Happy Year of New

Happy Year of New

Happy Year of New   Celebrating and shooting fireworks with the family!

Well Happy New Year!!!   Or better yet, Happy Year of New!!!

Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. 2 Corinthians 5:17

We’ve just celebrated Christmas.  I’m rejoicing over the fact that God sent His Son for everyone including me and you.  He came to BE with us two thousand years ago.  He came to BE with us today.  He will continue to BE with us forever.   Oh yeah, you have to BE in Christ as well.  To Be or not to Be, that is the question.

By choosing to be in Christ, you have made the decision to live your life because of, for, and with Jesus.  It’s a spiritual thing, so it’s not easily understood.  It’s more of a Being in life than it is a doing of life.  That’s why I love this scripture.  It gives me meaning to what I’m being and doing while here on this Earth.  Accepting the Christian way of life allows you to see/live/be using God as your compass.  As a Christian you view people more from the inside than what they show on the outside.  You view your hard times and difficult journeys with the knowledge that Christ is right there with you.  You have hope.  You have joy.  You have a realization that EVERYTHING that you face both good and bad is to be experienced from a totally different point of view.  A NEW view.  It’s not like the world looks at things.  It’s not like how you looked at things even in your past.  This new view of life and how you see yourself is from God.  It’s a way of life that has been designed by God Himself.  A way of life that ultimately gives the Glory of your life, (yes you have a glory of your own), to honor and give glory to God up above.

There are copycats out there that want you to do as they do.   Positive thinking, meditation, sacrificial living, religious activities, etc., etc., but friends aren’t these all things activities that you DO?  They may be fine and dandy, but I want MORE out of life.  I WANT MORE!!!  I want to BE what God has created me to BE!  I want to be that new creature that gets to live/see/BE my own life.  I choose to use God as my Compass.

A friend, (shout out to Gary!), gave me a compass as a gift this Christmas.  That made my day!!  This compass will remind me to keep on course, the true course.  God Himself gives us a gift of all things becoming new.  All Things!!!  That just made my year!

So how can you truly live? Live by not just doing as a Christian, but BEING a Christian.  How?  This age old hymn says it best:

When we walk with the Lord in the Light of His Word, what a glory He sheds on our way!

while we do His good will, He abides/lives with us still, and with all who will trust and obey.

Trust and obey, for there’s no other way, to BE happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.

See Ya!

Dan Ainsworth  wilderness preacher, celebrating the year of NEW!


It’s Gone, now I can really Celebrate Christmas!

There was a lot of junk and bad, rotten stuff in my barn.  So, I cleaned it out!  It’s made Christmas time even more special to me.

Why clean out my barn?  Because, I’m getting ready to fill it with logs for my new log house that I’m building with my own hands, (and help from friends and the Good Lord).  Lots of old pallets, old rotten wood, pieces of junk are now piled into a fire.  I was surprised at all the trash that had collected in my barn over the years.  Lots of memories are being thrown into the fire as well.

Actually in my own special personal way, it’s turned into a worship service.  I’m rummaging through all the stuff and find things that have a good meaning and memories to me.  Memories of family events, things Staci and I did,……. there’s something the kids would want.  I place these items back in the barn in one of the storage containers.  Thank you Lord for these reminders.

But..…. I also come across some rubbish that reminds me of bad events in my life.  Times when I was not Being what God has created me to be.  Things that came between me and my God.  I call that sin.  I throw these reminders into the fire. Thank you Lord for these reminders that are now NO MORE.   Forever gone.  Burn baby burn!!! 

Psalm 103:11-12Good News Translation (GNT)11 As high as the sky is above the earth,
    so great is his love for those who honor him.12 As far as the east is from the west,
    so far does he remove our sins from us.

For unto you is born this day a Saviour.  Well, there you go.  Christmas is about celebrating the birth of MY Saviour.  Why he came in a manger, a bright star, shepherds, wise men, angels, all that seems strange doesn’t it?  He loves us enough that he also removes our sins as far as sunrise is to sunset.  They are gone.  Burned up.  NO MORE!  Rejoice, celebrate, Merry Christmas.

Maybe you need to clean your barn/HEART from all the rubbish and rotten stuff that may have collected over the years.  Shucks, turn it into a special private worship service between you and God.  Hey, why don’t you actually build a fire and throw your sins into the fire to forever be gone.  That piece of wood can represent when you weren’t being what God designed you to be. That piece of paper you are burning can represent those things that may have come between you and God.  It’s called sin, remember?  Get rid of it.

