Are those “Claws” Sharp?

That’s the most asked question about my hawks and owls that I fly.  And YES!! They are sharp.

hawk talons


The claws, talons is a more correct word, are sharp enough that I must wear a long thick leather glove. Sharp talons are vital tools that these birds of prey use to snatch and hold prey, protect themselves, and perch on a tree limb.


These talons and beak must stay sharp! The beak and talons are critical tools that these birds of prey use for their survival. Hawks have a way of sharpening their tools.  It’s by continually using them.  If you place a hawk in a pen, always giving it cut up meat (they don’t eat salads ya know!), their beaks will grow abnormally long.  This would require a manual process called “coping” to file the beak down to where it would function. My hawks must always be able to rip and tear their food.

What are your ‘tools’ that you must use on your spiritual journey?  I value my guidebook( the Bible), to keep me on path and to provide spiritual food.  To keep this tool sharp requires me to continually use it.

A new tool that I’m beginning to use more and more is my computer and the internet.  Yes, even in my wilderness, the internet is becoming a more valuable tool to reach out (to you guys) as well as a source of information.

If it’s on the internet it’s true right?  I’ll admit there sometimes is a fear in me about all this information on the internet.  But I shouldn’t fear this tool, but instead use a sound mind and let this power be used for God’s Glory.  My friend Derek at has been a great help with advice about social media and the internet.

I have no spirit of fear concerning  those talons and beak.  But I do realize the power that these tools give this Red tail hawk. (I’ll show you my scar from wearing too short a glove.)

What tools do you use on your spiritual journey?  How do you stay sharp?

For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and love, and of a sound mind. 2 Tim 1:7



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One thought on “Are those “Claws” Sharp?

  1. As always I enjoy reading your story’s and think their very interesting ,keep them coming.
    I recently went to work in Maryland
    And want be back home for a couple month . I was hoping to have my permit before then but I have to do what I have to do. I bought a few books to help me along but they are not what I was looking for so I’ll keep trying . I will call you when I get back home. Wanting to become a falconer is pretty much a life long desire even though I didn’t know it was even possible years ago .
    Hope yaw enjoy the forth