2 Timothy 1:7 Are those “claws” sharp?

2 Timothy 1:7

21st Century King James Version (KJ21)

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

ow lbeak and talons

Am I afraid of those sharp talons and beaks that my falconry birds possess?  No, but there is a great deal of respect given to them.  Using a sound mind (learning about these tools, understanding of the hawk and owls, knowledge of how and when they use these talons) helps lessen the fear and grow the respect.


Am I afraid of the internet?  No, but using a sound mind (learning how this reaches people, sorting wrong from right, understanding how this source of communication can bring Glory to God) helps lessen the fears and grows the respect.

What tools are you using to carry you further on your Christian Journey?  The Bible, prayer, reliable sources on the internet, everyday situations, all provide a way to grow closer to God.

Use these tools.  But stay SHARP!

Did I overlook a tool you use on your Christian journey?  Leave a comment.


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