Finding Hope in God’s Beauty: A Wilderness Adventure

Seeing the Beauty in Life using God’s Enlightenment

On a cold, dreary, late winter’s day, I’m propelling my kayak towards a remote and hidden spot in the swamp. This area is one of my favorite places for a wilderness adventure because it’s so secluded and quiet. Across the bog and with the water mirroring its image, a pink colorful plant catches my eye.

What is striking to me is the color from these delicate flowers contrasted to the colors defined by the dead. The dead tree, the dead grass, the dead branches and dead limbs. Everywhere on this dull, dreary, overcast day the drab is overwhelmingly painting a gloomy scenario. Yet, planted within this dullness, this plant full of pink flowers is offering a glimmer of hope to draw me away from the humdrum . The hope that no matter the dull and colorless that is seen in this world, my focus can be on beauty. I’m being drawn to this beautiful display as if my eyes are unquestionably focused on the good, not the everyday mundane.

I steer my kayak closer and take a moment to let my senses overflow with this beauty. The locals call this plant a “Wild Azalea”. Have you ever seen one growing in the wild? The fragrance from these flowers is nothing but SWEET! The colors can only be described as vibrant and beautiful.

It makes me come alive just to be experiencing this perfect illustration of seeing beauty in a dull, dreary world.

Here’s my prayer for you and me. That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ the Father of Glory, may give to you a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of Him. I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that you will know what is the hope of His Calling, what are the riches of the Glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the surpassing greatness of His power toward us who believe. Ephesians 1: 17-19

Do you ever feel pulled into the “going through the motions” routine in your everyday life? It can feel so dull, so day to day, so normal, over and over, rinse and repeat. But there’s hope! On our Christian journeys we can know the hope of God’s calling to you. We can share in His riches of Glory! And we experience His power! All we have to do is believe.

How do you believe? Look at it like this. Don’t get “stuck in your kayak” surrounded by doom and gloom. Instead steer your kayak/your life towards that spirit of wisdom and revelation that comes from knowing God. I’ll keep praying for you to find Him. Many of you out there have found Him. I’ll pray for you that everyday you see the beauty that comes from not only knowing about God, but through Jesus Christ you will use your enlightened eyes to see the true beauty He is showing you. (even in a kayak!)

I’m not Worthy

Not Being Worthy does not come from bad following, but from no following.
Not Being Worthy does not come from bad following, but from no following!

Meet Kylo! He’s a blonde Border Collie. He’s a great dog! He loves his Masters/owners. That would be Jamie and JM, my daughter and son-in-law. They love their dog without question. Kylo loves them like no other. He is also obedient, he does what they say. He is smart, affectionate, friendly beyond measure. But,…….

But, yep you knew there had to be a but in there somewhere. We talking bout a big ole “Bertha butt”. And here it is. Kylo will go anywhere Jamie and JM are going. He wants to be WITH them no matter where. You name it and he is there with the two that he loves, and lives to follow.

BUT, he will NOT follow them into the water. He is AFRAID to swim. That means he will not follow them if he has to swim. As the picture shows, he will follow around the edge of the pond consistently keeping the shortest distance between him and the ones he loves. But he will not swim. He will pace back and forth until they bring the boat back to shore. Once his owners are back on dry land it’s like the greatest reunion and lovefest you’ve ever seen between dog and man.

If Kylo won’t overcome his fear of water, then does that means he is not following? Does it mean he is UNWORTHY? Is he is no longer wanted, no longer loved? STOP! I can’t keep writing…. This is not the truth!

Matthew 10:38 New King James Version And he who does not take up his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me.

Well, there it is in scripture. Jesus is saying if you don’t “take up your cross” then you are not worthy of Him. Understand what I’m getting at here. Take up your cross means to die to one’s self. Take up your cross means to let Jesus and His teachings of how to be a Christian be the driving force in your life. You follow Him, not your own thinking, planning, and living based solely on you and what you think is best for YOU! He becomes front and center in your life. See, if you choose to make Jesus your Lord and Savior, then you have “died” to your old self and become a new person through Him. He makes you worthy!

You get to pick. Choose to love Jesus more than everyone else—or not. Choose to die to yourself and live for Him alone—or not. To choose “not” is to become unworthy of following Him. Jesus does not declare them unworthy for following Him badly. Whoa! Say that again! You cannot say that you are unworthy because of following Him Badly! Those who will “not,” who refuse, make themselves unworthy because of their lack of complete and total commitment to Him.

There is a saying that is prevalent in religion. “God is good. I’m not. I need to get better”. That saying may be in man made rules and religion, but it’s nowhere to be found in a true relationship with Christ as a Christian. Follow, even if you’re afraid. Follow. Follow, even when you want to quit because this world is making you think you are not worthy. Follow. You are Worthy! Because of God’s Grace. Because of God’s mercy and forgiveness. You are worthy because of God’s Love! It’s nothing you’ve done. It’s because of who you are now following and what He’s done for you and me.

1 John 4:16 So we have come to know and to believe the love that God has for us. God is love, and whoever abides in love abides in God, and God abides in Him

See There? You are Worthy! Share God’s Love!

See Ya! Dan Ainsworth wilderness preacher. “Loving cause God Loves Me!”