Take a break. Have a drink. with Verse

Let’s Take a Break!  Have a drink!

A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.  Proverbs 11: 25 NIV

When traveling on our journeys, it’s refreshing to take a break.  Stop hiking to rest.  There’s nothing as refreshing as a cup of cool clear mountain creek water.  Still, I filter this water to prevent any unwanted bugs or bacteria.  I’m betting though, that this water (even unfiltered) is probably cleaner than what comes from your faucet!

Back to taking a break……….. mmmmm……mmmm…mm.  That’s some good water!  Hiking can really give you a thirst.

This spiritual journey can really give you a thirst.  Take the time to sloooooow down as you travel.  Let God refresh you with His Word, His Love, and His Presence in your life.  If you journey wide open, never stopping, constantly going and going, you’ll get fatigued.  Those “water breaks” are meant to refresh, restore, renew.  Drink up!

If God has suddenly told you “take a break, have a drink” as you travel WITH Him, then STOP.  Take a break.  Life is not a race …. but indeed a journey.  And while you’re at it, share what God refreshes you with.  If it’s a cold drink of water, let others know you got some to give.  Maybe on this step on your Christian path, He gave an extra cup of love, or patience, or understanding.  While you have stopped, look around.  I bet you see someone who needs that extra cup you were given.  Well, refresh others.  There you go.  Another step in being a Christian.  Ready, Let’s go.

Climbing over your Difficulties

Climbing  Boulders

A good friend of mine shared a dream he had about traveling through boulders.  It sounded scary to me.  He questioned whether he was to go around the boulders, over them, or maybe avoid them all together.

Well, I had to actually cross some boulders to get to where the fish were.    I found a great high mountain lake in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains.  The only place the cutthroat trout were feeding was at the bottom of 15 foot boulders.  God has a sense of humor.  He knows that I am afraid of heights.  But, He knows I have a passion for fishing.  With the trout feeding below me (you can see them swimming in the video), I forgot all about boulders, the distance that I was above the water, my fear of this height, and everything else in this world. I just forgot about everything. My focus is on the fish. I’m a mountain lion fixin’ to pounce on my prey.

Fish ON!!! Was God laughing?  No doubt.  If anybody had been around they would have been rolling.  I’m scrunching and sliding and booty-scootin’ across those boulders.  My rear end is holdin’ on like a clamshell.  My toes are curled.  My fingers are monkey grabbin’ (Oh well, so much for me comparing myself to an agile mountain lion.)

Deep down, in spite of my human frailties and fears, I kept my eyes on the fish.  Carefully, (and awkwardly) I placed my feet where they would safely hold me up.  It’s 15 feet high guys. Give me a break!    I got my fish, eased away from the boulders, and resumed “being” a mtn lion again.

Your turn………. Do you face boulders in your everyday life?  Obstacles that you aren’t sure whether to go around, over, or maybe avoid them altogether?  Have you ever thought that God allows these boulders to be in our path so that He, and you can see just how much you want something.  Your “fish” might be a new friendship, a new beginning, a better way for your family, more Realness in your life.  And those dad’ gum boulders get in the way.  A scripture that goes along with boulder crossing is Proverbs 4:25…….. Let your eyes look straight ahead (at your fish) .  Focus on the passions God has given you.  Not on the “worthless” distractions (those big, bad boulders).  I hope you skin your knees and cut your elbows, (I have).  That way you’ll know you are crossing boulders and NOT getting stuck in your tracks.  (continued in verse of the week    Click on that tab)

Climbing over your Difficulties/ with Verse

Proverbs 4:25-26 New International Version (NIV)

25 Let your eyes look straight ahead;
    fix your gaze directly before you.
26 Give careful thought to the paths for your feet
    and be steadfast in all your ways.

What difficulties are you facing?  What is it that you are trying to reach?  We either get stuck because of our fears, or just as bad, we jump head long into a situation, full steam ahead, damn the torpedoes.  If we actually fall, or the fear to fall itself overwhelms us, the results are the same.  We see boulders and CAN’T get the fish.

Study God’s word here.  Don’t just read it, dwell in it…….Live this Scripture.  Make it Come Alive!!!  “Let your eyes look straight ahead”.  What’s God saying here?  Focus on Him. Focus on the passions, desires, and abilities that He has given you.

“Give careful thought to the paths for your feet.”  Whether its providing for your family, reaching out to a new friend, opportunities at your job, obstacles in your marriage, place your feet by thinking about those passions, desires, and abilities God gave you.  Hey, you’re human.  It may feel awkward as you “butt crawl” over those boulders of life.  Those awkward moments at work, in your marriage, with family, friends, yourself, etc., etc.  By keeping your eyes looking straight ahead you see the goal you’re after.  Then you don’t pay the awkward “butt crawlin’” of your life any mind. ( I hope you wear out the back side of your jeans!)