From Manure to Miracle

Cowboy poem by Dan Ainsworth Wilderness Preacher

edit….This poem shares 2 Corinthians 5:17 how Christ makes old things pass away

and all things become new. Read and enjoy!

In this world, there’s a catch pen, a congregation of cows,

inside this fence, these cows walk slow but sure.

And gradually over time, and it doesn’t take that long,

this ground gets covered with manure.

How the manure piles develop, why they congregate here,

that’s something I ain’t quite figured out.

Yet it’s reminds me of me, and my very own life.

So here’s what this story is about.

See, you got to understand. I was low down and stinking’.

The cleanest name I could be called was manure.

Twasn’t the best of situations, wasn’t my plan or idea,

I didn’t want this for my life, that’s for sure.

I felt stuck in that gross stomped ground, gettin’ crusty on top,

I stared straight into the bright morning light.

And there on the fence, nailed to a large fence post,

was this man with his arms stretched out tight.

Jesus Christ, I yelled! caused it scared me so,

it’s just something that I shouldn’t see.

Cause remember where I am? Right there, on the right.

See right there? Yep, that big ole pile of…. that’s me.

What I’m seeing is a mystery. My eyes must be lyin’,

my heart says it’s real …. What’s this about?

I didn’t know what to do, didn’t know quite what to say.

Lord Help me!!… was all that came out.

That’s all that it took, cause He reached out, picked me up,

and from there began my new journey.

Look now where I am! Right there in His Hands!

see right there, that big ole pile of …, that’s me.

The Son of God grabbed me, and with His perfect touch,

His Spirit molded in me, through and through.

Old things passed away, all things became fresh.

God planted seeds, He watered and things grew!

From a heaping pile of waste, comes new life and new meaning

Shucks, a song is now placed in my heart.

My Saviour saw fit to come pick me up,

this organic mess, now has a new start.

His flowers now grow from His seeds and His water.

From inside, God’s love sprouted out.

All you former piles out there, in whose lives God has changed…

you know what I’m talking about.

His love has changed me. I really can’t explain it.

You’ll agree that it’s still a mystery.

Didn’t recognize me! Why, here I am, sprouting all them there flowers?

Thank you, Lord! God’s Glory! That’s me!!

New meaning, New Life

Life After the Vote: A Cowboy’s Reflection

The day after I vote what will happen? Gobbledegook and jibber jabber are no more.

From this locking horns and buttin’ heads, we’ll get some relief. Which is good, cause my ears have grown sore.

Political pundits, will have less things to say. Less words used to pretend and or offend.

And hopefully this nasty bad mouthin’ we’ve heard, FINALLY, will  come to an end.

After watching these candidates debate one another, and watching ’em every day in the news,

It’s given this cowboy an agitated, tense stomach, and a severe case of “get this over” blues.

When I believe something’s wrong, they want to tell me it’s right. Lies are told as if they are true.

Yes, they say they want to help, but this power they seek? Will it give benefits for me and for you?

If I disagree, then, they give me a name. Call me things that hurt deep in my heart.

If I choose to agree, then that’s when they want money.  My money, yet they want a large part.

Who won? You will ask. Who lost? You will say.  Why did it turn out this way?

No matter the outcome, Americans we are. Dear God, please bless the U S of A.

The day after I vote I won’t yell at TV. Whether it be that I’m disagreeing or agreeing.

I’ll focus more on this journey with God. Believing in Him, and with Him, just being.

Well, pardner, here’s my thinkin’, my two bits of advice. Here’s how I’ll continue to live.

One side gets my vote, because it’s my right. But my trust to neither will I give.

I’ll trust not in man, the proud or the lying. My trust is in God, you should know.

Call me names if you want, but that’s how I live. I follow Christ. Where He leads, I will go.

The day after I vote I’ll be out mending fences. Daily chores will be accomplished of course.

Less time will be spent listening to intellectuals and scholars. More time spent listening to my horse.

How blessed is the man that makes the Lord his trust. And has not turned to the proud, nor such as turned aside to lies. Psalm 40:4 (KJV)

See Ya Dan Ainsworth Wilderness Preacher/Cowboy

The Baptism of Jack


So raise your glass, clap your hands,

Everyone share a high five!

Jack is getting baptized.

His heart has come alive.

The preacher may have dunked him under.

By God’s Spirit he’s been raised.

This man has been saved by Jesus.

It’s to Him we give glory and praise!


1) There was an Angel right there in the pool.

No, wait.  This angel is Jack’s wife.

Through thick and thin, by his side she has been.

And several times she has saved his life.

As Jack slid under the water,

she waited on him from above.

And when he popped up, she stretched her arms out,

and gave Jack a soul mate’s love hug.



2) He’s always been known as a “rock star”,

got the looks and he knows how to sing.

But add one more name, to how he is  known.

Now he’s also called child of the King!


So raise your glass, clap your hands,

Everyone share a high five!

Jack is getting baptized.

His heart has come alive.

The preacher may have dunked him under.

By God’s Spirit he’s been raised.

This man has been saved by Jesus.

It’s to Him we give glory and praise!


3)This preacher has been around lots of baptisms.

this one I promise was real.

As the family all gathered, sittin’ round the table,

God’s presence and His Love you could feel.

Such a special and spirit filled occasion.

But there is one more thing I must say.

All baptisms that this preacher does from now on,

must include Dawn’s crawfish etouffee !!! 😉


4)So Jack, a new journey you’ve started.

Don’t be hard on yourself ’bout anything.

Cause no matter what you do, or wherever you are,

Now my friend, you’re a child of the King!


So raise your glass, clap your hands,

Everyone share a high five!

Jack is getting baptized.

His heart has come alive.

The preacher may have dunked him under.

By God’s Spirit he’s been raised.

This man has been saved by Jesus.

It’s to Him we give glory and praise!