Do you ever notice those outdoor signs as you drive down the interstates and even the back roads of this country? You can’t help but see them. They are everywhere. What if one of those signs represented you and your life?

It may just be me, but it seems that nowadays most of the billboard signs out on the highways and byways are advertisements for lawyers. You know the ones. You’ve seen them. There’s the lawyer with his picture on the sign saying “One call that’s all”. There’s the other sign with the young lawyer and his slogan, “Been hit? Then call Whitt!” Then there’s “Under Arrest, Call the Best!” On and on. You haven’t gone two more miles down the road when on your right there’s another big sign. Wait! In big capital letters it says, “God is Good”. But underneath the “God is Good” letters it says brought to you by so and so lawyer and lawyer associates. What’s up with that?
Several more miles of driving, now I see a sign showing lawn mowers for sale. There’s one advertising land for sale. Uh oh, now another lawyer sign. It’s just a few hundred more yards and I take a picture showing the sign I’ve shared above. It’s available.
There in broad daylight is a sign that’s a big as half of Kansas . What, no lawyer needing another sign? Then I get to thinking. What if I put my name on that sign. Better yet, what if we put your name on that sign.
If your life could be seen by all the world on one of those outdoor billboard signs, what would people see? What would be your slogan?
Let’s dig a little deeper here. In this spiritual journey that you and I are on, when people that are on the highways and byways of life pass by you, what do they see?
The only Jesus that some people see, is the Jesus seen in you and me. That’s an accurate statement right there! You and I realize our weaknesses and shortcomings, so it’s almost disappointing to us to realize that we may be falling short of being a good example of a follower of Christ. We feel bad when we think of how we show our Christianity to others. There’s no way I can represent Jesus to others! They don’t need to look at me. The overwhelming thought, I…AM…NOT…GOOD… ENOUGH… takes over! It robs us of our joy!
Matthew 5:16 Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.
A good ole country boy/cowboy sayin goes like this,….. “it ain’t what ya got, it’s how you use it.”
I think on our Christian walk on this Earth, God takes that saying and turns it into this. “It’s not your ability but your availability that I want from you.”
You are a billboard for all the world to see. Don’t worry about what “road” you are set beside. No need to fret over how big your “posts” are or how much “plyboard” you’ve got to show. Hmm, say you’ve got “termites” trying to tear your sign down. God knows all about you. (Even the ‘termites’ in your life).
What a wonderful blessing to know that God knows all about me,………. and He still wants me to be available for Him. That’s got to make you want to praise Him. Do any of you know that old little children’s song?
This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine! Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.!
What would be your slogan in this Christian journey?
See ya! Dan Ainsworth wilderness preacher
Hello Mr Ainsworth
It’s good to start receiving your email again. I hope that all is well with you and yours .
GOD bless you.
Yay on the road again. So glad you’re writing the book💜
Thanks for this message.