of cows,

and behind the fence, these cows walk slow but sure.

And gradually over time, and it don’t take that long,

this ground gets covered, with manure.

How the manure piles develop, why they congregate here,

that’s something I aint quite figured out.

Yet it’s reminds me of me, and my very own life.

So here’s what this story is about.


See you got to understand. I was low down and stankin’.

The cleanest name I could be called was manure.

Twasn’t the best of situatons, wasn’t my plan or idea,

I didn’t want this for my life, that’s for sure.

Stuck on that stomped ground, gettin’ crusty on top,

I stared straight into the bright morning light.

And there on the fence, nailed to a fence post,

was this man with his arms stretched out tight.

Jesus Christ I yelled! caused it scared me so,

that’s just something that I shouldn’t see.

Cause remember where I am? Right there, close to the middle,

see right there, yep that big ole pile of…. that’s me.

What I’m seeing can’t be, my eyes must be lyin’,

my heart says its real …. What’s this about?

I didn’t know what to do, didn’t know quite what to say.

Lord Help me!!… was all that came out.

That’s all that it took, cause He reached out, picked me up,

and from there began my new journey.


Cause remember where I am! Right there in His Hands

see right there, that big ole pile, that’s me.

The Son of God grabbed me, and with His perfect touch,

His Spirit molded in me, through and through.

Old things past away, all things became new.

God planted seeds, and watered and things grew!


From a heaping pile of nothing, comes new life and new meaning

Shucks, a song is now placed in my heart.

My Saviour saw fit, to come pick me up,

this organic mess, now has a new start.

His flowers now grow, from His seeds and His water.

From inside, God’s love sprouted out.

All you big piles out there, who’s lives have been changed…

you know what I’m talking about.

I’ve been changed By His love. I really can’t explain it.

You’ll agree ,that it’s still, a mystery.

Didn’t recognize me! Why, here I am, sproutin all of them flowers? DCIM100GOPRO

Thank you Lord! God’s Glory! That’s me!!