2 Timothy 1:7 verse for The Guide

JourneyQuest guide 'Deniece'

   For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.  2 Tim 1 :7

I lived that verse yesterday.  Meet my guide, Deniece.  She was full of energy,( love that Native American ‘yell’ she has).  She guided us down the Arkansas River here in Colorado.  She helped us, gave commands as how and when to paddle, shared in life’s experiences, and showed concern when one of our boat riders became a swimmer!  She laughed, sang, and truly was part of our journey.

She reminded me so much of …………. My Spiritual Guide, Jesus!    He shows us through His Holy Spirit that He is full of energy, guides, helps, gives us commands.  He shares, and shows concern for you and me when we “fall out of the boat”.  I don’t know about you, but my Jesus laughs, sings with me, and is truly a part of my journey.

Deniece, keep on with your witness. (yelling  AAYYAAYYAAYYAAYAAYAAYAA!!)

Do you know any guides in your Journey that are examples of Jesus and His Christian ways.  Let me hear from you.  Share in the comments.

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