Nothing to Worry About

Let’s learn a lesson from these birds.  They DON’T worry!

Where will their food come from?  Well the last few days they have dined at the “All You Can Eat Buffet Outside Dan and Staci’s Window”.  The bird feeder for short.  It’s finally turned cold here in Mississippi, but the birds continue to thrive.  Where will they stay?  They find perches and roosts in shelters provided by trees and shrubs.  Notice though, that they do work, they do hustle, they are full of activity to continue living their lives.  They also are BEING what God has created them to be.

What are they not doing?  Sitting on the couch watching “I love Lucy” or maybe watching “Keeping up with the whoevers”.  What I’m saying is that they are not watching the world go by, waiting on a handout.  If my feeder goes empty, or my dancing cat decides to stay too close to the feeder, they move on.  They search for their next meal.  If you yourself can be classified as a “hard-working, and honest” citizen, then you can relate to them.

Your situation may sometimes change.  Job changes, health reasons, weather, and many more reasons are out there that affect your hard working and honest attempts at keeping the food on the table.  That’s when you feel as if your “feeder has gone empty or a stupid cat of some kind has taken over your activities”.

Matthew 6:25-34 (NIV)  Do Not Worry     25 “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? 26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27 Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?

Don’t worry. Easier said than done, right?  Those bills need paying, right?  But what the scripture is telling us here is that worrying doesn’t help one bit.  It actually harms.  It allows those doubt monsters to come in.  It allows the”what ifs” to come between you and God.  Things that can become even more harmful than the “cats” that cause problems in your life in the first place.

You are valuable to your Heavenly Father.  Very valuable.  It’s not because of who you are.  It’s because of who HE is!

I enjoy the beauty of these birds.  I’m in joy over the fact that God considers you and me valuable to Him.

See Ya!   Dan Ainsworth wilderness preacher, bird whisperer


When Mama Ain’t Happy ……………

Funny how such a small thing can cause a rift the size of the Grand Canyon between a loving and happy husband and wife.  In other words, we have a mouse.  Get rid of IT!  Cause if Mama ain’t happy,……… ain’t nobody happy.

Staci (Mama) was in our shop in the garage.  First of all, she shouldn’t have been in there.  It’s my man cave.  I keep all my tools there.  Also it’s where the bird feed and cat food bags are stored.  She was in there I guess looking for somewhere to put the last of the Christmas decorations.  And that’s when she saw the little fellow.  He came wigglin’ out between the cat food and bird food bags.  That girl can run!  She came in the house ranting/yelling/hollerin/ telling me in no uncertain terms that there was a mouse in the shop and that I needed to do something about it.

Silence……… Then I did it.  I said it.  “Sure honey, I’ll fix a little cardboard box for the cute little squeaky to live in.  That way he won’t have to worry about our cat.”  “Mama” then proceeds to describe this tiny creature as something you would see in those Zombie movies.  Fangs, claws, teeth and a horrendous tail.  I commented that the cat should be able to take care of this “Zombie” Rat.  She commented that the cat was worthless as a mouse catcher.  Stupid Cat!   Silence……. Then I did it.  I said it.  “Baby, don’t worry about a little mouse.  He won’t hurt anything.  What are you getting so bent out of shape about.  Here, have a snickers!”…………………………………….

Now, I’m in the doghouse.  The cat’s in the doghouse.  The dog…….. the dog is in Mama’s lap eating popcorn while they watch a movie on TV.  I on the other hand have been sent on a mission to rid our property, all 43 acres, of any and all varmints.  Stupid cat, it’s your fault.  Stupid me, it’s my fault.  Stupid mouse. It’s on now.

Traps are set.  Feed bags are tied up and put in Tupperware containers. But the rift has been created and I’m not sure what will lead to a successful outcome to this catastrophic event for “Mama”.   I actually catch one. I  consider this a success.  Mission accomplished.  The cat and I are celebrating and dancing.  Hive fives and paws.  I bust in the house with the good news.  We Got Him!

But this is for “Mama”.  When you “solve” the first problem, i.e. catching the mouse, you  hear this.  “I bet there’s more where he came from.  They are probably even in the house.”  ” Go set more traps…. and quit jumping around dancing with the cat“.

Silence………. Then I did it. I said it.   I said “Yes M’am.”  Hey I’m getting smarter.  Smarter than that stupid cat anyways.

