Caught Until Mercy Came Along

Poor Baby Deer got caught in the fence.  But with my phone taking pictures in one hand, and my fence cutters in the other, this little fellow is fixin’ to experience mercy from me, ………and FREEDOM!

As  I was driving to the log barn, I saw this fawn at the edge of the field.  He took off running,….. well, running like a deer.  But this time when the poor thing tried to cross the fence, he got caught.  Lord have Mercy!  Wait, maybe I can have mercy on this young deer myself.  I’ll help him escape.

“Lord have Mercy!”  That’s the second most common sayin’ in the South.  It’s almost up there with “Bless Her Heart”.  It ranks just ahead of “Hey, whatcha doin’?”   This deer is in dire need of some mercy.  He is stuck.  He is trapped, caught, unable to get away, and having the “worsest” day of his life. (That’s badder than bad there).  Lord have Mercy. 😉

Hebrews 4:16 NIV  Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.

Definitions of the word mercy:   a compassionate treatment of those in distress, it’s a kind or forgiving treatment to someone in a bad or desperate situation.

Much like this deer, I’ve been in bad situations, even desperate situations.  Just like this deer I’ve cried out!  He cried out “Baaaaaa”, as I cut the fence from around him.  I’ve cried out “Lord have mercy” even as I guess God was in a spiritual sense “cutting me free from fences”. I’m sure you yourself have been caught a time or two.  Did you approach God for His mercy?  I’m betting you did like this deer and kept trying to get out of the situation all on your own.  We struggle and struggle to get out and away, all on our own too many times.  Lord have Mercy!

So take some advice from this deer.  Approach God, allow Him to approach you when you are trapped “in your fence”.  Accept this mercy and grace from above.  We don’t deserve it, but God is more than willing to give to us.  Lord have mercy…….. and thank you Lord.

PS  The baby deer was not hurt in any way (except maybe its pride), just lost a little hair.

See Ya!  Dan Ainsworth wilderness preacher, part time hero for a baby deer

It’s Meant To Be……… Or Is It?

Are you one of those “good folks” that something bad has happened to?  It certainly is difficult for us to understand how bad things happen to good people.  It’s certainly not fair, and it causes us to question what and why something is going on.  It does me anyway.

My son Jordan, asked me the other day if anything had ever happened in my life that wasn’t meant to be?  Whoa!  That’s a deep question.  I mean, everything happens for a reason, right?  But is everything meant to be?  My answer is yes,……. I think……. well,……. maybe,……. it depends,……..OK, I’m not really sure.

“It’s meant to be” can be used by any of us to describe what is happening in our lives right now.  It also could be used as an excuse.  “It’s meant to be”, so why bother trying to change anything.  “It’s meant to be” can be used to motivate and give us determination to proceed with an activity we are pursuing in our lives.  “It’s meant to be” can be used to deal with any and every situation.  Whether it’s to have this guy as a boyfriend, or whether this girl is my soulmate, in my mind, “it’s meant to be” will ultimately play a role in how things work out.

But is this “it’s meant to be” mindset actually talking about fate, or destiny, or God’s Will for and in my life?  This question is a big ‘un” isn’t it?

I have a friend dealing with a disease that has changed his life.  “Meant to be”??? or just bad luck.  I have another good friend that is battling cancer.  Surely this is not meant to be.  Just a “bump in the road” right?  What about my buddy that’s having a career change but it’s not by his choosing?  Oh well, guess it’s “meant to be”.

What about you?  Everything that is happening in your world right now meant to be?

I’m genuinely seeking an answer.  (Send me a private message we’ll talk just me and you.)  My Christian friends like to say that it’s God’s Will.  All things come together for the Glory of God.   My less religious and “let’s be practical” buddy would probably say, “Hey @#&* happens!”

But my son asked me a question.  So here is what I think (and truly believe).  Is everything that happens in my life meant to be?  Yes.

Whew that was easy, I answered the question.  What is not easy is understanding the question and also understanding the answer.

Trust the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding.  In all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight.  Proverbs 3:5-6

I believe that everything happens for a reason.  I live by this belief.  Living in my faith is my choice.  It’s better than “dying” in my doubts.

I believe it was meant to be for my son to ask me the question, “Is everything in your life that happens “meant to be”?

I believe this has caused me to search (and ask God) for an answer.

I believe this caused me to hear my preacher at our local church Sunday Morning.  What I heard was this…… “we put too much faith in our doubts, and we put too much doubt in our faith.”

I believe this caused me to trust in my God even more…. to not rely on my own ability to think, but to “submit” and talk it over with God.

I believe that my friends are all right.  I believe that God’s Will is the ultimate and that along this Earthly way, @#&* happens also.

I believe in the phrase “It’s meant to be”.  I may misuse it as an excuse, I may selfishly use it to try to get things that Dan wants.  I may use the phrase totally because I can’t think of a rational reason for something happening.  It may come across as a “cop out” because I can’t explain my belief in God and Jesus and this Christian walk.  Being able to explain is not that important, being able to live a meaningful life is.

My belief is “meant to be” in a God who forgives, loves, and chooses to live inside of each and everyone of us.  My belief is that it is “meant to be” for you to allow God to be with you no matter what bad has happened.  When  God is by your side, (and in your heart), this phrase, “it’s meant to be” takes on a new meaning.

I also believe that it was “meant to be” for you to read this.  Something pulled you here to give you this opportunity to take one step  closer to God.  Curiosity, a desire of your own, or God’s Holy Spirit Himself……. something caused you to read this.  Or was it just “meant to be”?  What do you think?

See Ya!!

Dan Ainsworth  wilderness preacher