The Wilderness Preacher: A Fisherman’s Spiritual Revelation

Here is a mystery, a riddle so to speak, for you to figure out.

(Step 1) I caught a bluegill on the fly attached to my fly rod.

(Step 2) But I landed the largest Bass ever on this same fly rod. How did I catch one, but land the other?

Here is the answer……

(Step 3) The Bass gets eaten (by me), but the bluegill is released to begin a new life after being saved from the near death experience with the Jaws of Death.

Wow! This fish survived me catching him on a fly rod, THEN being eaten by a large Bass as I’m reeling him in, THEN waiting while I took pictures ha ! THEN…. I cut the bluegill from inside of the large bass and revived and released him back into the lake. This fish was caught by me and “saved” from the Jaws of Death. He now begins a new life. I’ve nicknamed him “Christian”. From now on, when I fish this lake and catch a bluegill, I’ll wonder if it’s Christian.

1 Corinthians 15:51-53 Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed- in a flash, in a twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed.

I’m not much of one to explain the end times. It’s difficult for me to explain how our souls live forever. I have to rely on my faith and trust as I walk this Christian journey.

But I know what I know. And that is this. God (picture Him using a fly rod) sent his Son Jesus to this world. Jesus, (picture the fly at the end of the line to God), Jesus lets us choose if we want Him in our lives. When we accept Jesus, and His forgiveness, His love, His way of life, (picture the Bluegill getting hooked by the fly) we have a strong connection to God. (via the fly line and fishing rod)

The devil (in this case the Bass!), comes along to consume us. He wants to kill us, to devour us. Yet this connection I have to God is so strong, that even though I’m trapped in the Jaws of Death, He steps in to “SAVE” me!

He restores my soul. He revives me. (Just like I did the bluegill). He leads me beside the still waters. Yea though I walk/swim through the valley of the shadow of death/the Bass, I will fear no evil.

Thy rod (fishing rod) and thy staff, they comfort me. Surely goodness and Mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord FOREVER! (Taken from the 23rd Psalm)

So in the simple ways of the wilderness preacher, there you have it. My definition of being “SAVED”!

Theologians, clergy, scholars, philosophers, and maybe even religious know it alls can debate, argue, and give opinions as to what it means to be saved as a Christian. Me? I’d rather be fishing. I see what I need to see from God on each cast that is made. The main reason I love to fish? Well, it’s not about catching fish.

See Ya! Dan Ainsworth wilderness preacher, ” whoa, I got another one!”

A Letter to My Newborn Grand Daughter

My Dearest Faith, (Faith Marie Ainsworth)

I’ve got to get used to calling you that. This is your Grandfather, Dan Wiley Ainsworth. You can call me Dan Dan. (I’ve got to get used to you one day calling me that.) I wanted to write you a letter and welcome you into this big, big world. It’s a lot bigger than where you’ve been dancing around the last few months. Ha! You are a pretty special young lady, I want you to know that. You are and always will be surrounded by love.

When you get older, I’m going to find out from you first hand why you waited so long to be born. Were you already showing the world that you are always going to be late for everything? …. Just like your Dan Dan! Or maybe just a little princess in the making. Your Mother was in labor for over 36 hours! Either way, there was tremendous excitement when your grandmother (Tay Tay) and I found out you were born. Over the last few days, I’ve sensed all kinds of emotions. Love, anxiety, excitement, love, hope, nervousness, longing, love, not knowing, concern,…… did I mention love? Without a doubt, baby girl you are being surrounded with love.

How would it be in this big world without love? Well, take out the love that exists in your first two days of life? Here is the above list (without the love). Anxiety, excitement, nervousness, longing, not knowing, concern…… Now throw in an extra dose of hate, divisiveness, anger, and people being mean and you have what is going on in the world around you. Not the most pleasant place to get to grow up in is it? Nope, not unless you have LOVE.

If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing. Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres…………. And now these three remain; faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. 1 Corinthians 13: 3-6, 13

My precious granddaughter, you have been blessed with some extremely loving parents. They will protect you from this unloving world. They will show you how it’s possible to love others even when it seems difficult.

As time goes by, you will learn about this Most Holy Loving God that I worship. He will give You His Love to share with others. It’s a great mystery, but well worth the adventure to follow Him.

You’ll also learn about love and how to love from your Dan Dan and Tay Tay! We can’t wait for our turn to show you love. How to love ice cream! How to love a tree swing! How to love fishing! Woohoo!

AI, (Artificial Intelligence) will be an all too common thing in your generation. While it may make things more convenient, just remember…… you have to search for the real things in life. The greatest thing in your life even now at just a couple days old? LOVE! It’s a real love! Keep this love going and growing in your life.

I’ll be behind the scenes watching as you start a life of your own. Come give me a hug. I’ll probably have something in my pocket for ya! A dollar bill, a piece of candy, a bag of cheetos. (to share of course!)

I LOVE you Faith! Signed Dan Dan wilderness preacher (stocking up on Cheetos!)