Brother,……sister……I’m writing this from the heart.  Get rid of the guilt and hurt as well.  You know what you did.  God does too.  But when you ask for forgiveness, God takes it away. It’s gone.  He no longer sees it.  If you still dwell on it, this guilt and anxiety is coming between you and your Saviour.  That’s sin remember?  Throw this into the fire as well.  BURN, BABY, BURN.

WooHoo!  That’s a fire and a half there.  All that stuff is burning up to nothing.  Thanks be to my Saviour.   Time now to celebrate.  Pass the marshmellows.

Merry Christmas my friends.  Continue on this journey of yours.  You are doing this on your own.  You will also have friends along the way(count me in!).  But you also have your Lord and Saviour riding with you.  Now that He’s burned your sins away, He’s even more REAL and the REAL reason to celebrate Christmas!

See Ya!  Dan Ainsworth wildernesspreacher, log home builder, real Christmas party person


Until the day I die, as for me and my LOG house……….

The cabin in the background was built by me 30 years ago.  I told 100 people back then that I was going to build it myself. Ninety five of those people told me “you can’t build a log cabin”, “you don’t know what your doing”, “you’re not strong enough” and on and on. Those people were right except for the “can’t ” part.  Well, I showed them didn’t I?

See, I didn’t know what I was doing, I wasn’t strong enough.  However…….., God gave me a talent of being able to read a book, and use this for learning…. always learning.  From a book I learned how to move 1200 pound logs with ropes and pulleys by literally using one hand.  There is no such word as can’t.  Say it with me out loud…..There is no such word as CAN”T!

It’s surprising to me that this cabin was built 30 years ago.  Not surprising that it was built, but that it’s now been 30 years.  Lots of great memories, family times, and most definitely a spiritual place for me.  Why did I build it?  Well, the challenge was there.  I needed to prove to myself that I could do it.  (And yes, I wanted to prove to all those who said “I can’t”).  But the main driving force was this.  I needed something physical to show what my spiritual being was about.  The cabin has been my passion, my love for the outdoors, my desire to build it myself, the beginnings of wilderness preacher. All these traits in my life came from my Lord up above.  I used them for my own life, but at the same time to give honor and Glory to God.  It’s called serving Him.  It has been rewarding.  How?  By allowing my spiritual being trapped in this body to actually make me “feel alive“.  That’s why there is a cabin in my life.  I wanted to “feel alive” before I die.

So, what passions, desires, motivations, or yearnings does your spiritual being want You and Your physical body to do and/or be before you die?….. Well,…….Ah…… You don’t have any?  Then you’re already dead.  Sorry to be as blunt as a grizzly bear attack, but “you dead!”  Spiritually, you’re dead.  Now you’re just waiting on your physical body to catch up.

……… Choose whom you will serve……. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. Joshua 24:15

Joshua wrote this to make a stand.  He was now on old warrior.  But he wanted all the people to know that EVERYTHING he is, owned or had influence with would be serving the Lord.  Now that’s commitment.  That’s taking a powerful stand.

Back to you now with those passions, desires, motivations, and yearnings.  You go find out from your spiritual “heart and soul” what it takes for you to come “alive”.  With God’s help live this way until you die whether it’s 3 days, 33 weeks, or 35 more years!!  Your passion may be your children, your garden, your guitar.  Your desires may be to help others, to build something.  Your motivations may be with charities and church.  Your yearnings may be to read the Bible, to connect with other Christian warriors.  Any and all of these will cause you and your physical being to “come alive” in  a way that is only brought on by the spiritual.

Over these past thirty years my hair has thinned and grayed.  I’m getting old….. like Joshua.  I am a Christian warrior….Hey, like Joshua.  OK, Joshua and I have got something else goin’.  I’m joining him to make a stand.  Everything I am, all I own, and whatever influence I may have with others I will do and be so that I can serve the Lord. I make this commitment before you my friends.

How do you serve the Lord? By becoming “alive”! Take those passions and yearnings that’s been given to you by God and use them to Honor and Glorify God!  That’s serving God Joshua style! What about you? Can you be a Joshua or a Joshuette?

What’s next for me as the wilderness preacher?  Well ONE of the things that my physical body will be doing  to give  more spiritual meaning and insights to me is to build a new log house.  Why you say?  I’m already hearing the “can’t ” crowd as I share my plans.  “You can’t build a log house, you’re too old, it won’t be good enough, why bother”, etc, etc.  Oh yeah, expect to hear from the “Can’t crowd” as you pursue your own passions, desires, and yearnings.

Choose this day who you will serve (the Can’t Crowd?), but as for me and my LOG house we will serve the Lord!!!!!!

1st log to be cut and the model of the log house

1st log to be cut and the model of the log house

See Ya!    Dan Ainsworth wildernesspreacher, log home builder