Ephesians 4:2,3  Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.  Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.

When mama or daddy, or brother, or sister, ain’t happy…….. could this be an opportunity for you?  An opportunity for you to put forth a little effort to keep this unity of the Spirit going in the right direction.  Better than allowing a rift to develop.  I’ve noticed that lot’s of times when something trivial turns into a big problem, it’s because other trivial problems have built up inside.  I’ve noticed that in others because I’ve noticed that in me.

Let me challenge you to make an effort to keep the peace.  Go out of your way sometimes to help someone in their situations.  And learn to say “Yes M’am”.

p.s.  Sweet potatoe fries make a good mouse bait.  Caught 4……  Mission Accomplished……….Mama’s happy……. “Yes Ma’m”

See Ya!    Dan Ainsworth  wilderness preacher, log cabin builder, successful trapper

The Power of Prayer………. It’s In The Promise

I buried a great friend of mine a couple of days ago.  We prayed long and hard as he battled his illness.  Now, some of my friends who are filled with doubts about all this spiritual “stuff” are saying to themselves, “See, praying doesn’t do any good.”  They don’t understand……… and neither do I.

I don’t understand.  In most peoples’ mind, you pray to God because you want something.  That’s true, but I pray to my God because I want something more.  I pray so that I can become “ALIVE”.  Praying is a two way street.  It’s talking to God, even asking Him for things.  But even more, it’s listening to God……. actually hearing from Him.  A living relationship with a living God, that’s what I want.

But, I still don’t understand.  I can relate to my atheist and agnostic buddies out there.  They don’t believe in the power of prayer because they don’t understand it.  I prayed for healing, physical healing.  It didn’t happen, so prayer doesn’t work.  That’s what they are thinking.  They understand that.   My friends who have doubts coming out the Wazoo about anything spiritual also don’t understand the power of prayer.  Ask ye shall receive, right?  They (and maybe you) don’t see this power of prayer either.

Have I shared that I don’t understand?  I pray to a Living God for things that may never happen.  I pray for friends and their situations knowing that the outcome may stay the same.  We Christians always say “not my will, but God’s will”.  Doubters and unbelievers see this as a cop out.  I see this as more of what I don’t understand.  Jesus Himself prayed for things that He didn’t get.  It wasn’t in God’s will.  Yet the strong relationship between the Father and the Son was maintained a lot of times through prayer.

John 11:25  I am the resurrection and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live. 

Jesus said this.  I don’t have to understand.  Jesus said it.  All I got to do is believe it.  The power of prayer is in the promise from Him.  My friend is physically dead.  But,  he is alive spiritually.  We will talk again in a short while.  I don’t have to understand, thank God.  I just have to believe.  Thank God.

I don’t understand the beauty of a sunset, or the love and affection given me from a  dog.  I don’t understand the love of a woman to her child, or the beauty from the sound of birds singing.  I don’t understand what makes a joke funny.  But folks, if I spend all my energy that my brain can muster up to understand these things, then I don’t get to LIVE in these moments.  Rather than understand I’m choosing to live.  I’m choosing to hear the birds sing, feel the dog’s tongue licking my face, laugh at the joke and actually live in the moment rather than trying to figure out all these things.  That’s not a cop out, that’s becoming alive.  Rather than understand this power of prayer, I choose to believe in the promise.  He that believeth in me…….

Praying to my Heavenly Father is much more than asking for things.  It’s much more than walking into a candy store and saying I want this,this, and this.  It’s an everyday experience to grow and stay close to God.  It’s more like walking the “whole main street of Life” with a Holy companion right beside me leading me. It’s a journey.  A journey where you are not alone in life’s situations.

What about you?  Are you alive?  Can you say that you are living in the moment?  Don’t let your doubts and lack of understandings rob you of a beautiful sunset.  Don’t let the fears and doubts take away from a “becoming alive” while here on Earth.  I see too many people walking around who are really and truly “DEAD”.  The power  and promise that took my friend to heaven is also the power and promise that can turn your “dead” days into “Living” days.

My God is Alive!  My friend in Heaven is Alive!  By the grace of God even in this dead and dying world, I am Alive!

More on having a strong prayer life to come in the next few weeks.

See Ya!   Dan Ainsworth wilderness preacher, praying for myself and you