Carving a Pumpkin Into A Christian


Birds of the Air

I feel like I’m at an airport.  This picture is showing pinion jays cruising in and out on their natural runways.  It doesn’t take long for these birds to find the food in my bird feeders.  Chickadees, jays, nuthatches, woodpeckers, red-winged blackbirds, grosbeaks, and some sparrows all come to dine at Dan and Staci’s buffet tree feeder.  Dang chipmunks and squirrels drop by as well.

They are all welcome.  It’s a joy and delight to watch these birds every morning,  Grab a cup of coffee, grab a front row seat (by the fireplace), and let the show begin.  Constant fly-ins, fly-outs, fly-bys, flying using those wonderful feathers God gave them to use.

 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?  Matthew 6:26

Hmmm…. if I just filled the bird feeders with sunflower seeds, then this can mean that God is using me to feed HIS birds !   In some small and seemingly insignificant way I’m being used by my God to fulfill His desires and His plans.  Never looked at it this way, just thought I was feeding the birds.

Maybe you have a bird feeder.  Hmmm……….maybe you have a “people feeder”.  What I’m getting at is this.  Each and everyday day you get a chance, an opportunity to help another person as they travel on their own journey.  It may seem small and insignificant….until you realize that God can use you and your “oh,it’s no big deal” opportunities…… to further His desires and His plans in other peoples lives.

Being used by God for His Purpose, His Desires, His Glory……… that’s a pretty good place to be!  It gives you a chance to bless and be blessed.  Being a part of God’s plan and handiwork is truly a desire of mine.  You and I don’t need to belittle or “shoot down” our small times of helping others.  A kind word here, a thoughtful act there, a prayer given for someone, a Christian deed done for another person,…… all gives Glory back to God!

So,……put out a “people feeder” in your spiritual journey.  Fill it with whatever “bird seed” God’s given you to share.  It might be He’s given you His love to share.  Or share some of your  kindness, faith, and hope to others in this world.  After all, Jesus was given to you and me.  We in turn can share.  Small and insignificant you may think, but in the big picture you and your activities are fitting into the plans of God.

Helping somebody with a flat tire, letting someone use your phone, cheerful words, take ’em with ya to eat, ……..just listening to someone…., I could go on and on.  These are just the “bird seeds” that this someone needed.  Look-a-there!!   Your Heavenly Father feeds the birds of the air.  He also “feeds” His children!  And,…….you get to be a part of it!!

See Ya!  Dan Ainsworth wilderness preacher