A New Year, A New Friendship with an Old Friend

A friend of mine gave me this knife for a Christmas present about 12 years ago.  Funny how time flies by so fast.  Back then we were busy taking our children to ballgames, school events, birthday parties, activities, on and on.  Seems like my friend and I saw each other on a weekly basis, if not daily.  I have fond memories of coaching city league baseball, gathering the families together just to eat pizza or a hamburger, even taking Scout trips to some place in the woods, (while wearing headphones so we could listening to Miss State football).  We would get our families together and share a time for Christmas.  That’s how I got this knife.

Funny, how over time we hardly see each other now.  Our children are grown.  Our paths in life don’t cross as much nowadays.  We see each other at life events; a wedding, a funeral of a family member, or an occasional chance meeting at a local store.  Is there a friendship still in existence between us?  I say “yes, there is!”  But, just like the knife he gave me, it needs to be continuously sharpened.  Having friends requires a “sacrifice” of our time.  And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices, God is pleased.  Hebrews13:16

So, my old friend, let’s start a new “sharpened” friendship.  We may not meet at the ball field every night like we use to.  Now, it may be around a campfire talking about past adventures, and planning new adventures.  Our sharpened friendship may now consist of just staying in touch more often.  Since I’m realizing that this spiritual journey is not a “God and me”, but a “God and we” adventure, it makes me realize that God himself puts people in my life to help me and sustain me.  How do they do this?  Just by being my friend!

What about you?  Are there friendships that you have that need to be sharpened!  Without a doubt, the devil and his forces do whatever is necessary to break up our friendships.  Through misunderstandings, lack of time, disagreements, just people being people, our friendships that God Himself brought into our lives may get “dulled and unworkable” Ever tried to use a dull knife?  Ever tried to keep a “dulled, tedious friendship”?

Don’t wait on your friend.  You do the sharpening on your friendship. For with such “sacrifices”, God is pleased.


Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Adventurous Year

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Well, the year is about over my friends.  I couldn’t and wouldn’t do this blog without YOU!  I want to get to know all of you even more this coming year. From my family and friends who have been with me for years, to you online readers that have become my friend over the past months.  From you guys in Colorado, Michigan, Washington, New Jersey and 15 other states.  From all ya’ll in Mississippi,  From you that read this from Brazil, Mexico, Spain, and 10 other countries so far. Continue to travel with me on this spiritual journey.

I sense a great need in friendship from my readers.  As we all travel this journey, we do need to realize that there are others traveling with us as well.  Our Lord and Saviour has blessed each of us by promising to be with us every step of the way.   What have I learned from this past year?  My journey is not just a God and me trip, but a God and we adventure.  This includes YOU!

I want to personally hear from each of you.  Send me an email   danainsworth@wildernesspreacher.com  I want to know what your interests are.  I want to know what you are facing this coming year in your own spiritual journey.

What will the wilderness preacher be doing this year?  Sharing, lots of sharing.  There will be several weeks of fishing this summer with families at Horn Creek Christian Camp, Colorado.  (They asked me if I would volunteer to help take families fishing………duh….YEAH!).  Fishing adventures with folks back in Mississippi are planned.  Several hiking trips, a few ATV rides, hunting expeditions, campouts, campfires under the stars, white water rafting, and just sittin’ back drinking coffee with friends are all in store for the year 2015 (and possibly another journey requiring a passport to another country sshhhh)  All of this with you being invited to come along.  Whether some of you actually get to enjoy the adventures with me personally, or whether you get to live them with us by reading online,  we will continue on this spiritual journey seeking God and living our life as He has created us to be!  See Ya!  Dan Ainsworth


God showed you His plans and you did what???

We constantly pray to God for direction, guidance, help to do the right thing.  But what happens when He gives us help from above and we deep down choose not to take it?

Picture this.  This pond is basically a mud hole.  It was designed to be a watering hole for the cows.  But, because of a lack of rain lately, it’s drying up.  Not much water is left.   I noticed that there are a few fish swirling in the muddy water.  Now, I have a plan.

I take a seine (large net) and surround what’s left of the watering hole.  As I pull the net out of the water, 4 grown bass jump over the net escaping(in their eyes) what ever is before them.  BAD MOVE, this pond will be dried up in a few days.

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

How many times do we “jump the net” God is  using to move us along on His plans for us.  Just like those fish that “jumped the net” to get away, we do things thinking that this will better our situation.  It’s almost when I think for myself,  that’s when trouble comes around.  Everyday decisions, all the way up to life changing decisions, we think we know best don’t we?  I truly believe God gives us a “good head on our shoulders” to think with.  But God sometimes uses supernatural ways to move us along on our journey (think seines/nets).  We don’t understand (cause it supernatural, duh) so we’re afraid to go.  We pray for divine wisdom, supernatural guidance, being led by an omnipotent God.  Aw man, when it happens we get scared and “jump the net”.  More comfortable where we are……….and slowly the pond dries up.

I like the way a friend of mine is living his Christian journey.  Instead of twiddlin’ his fingers waiting on understanding from the Lord, he is chasing the mystery of God!

The fish that I caught in the seine are being carried to a large 8 acre spring fed lake.  They got it made now! (Stay tuned to see what plans they will follow to prosper!)

My plans for you... to prosper

My plans for you… to prosper