Beyond the Horizon

As a man of the mountains, I must admit that there is something about the ocean that draws us in.  The vastness, the beauty, the mystery, all give a glory to the sight before me.  The rhythm of the waves add a calming effect as well.  The sand goes forever.  Early mornings give an opportunity to explore (new sea shells) and have a quiet time.

How, why, when, ….. lots of questions pop into my mind during this quiet time alone with God.  As calming as the waves and the view, there is a part of me that gets troubled. The part of me is also the part of you that says, “How can my difficulties be solved, why do bad things happen to good people (me and you), when will you God come and restore calm to a trying, difficult time.

Seems like the world is on purpose trying to create chaos.  Everyone, I mean everyone is out to prove their way of thinking is right, and what makes it worse, if you disagree then you are WRONG,WRONG,WRONG!!  Politics.  Whew, Let’s don’t even go there.  Let’s go back to the sea.


For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord
    as the waters cover the sea.  Habakkuk 2:14

Habakkuk?…..That’s in the Bible?….Yep, a minor prophet that doesn’t get much attention.  But he has got a lot in common with me and you.  See, he talks with God, even asks Him why do bad things happen.  In Habakkuk’s eyes, God is a Holy, Loving, Righteous, and Good God.  With all of God’s mighty power, Habakkuk wonders aloud why God would allow things to happen as they do.

What is so amazing to me about Habakkuk?  He never gets to fully realize God’s plan.  He definitely doesn’t understand about all the hate and hurt in the world, and yet,….. and yet, he fully trusts His God to remain in charge.  In charge of this whole world.  In charge of him.

I think I’ll join in that way of thinking.  While I will never understand why things are the way they are, I will continue to “talk with” and even question my God as to why. I will live like Habakkuk lived.  See, he had a lot of doubts about the ways of the world.  Even had doubts about how he himself lived.  He talked with God about these doubts.  BUT, he never let these doubts rob him of a true living relationship with his God.  May your journey (even though filled with doubts) be one of mystery and awe.

With all the doubts surrounding him, Habakkuk never doubted God!  Bam!  Now that’s how to live there.

See Ya!  Dan Ainsworth wilderness preacher, part time Beach Bum